Thursday, November 15, 2012

Calling All Angels……

Ever have a thought enter your mind and you just cannot stop thinking about it?

This happened to me the day before what would have been Jordan’s 29th birthday. 

The thought was this:
“Do something to help Nancy.”

It wasn’t just a quiet thought, it was more of how a parent would tell you to do something.

I kept thinking about Nancy all day. 

Who is Nancy?

She is a dear friend of mine who owns a home in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey.  Her home of 25 years, that of which she shares with husband Joe and their two Scotties – Angus Ryan and Becky Blue-Bonnet – was severely damaged from the surging ocean waters during hurricane Sandy.  Their home sits just three blocks from the Jersey Shore. 

Nancy's Becky Blue-Bonnet:
O'RYan Our Star! 030
I cannot even begin to imagine their loss.  No bed to sleep on, memories from keepsakes destroyed, buckling wood floors and water damage that is beyond belief. Nancy’s 95 year old mother lives with them and, on top of everything else,  she is dealing with taking care of her mother who has very demanding health issues. 

I know that so many people lost so much with this storm.  My heart goes out to all of them.  I watched their faces on the news as they looked at what once was their refuge, their home, the place that memories were made in/at. 

So basically, this post is a shout out to everyone who would like to sponsor a family who has lost so much, the Benanito-Sgromolo family.  I am asking pretty much for money donations – any amount is appreciated, believe me. 

If you would like to help Nancy and Joe, just drop me an email and I will give you the details on how to go about doing so.
“What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!”
Matthew 10:27

Calling all angels…..



  1. It is my prayer that they are surrounded by angels!! Thank you for doing this.


  2. I'd count it a privilege to help out...please send me the details.

    I'm praying for everyone impacted by Sandy...including you Becky. What a sweet heart you have.

  3. Becky Bluebonnet is my dog Arlo's older sister. We feel so badly for them, that we also sent a bag of Arlo's biscuits and a toy for Becky & Angus. No one should have to go through what this family is going through. They need to feel the love right now.

  4. I sent you an email Becky. I want to help.

    Big, Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  5. Although I don't know Nancy well at all...I was more than happy to help with a is just so so sad what everyone is going through and to be able to help even just one family is a godsend....
    Thank you for inviting me to participate and I wish the very best for them and their future rebuilding a daunting task I am sure...
    Love Sheena Ailsa Nessie and Jim too xx

  6. Great idea Becky! You have such a big heart. You are an ANGEL! My heart goes out to all of those people who lost their homes, it sure brought back a lot of memories of Katrina.

  7. We'll be sending you an email.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  8. send me the information; our prayer shawl ministry will want to help, I know! We sent a box of socks, mittens and hats up last week...but we knew there was more need; and I feel the blogging community is helping us reach and help in a way we never had before the internet. :)

  9. Oh, the devastation is unbelievable. So many of my friends are still without power. Some have lost everything.

    This is a wonderful post, and I will add your friends to my prayers.


  10. I have been in contact and will be sending my donation tomorrow. I will also I know the power of prayer. Terry in Texas

  11. I have been in contact and will be sending my donation tomorrow. I will also I know the power of prayer. Terry in Texas

  12. Oh I did not know The Strawberry Mallard got hit by Sandy. That is the first blogger that I have heard of who is suffering.
    Please e-mail me and let me know what is being done to help.
    Sweet William The Scot

  13. I want to help Nancy sweet Becky...please send me the info.
    Love your dear heart...



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!