Sunday, December 7, 2014

Winter Whites

It is a quiet morning here and I am watching the sun come up and melt the blanket of fog that eerily looms over our part of the world.  Soon the birds will appear outside and pick and choose from the winter bounty available in our yard.  A fat Blue Jay is a new visitor and he seems to fancy the bird bath that is filled with fresh rain water.  My Scottie, Duhgall, is nestled up next to me and a steaming cup of Major Dickenson’s French Roast has been poured in my mega white coffee mug and waits for me to savor.  I love quiet mornings.  Hubby and I are catching up on a Madam Secretary show that we missed.  Soon I will be heading over to help a friend make her home beautiful with her Christmas collections.

The house feels cozy with the Christmas lights twinkling and a Christmas candle fills the air with a beautiful scent of orange and cloves.  Low lights shine in the dining room that plays host to the white Belsnickle Santas, vintage deer and some of my round faced old clocks. The painting behind the deer adds for a backdrop for the Winter land scene.  I like using paintings as a backdrop for a vignette.  An old loving cup, with beautiful details of flowers on the base, holds a small little Charlie Brown tree.  Toping the dining table is a carved Swan that is nesting in a stack of wood dough bowls.  The room feels very serene and it is one of my favorite rooms in our little home.


I spied the first bird just now.  Looks like a few more are showing up now.  Time for breakfast!

Hope your day is beautiful and full of wonder!


  1. I agree that this room has a serene feel. The swan is a beauty, the old appearing Santas, and all of your pieces.

  2. Beautiful! Enjoy your coffee and your day. I'm heading out to a historic home tour. :)

  3. Love all of your vintage ornaments! I need to pop over and shop at your house! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I love that room! It just looks so cozy and loved.

  5. What a pretty post to read on an Advent Sunday. I had a morning similar before going to church and cleaning up breakfast dishes and doing tasks has kept me busy since.

    Your Christmas Winter Whites look gorgeous = your vintage pieces in that awesome cabinet are preciously perfect.

    It's a wonderful look! Love it!

  6. This room is so very serene Becky. Beautiful with the little Santas and old paintings :>)

  7. Sooo pretty! I love your old cupboard filled with your vintage treasures, Becky!

  8. Very nice Becky, just lovely! Blessings

  9. What a beautiful room. So warm and cozy looking. A perfect place to be in the mornings.


  10. Calm and peaceful...and such a lovely room! I really love the mirror on the wall...that whole corner is beautiful!
    Never thought to put my swan inside a bowl...I like that look a lot!!

    I also like Madam Secretary a lot!! :)

  11. Beautiful Becky, just beautiful. The way you display it to the way you write about it, it's just beautiful. Can I come drink coffee too? 😃

  12. Elsie, just say when! I'll put on a pot! xxoo

  13. Oh, this just made me want to stop by and seep some coffee with you, too! Love that show, but I kept missing it watching PBS. Looking forward to the reruns. Who ever says that?
    May your holidays be merry and bright!

  14. Wonderful room! I love the calming look and natural feel to it. Just lovely. Kit

  15. Your house looks lovely! I always think there is nothing like twinkling lights to cozy up a house!

  16. Becky, your home is as beautiful as I remember it.. I no longer blog but you were on my mind , I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.
    Ginger from Enchanting Cottage

  17. Beautiful whites! I stopped in to say Merry Christmas!
    Hugs from My Journey.

  18. I love your home so much. It's beautiful!


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