Sunday, August 25, 2013

One Stitch At A Time…..

So….. long time no see!  How y’all been?  Can you believe it’s almost September!?  Gadzooks!  Where DOES time go?  Well, as for me, this girl has been on the edge of her sewing seat these past few weeks making pillows to sell in the shops.  With the holiday season on our heals, I’ve been gearing up for fall and Christmas pillow making.   Awaiting me is a huge bolt of burlap, new stencils and a stack of pillow forms.  Just looking at the bags of pillow forms makes me think of the story “The Princess And The Pea”.  The disarray drives me mad, but soon the house will hopefully be back in some sort of normalcy…well, hoping so at least.
On the top of my list was to make up some Union Jack pillows in neutrals.  So far, one down and a gazillion to go.  I put this one in the store and a lovely lady, Debbie, bought it the other day.  (smiles!)  I think it will be quite happy living in So. Cal!
For the pillow I used two contrasting linen-like fabrics and a white for the stripe.
I have a huge stack of vintage hankies and found three to make into pillows.  If you sew, then you may agree that it is often times a lot of fun to find the coordinating fabrics to match a vintage textile.
With hankies in hand, I strolled down the aisles of JoAnn’s and found some pretty cute coordinating fabrics to go with the hankies.  (I could have scoured through my “stash”, but it’s more fun to go shopping and gush over all of the pretty fabrics!)
Some of my favorite fabrics are those that are reproductions of vintage sugar and feed sack fabrics – like the fabrics in my old quilt.  These old snippets are just as charming and sweet as a grandmother’s hug after a Sunday meal!
 This gray and white number is one of my favorites and I think it will be perfect for fall.  Love the roses….
…and they remind me of those we have out in the garden.
 Another favorite hankie, sporting some pretty pink carnations, was turned into this happy little pillow.  I had the fabric with pink roses in my stash and thought it looked pretty cute with the hankie. 
I LOVE my labels, too.  They make me happy!  My business name is Fig and Lottie, named after my great Aunt Lottie and my great Uncle Figgins (aka Figgy).  Figgy and Lottie would have been a bit much, so I shortened Figgy to just Fig.  Every time I sew on these labels, I think of them.  My Aunt Lottie would have loved this, too.  Uncle Figgins would have just given me one of his demure smiles and a slight nod of approvement. 
I fell in love with this fabric that looks like old school maps.  These pillows would be so awesome in a young man’s room or in a room with a nautical theme.  See the boats?  Super cool!
The backs are pretty neat, too, with the brown and cream stripes.  Love those stripes!
So anywhos, I best be shuttling myself away from this chair and get myself busy cutting, stenciling and sewing up some more pillows.  Tis the time of year that being in retail is busy, busy!  I know you girls who do this for a living are nodding your head in agreement!  Right?
Take care and have a good week!


  1. Great sewing! Love all your vintage fabrics, hankies and fabrics you found to go with all your pillows. What brand sewing machine do you use? I'm back in the sewing mode and quilting my first Winter theme red work table runner. I've broke several needles, banged up my throat plate but I'm having a ball. Now if I could just sew as beautifully as you do. It's always a treat to visit your blog!

  2. WOW- you have really done a fabulous job with these crafts. Love them!

  3. So good to hear from you! You have been really busy. I have to start working overtime I think to get ready for the seasons. Seems like there is not enough time in the day.

    Your pillows are gorgeous!!


  4. Your vintage hankie pillows are darling with the fabrics you found to coordinate with them. I'm sure they won't last long. Love the company name and tags, too! It's been a good summer for finding vintage feed sack quilts up north at rock bottom prices. Shhhh, Christmas presents......maybe, if I can give them up!

    Have a good week!

  5. The pillows are lovely!!! I just might have use the vintage hankie idea!

  6. Your pillows are ALL beautiful. As a seamstress myself, I know how much work goes into it. I love your comparison to The Princess and the Pea with your stash of pillow forms.

