Thursday, March 1, 2012

G’Mornin’ Mr. March….

P1010038a1 Hello Mr. March! Oh, can it be YOU already? Though skies are cloudy… living room 2 …and the ground is wet, the days are getting longer and the sunshine spills into the house in the morning – just how I like it.P1010037c1 Soon, springtime flowers will be budding in the garden…P1010056n …and there will be plenty of roses to snip off for fresh bouquets. The sweet scent of the Double Delights will soon perfume my rooms….P1010052s …and fill tiny vases around the house.P1010048u The birds are happy in the backyard and sing with sweet rapture as they gather berries from the trees. Such fun to watch them flit about to-and-fro from the fence to the limbs of the trees. Fluttering wings and much chattering back and forth make me wonder what they are saying to each other. Simple pleasures make the day brighter, for sure.P1010032a1 So welcome, Mr. March, and let the sun….P1010039y …shine in!


  1. Beautiful. I'd like to come in, curl up on your sofa and read a book with the flowers and the sunlight all around.

  2. I just love how happy and fresh your room looks. A very cozy place I would like to be ;0)

    Happy 1st day of March!!

  3. What a lovely room...the perfect place to enjoy a visit with your Mr March.

    The sunlight does beautiful things to this room! Hope your day is bright and filled with joy!

  4. You sure have rolled out the welcome mat for Mr. March in fine style. I'd love to be sitting in that pretty red chair right about now. Always looks so nice at your sweet cottage!

  5. Oh, yes! Let the sun shine in...we'll face it with a grin...

    You have such a cozy, charming home. It looks just like I want my house to look when it grows up. =D

  6. I could just move right into your house and not change a thing! I love spring where you are. Patty

  7. Your sofa looks so comfortable and inviting!

  8. Every time I see a photo of that sofa I sigh - beautiful!
    Funny, but when I saw your post title today, I thought of Little Women, as the family surname was March - one of my all time favourite books!

  9. So funny. I was going to say, I want to come visit you and sit in that cozy room and have some tea/coffee with you. Then I see that Sweet Posy Dreams said almost the same things. Love your sweet home.

  10. Your home is beautiful, best wishes jackiex

  11. Your home is beautiful, best wishes jackie x

  12. My favorite time of year, Spring is just around the corner. Some of my flowers and bushes are starting to bloom out now. I can't wait to see the flowers. I love your pictures, your house is so inviting. Nice post Becky.

  13. oh Becky... you have such a nice way with words. Enjoy your day, hope to see you soon

  14. Lovely post. You have a happy looking house! And...I know you have good taste. I have the same material that you have on your sofa on the pillows of my front porch. xo Diana

  15. Becky, March is a FuN month! Right at the beginning is Dr. Seuss' birthday - today, March 2! :)


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