Sunday, January 29, 2012

Valentine Graphics

old valentines #75 Hi friends! With Valentine’s just around the corner, I thought I’d share with you some of my most favorite Valentine’s Day graphics. Feel free to copy and paste! My little gift of love to all of you. I am so thankful and appreciative for all of the lovely comments left for me – AND for the visits, too.


blog couple


girl dog

old valentines #48

old valentines #39

old valentines #53

old valentines #55

old valentines #119

old valentines #80

old valentines #88

old valentines #136

old valentines #148

Use these for your favorite craft projects and if you make something with them, do let me know. I am always amazed at all of the talent out there on so many beautiful blogs. Simply amazing!

Wishing you a sweet day!

PS: I seem to be having problems with my navigation bar. Anybody out there who knows how to SAFELY edit the HTML? My "About" page is the same as "The Scotties" page.


  1. Good Morning, Becky,
    I love these...thank you for sharing your talent with us. I already have some ideas...wouldn't they look great on some of my tins?

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Take care ~Natalie

  2. These are lovely! My hubby always gives me an antique valentine for the holiday. And I love the ones that have old writing on them. So special! Kit

  3. Loved seeing your Valentines and how nice to share them.
    Deb :)

  4. They all make me smile! Thank you for that kind gesture - I will be so happy to use one or two.

  5. I love vintage valentines they are so sweet. Thanks for sharing,

  6. Lovely Valentine images!!

    thanks for sharing


  7. Becky I love your valentines, they are soooo pretty. I have several vintage valentines and display them for Valentine's Day. I have one that my grandfather made in 1911. It is AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing yours.

  8. Such sweet images...thanks for sharing Becky.

  9. These are lovely!! Thanks for sharing, and for reminding me that Valentine's Day will be here before we know it.

  10. Hi Becky.

    Love the vintage Valentines. Thank you for sharing them.

    Sorry I didn't call...we had the upchuck virus last week...just as we had one well another came

    I will try to viist with you this far no

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  11. Such lovely images. I'm already plotting some upcoming projects with your sweet images. Thank you!!

  12. Aren't they sweet? My favorite is on the high wire...high electric wires! That can't be sending a good message. =D

  13. Thank you for sharing...these are darling. xoxo Hugs for a great new week.

  14. Adore the Valentines...
    and Waylon too ! Thanks for
    sharing, now I want to dig my
    antique Valentine post cards
    out of the closet :))


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!