  7. Well~HELLLOOO!!! Becky!!! It is good to see you post. I love your label name and I really love your fabric and vintage hankies for your pillows. Your stitching is so straight, I am impressed. Mine usually gets off if I sew a long strip. I just bought a little Singer Featherweight from 1952. I love it! It sews like a dream. I also just organized my sewing room and I am now making covers for all of my machines. I have missed you posting so I will keep my fingers crossed that it will be sooner next time. :)

  8. Ah, these are all great and should sell quickly! Good to see you posting again.

  9. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful pillows. I love your fabric choices and that Union Jack is gorgeous- xo Diana

  10. Beautiful job my friend. The Union Jack pillows are beautiful. I adore the vintage hankies repurposed into pillows.

  11. Love all the pillows, my fav, the hankie ones. Ive been wanting to make new pillows for my living room, but cant decide on what I really want.
    Im starting to think nuetral is probably a good idea.. or.. Halloween! LOL!
    have a great week

  12. Wonderful pillows and a whole lot of creativity! Always nice to see what you're doing. It makes me wish I had your eye for fabrics.

  13. I've missed you! Now you are so good at this. Everything looks gorgeous! Hope you're doing well and the little fuzzy faces are being sweeties,
    Shelia ;)

  14. What beautiful work you do! I will have to make another trip to the shops to see these beautiful creations in person.

  15. What a beautiful bounty of pillows. You are a busy lady! Love the vintage textiles you are using.

  16. Love the pillows Becky! Especially the "union jacks"! My son-in-law is from England...he'd love them too!
    Do you ever list items in your Etsy shop anymore?
    Maybe I'll just have to travel across the country and do a little shopping! :)

    Have a happy day!

  17. Love the pillows! And I love your business name!! Very clever!!
    xo Kris

  18. Oh so pretty! I love the subtle pattern in the white fabric you used for the Union Jack pillow, and your fabric combinations on the vintage hanky pillows is perfect as usual!

  19. Busy is right! Your pillows are gorgeous and the color combinations so well natural together. I'm sure they'll be huge sellers.

  20. Hi there, I'm your newest follower! :) Your blog is so lovely! Love your style! Happy new week! xx Holly

  21. Do you use pillow forms or stuff with stuffing?

  22. Hankies make lovley pillows! Love how you mixed old and new!

  23. Well, well.... you have been busy. What terrific pillows. I especially like the vintage hankie ones. You are so clever. These will undoubtedly get snatched up by shoppers in no time.

  24. I am so grateful for your post today. It was so calming to sit back and enjoy, read and visit with you a bit. I love your quilts, the song book, pillows and flowers!

  25. Darling! Where do you find your fabric? Is it vintage too? Love your new label.

    Enjoy your week!

  26. Your pillows are adorable and your business name is the cutest ever!!!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  27. love it all
    especially the hankie pillows(:)

  28. Ok first off, I love that you used the word GADZOOKS!! One of my favorites:)
    And your pillows?? I want. Like stat. Your sewing is sooo perfect!! You were blessed with some serious patience and skills woman!!
    Dorie :)

  29. Love these-you're so talented! :)
    (I think the Union Jack is my fav)

  30. Bought those two darling dish towels today and LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Cant wait till next months sale to buy a bunch more ! Thank you so much ,,
    Kindly Karen ~

  31. Oh my, sure do love all that you do. Pillows are my weakness. Well, one of them. Mimi

  32. Oh my, sure do love all that you do. Pillows are my weakness. Well, one of them. Mimi

  33. Missing you! It's almost officially Fall...are you nesting?

  34. You are really talented. I love what you have created. Amazing.

  35. My goodness - how did I miss your return? You've been busy and your work is lovely. It's so nice to see your posts!

  36. Oh my gosh, I knew that there was a reason that I came here tonight.. I have a box full of old hankies that my Dad sent to my Mom when he was gone to war. He sent her a hankie in every letter... I have had them for years and just no idea what to do with them...... PILLOWS.. why in the world I did not think of that.. I will start next week and take pictures to send to you..... Praying you are well and happy.. I have so been missing my blog friends... Love ya!

  37. So cute! LOVE the hankie pillows.. but most of all I love Fig and Lottie! Too cute... Now, where would one get cute little labels like that made? I need some! :-)



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