Monday, November 26, 2012

Some Zeep, please….

The other day my husband was asking where the soap was to wash his hands with in the laundry room sink.  Well, being as there isn’t any counter space now that we have ripped out the built in cabinets (and no regrets what-so-ever!!), I was thinking about what to do for a solution.  A few days later, I was in one of the spaces at the antique mall that I sell at and the European enamelware piece was sitting high up on a shelf.  It really blended in and I nearly missed it.  (So glad I didn’t!)  At first I showed it to my friend who was working in her space because I knew she would like it.  She said that it would be perfect for my laundry room – and she was right!  I didn’t want to spend the money on it, but it was one of those things that I knew would not last long and it does go nicely in the remodeled room. 
No Zand (sand), No Soda, but yes, we will have some Zeep (soap) now for him!
I just want to take a second to thank everyone who has so kindly donated money to my friend, Nancy.  You can read about this in my previous post.  Donations are still being accepted through November 30th. 


  1. Thanks for the Definitely worth the splurge, they go perfectly.

  2. Now isn't that nifty! Once again, I'd never seen one before until just now.

  3. What a great purchase, I love it. I have to say I am a fan of enamel and have quite a few bits scattered around my home. Great choice.

  4. Hi Becky - Love your new piece!! So cute in your laundry room.


  5. How cute! These are adorable:>) Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words I am in major wedding mode now, getting all the last minute details ironed out. I'll see you on the other side in about a week;>)

  6. Becky love your new soap dish and yes it should be yours. It is perfect for your laundry room.
    You snagged a good one girly.

  7. Those are darling, and they do go perfectly above your sink.

  8. What a great find - perfect for your laundry room. Enamel has always been amazing - I have several of the old large white bowls and use them in the garden when potting up plants etc.

    Happy days- Mary


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