Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Lovely Fall Morning

What a beautiful morning…sun shining, cool temps and a light Delta breeze billowing in through the windows.  As the fresh crisp air fills our little home, I don’t mind doing all of the dishes left over from my annual card game with 11 of my fun and beautiful girlfriends.  We have been playing cards as a group for I don’t know how long now…years…and each of us takes turn to hostess the game one.  Last night was my night for the year and what fun we had!!  Of course, Fiona and Duhgall love the company..till they got whisked upstairs for doggy lockdown. 
I love the morning light as it filters in through the windows, peeking through the trees out front.  The white pumpkin seemed to be the “star” at the table this morning with the sun glistening off of its edge.  Sitting on the Lazy Susan piece is a striped yellow ware bowl (which I am crazy about collecting), a McCoy yellow ware corn pitcher and a wood bowl tucked inside of a white pedestal bowl filled with straw and fall silk flowers.
Two cement chickens made their way into the smaller of the two wood dough bowls on the sideboard. 

 I found the two dough bowls within a month of each other during the summer.  I have been wanting one FOREVER and lucked out with the two.  I paid 10.00 for one and 30.00 for the other.  Can we say SCORE!?  yup…..

…and they are staying with me for a very long time.

Seasonal pillows rest on the porch bench.  I just hope that the neighbor cat doesn’t fancy them as much as I do.
A few new additions of some English brown transfer ware have made their way to my hutch and atop a farmhouse bench.  My friend Cheryl, who sells in one of the shops I sell at, had this neat old feeder for sale.  I was really wanting it – like badly wanting it – so we traded…I had a French grain sack pillow she had been eye-balling so we did the old swaparoo.  We were both very happy.  :)
Said feeder now holds some of my plates.  Just flip the feeder on its side and voila, slip the plates right in for a pretty vignette.

Happy Fall to everyone!  Time to hit the candy corn!


  1. What a beautiful post. I love that you have a set of girlfriends that you get together with on a regular basis. What fun!
    Your home is beautiful morning and I hope the cat doesn't bother your Love the trade with our friend, Cheryl. xo Diana

    ps. Do you know- I just realized that I don't think your name appears anywhere on your blog-just thought I would mention it-it was one of the things I blogged about yesterday---Have a great night-

  2. beautiful....I have missed your post's so bad !!!

  3. Love that feeder used as a plate rack. Looks like you are ready for Fall!


  4. All so very pretty and fallish! Love the wooden bowls and the yellow ware bowl! Happy fall! xo Holly

  5. You know I love your decorating style, your fall vignettes are absolutely wonderful. What a deal on those dough bowls, they're always so darn expensive.

  6. Your Fall displays are lovely! Lots of ideas to borrow! Isn't it fun to get together with girlfriends??

  7. Hi Becky! We've already hit the candy corn at our house. I will not buy Halloween candy though because I just can't start yet. :)

    Everything looks so pretty at our house. Your pumpkins are great. Let me ask, where did you get the 'pumpkin' sight word card? I just kick myself because I'm a teacher and there's not one left in my stash. I'm guessing yours is a decorative item?

  8. Everything looks so pretty. I always enjoy seeing the vignettes that you create.

  9. loving your fall decor! I guess I dont do fall.. just halloween! lol! your vignettes are pretty.

  10. I know there are two old feeders on the chicken coop and I'll have get out there to check them out what a great idea you've had! Your fall vignettes are all lovely.

  11. How wonderful to see a post Becky! Your fall decorations look so pretty, and I love the morning sunlight streaming in. Morning sun is my favorite too:>) The chicken feeder dish holder is so clever! Even after all these years of blogging I probably would have never thought to use it so creatively. Everything looks beautiful. Have a wonderful fall,my friend:>)

  12. Fall looks beautiful in your home. What a wonderful bargain on those dough bowls!!

  13. Hi Becky,
    Your home is looking so cute. Love your fall decor!


  14. Lovely, lovely, lovely!!
    Pass the candy corn!! :)

  15. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

    Pass the candy corn, please.

