Friday, December 5, 2014

A Little Vintage Whimsy Pleases The Heart

A few posts ago I shared some very plain and simple holiday touches on the laundry room shelf.  Well, as it goes, I decided to embellish the vignette up a bit by adding some of my favorite little vintage collectibles.  They not only add a pop of color to the mostly black, white and mustard yellow accents in the room – they add a sense of whimsy and playful fun.  Their faces and expressions could be perfect inspiration to develop a story.  For example….


….”Weeeeeeee…….don’t tell Santa that we found his stash of Egg Nog in the “Pure Milk” truck!  Sure Santa….your secret is out now!”

A question came to me from Lorri about this farmhouse print.  The print is titled “Birthplace of Ulysses S. Grant, Point Pleasant, Ohio.”  I love the elements in the photo…a little cottage, a river boat, cows and trees.  I really don’t know too much about the lithograph of Appalachian life, but I did find an old etching on eBay that is of the old homestead.  Just click here for the link.


  1. Your little vintage beings are so sweet! They really do add a story to your pretties.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. How cute! You find the best stuff and you layer your displays so well.

  3. LOVING those little chenille Santas in the milk truck! Too cute...

  4. I love your darling vignettes using wonderful vintage goodies!
    Mary Alice

  5. Your little vintage Santas have the most amazing little faces and expressions! I think that may be what makes them so much fun :>)

  6. What fun and whimsy!!!!

    Isn't it heartwarming to P L A Y?
    And you do it so well : )

    ~ Violet

  7. Those are all so cute and darling!! They add so much sweetness to your decor! :) Have a lovely weekend! xo Holly

  8. Your house has the cutest displays. I always like to visit your blog. Such inspiration for me to decorate my house. Merry Christmas!

  9. I love all your sweet touches Becky! Merry Christmas! XOX

  10. You have the cutest vintage things for every season!

  11. I just caught up on some of your last posts! Everything looks wonderful, I loved the photo of your family next to the "cow" that is hilarious! Your shop looks enchanting! And I love the pillows and stocking you made! Happy Holidays! karen....

  12. I love how you decorate. And I love this milk truck. Your such a smart chick and thirfty to... love and hugs,Kathy


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