  16. Hey Sweet Lady,
    I always feel so at home when I come by for a visit. Today was no exception. I feel the Fall breeze when and the warmth of your home at the same time when looking at your lovely pictures. Love the sun shining in with a spot light on your pretty white pumpkin.

  17. Beautiful vignettes as usual Becky!
    Score indeed! Love the dough bowls and the chickens in them too!
    What fun to be able to get something new by using the barter system. That feeder is perfect as a plate holder.

  18. Hi Becky! Those are such lovely photos, and you certainly have found some fabulous new (old) treasures!
    I LOVE that tablecloth, by the way!

  19. First I want to tell you how much I miss your post. Next I want to say how very talented you are sweet Becky. I love everything you have done. It all is just beautiful, beautiful. I love your dough bowls, I have one on my bar with all kinds of squash and pumpkins in it. Why didn't I think to get my concrete chicks out of my courtyard and put them on the bar. My chicken feeder too. Time to redecorate. Love all your ideas!

  20. Lovely decor for Fall- the dough bowls were definitely a steal!
    Love everything - you made it look so inviting for your girlfriends - know it was a fun time.
    Hope you can relax over the weekend and just enjoy!
    Hugs - Mary

  21. Warm and Welcoming are the words that came to mind as I looked at these lovely photos of your home decorated in it's fall finery. How nice that you could share it with your girlfriends.
    You have such a knack for displaying your treasures. Your new dough bowls are wonderful.
    Happy Fall, Becky.

  22. I loved this post! Isn't having a group of ladies to get together with, food for our souls? It sure is for me. I have a knitting group that meets weekly, and we have the best time together.
    We DID dip into the candy corn today at Knitty Biddies!! Yum!
    Happy Fall!
    xo Kris

  23. Lovely! And that rusty plate holder is awesome! Great job Becky!

  24. I think your post is simply wonderful (and your blog too)!!
    It expresses the real soul of autumn inside a country home, I love everything in your shots, but the light of the morning coming through the window pane is a divine touch !!
    Congratulations <3

  25. Nice Becky....hope you are having a lovely Autumn thus far....blessings

  26. What a wonderful sun filled room, Becky! You hit the jackpot with your 2 dough bowls and your brown & white transferware is beautiful for fall decorating! Getting together for girl's night doesn't happen as often as we'd like, but I always look forward to it. Sounds like you gals have a great time together!

  27. Those are lovely decorating touches. And I am wildly jealous for the inexpensive dough bowls.

  28. So pretty! Love the pic of the light on your table. Mimi

  29. Sigh..... yes Fall is in the air :-)

    Jocelyn @

  30. McCoy pottery . . . bread boards . . . pumpkins . . . everything looks perfect with the sun peeking in.

  31. I just buzzed by and your pictures just make me smile and feel a spot of joy inside. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

  32. Hi Becky,
    Just popped in to say "hey".
    Love your fall decor. So lovely! Sounds like fun having the girls over! :)


  33. Love it all--just beautiful! I have a thing for wooden dough bowls too! That tablecloth is amazing - would you mind sharing where you got it?

  34. Hi all! The tablecloth is from Anthropology and I bought it last year.


  35. Love your beautiful post and your photos!! New Follower.


  36. I adore the concrete chickens used in the wooden bowls! I haven't done much for fall except kiddie pumpkins n such. Halloweens become very colorful... ;-P You've motivated me to get out some of my brown transfer ware n grown up decor, just for me! Thanks!

  37. Hello
    Thank you so much for stopping by!
    I am in love with your bird pattern brown transferware...and the feeder is perfect. I haven't done a thing for fall yet... still recouping from the show but I am inspired after leaving here.

  38. Hello my friend! I just love and adore your beautiful fall decor. I need to make my way out to the various market places to see if I can catch you! Have a wonderful November... give thanks for each and every little thing. xoxo jules

  39. Happy Fall! What a beautiful, cozy day, and the transferware plates are lovely.


  40. Happy Thanksgiving Becky!
    I've missed your post. I'm hoping all is well with you and your family and you've just been super busy with work and sewing. Whatever the case may be, I want to wish you the happiest Thanksgiving.
    Much love,


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