Monday, January 30, 2012

Finding Love On Etsy

Flash back 1970’s…..

It was our usual Sunday afternoon drive with the fam. Dad driving, mom sitting in the front passenger seat talking about a new roller technique she used for styling her friend, Vera’s, hair. Us kids were smooshed into the backseat of dad’s new German luxury car and tunes of Waylon Jennings resonated through the small holes on the back deck. “Looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces….” and on, and on. Torture at best. Two busy little brothers. Second hand smoke. Country Music. I cracked my window for fresh air – breathe. Give me some Boston, Elton John, Olivia Newton-John….but please, NOT another country song. So I sat and watched the scenery pass by outside the car window. Sucking in fresh air as much as my lungs would allow. Looking for….looking for….oh, I don’t know, a way to escape the torture of having to be stuck in the car with rambunctious brothers and Waylon Jennings.

Flash forward to today! Waylon isn’t playing today, but I did find some fun stuff for Valentine’s Day on etsy!! Looking for love in all the right places. Etsy isn’t, but it sure is a fun place to find something cute and charming!

Come along for a Monday cruise in my cyber car and I promise you that we will have some cheerful music playing, too. For your virtual shopping pleasure, just click on the photos to link you to the etsy listing. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

etsy valentine 1 Vintage Pincushion by Bethsbagz.

valentine 2 Valentine’s Day Felt Flower Wreath from Wreathincgifty.

valentine 3

Handmade Crochet Dog – breed of choice – from Inugurumi.

valentine 4 Needle Felted Owl from Scratchcraft.

valentine 5

Above and below are original prints from Diane Duda (Dudadaze on etsy). I LOVE her work so much!!

valentine 6

valentine 7 Lefton Valentine figure girl from RomasMaison.

valentine 8 Valentine blocks from John Golden.

valentine 10

Vintage Samsonite Train Case from VintageDreams.

Hope this whets your whistle to find some Valentine LOVE today!


Oh, and PS, I like Country now!


  1. Of all the selections, my eye went straight for the felted owl. How wonderful is he?!

    Your description of days in the car, minus brothers, minus German car, minus country music, perfectly described my own. Guess all that we have in common is cigarette smoke! =)

  2. Love those Etsy finds...especially the little Lefton figure. I don't know what it is about those little girls. I just love them! But they're hard to find around here. Thanks for sharing such a sweet picture of one!

    A Sunday drive spent smooshed with two brothers in a smoke-filled back seat sounds awesome! : )

    I have two brothers and a sister - but we weren't as smooshed because we had a station wagon. That was back in the days before seat belts and at least one of us would be rolling around in the back of the station wagon!
    As for music...most of the cars my folks had were radio-less.

  3. I enjoyed your post because I had two older brothers and I had to sit between them in the back seat (on the bump - they got the windows) on family car trips. I remember "hillbilly" music playing on the radio while riding to and from Florida - and like you as a kid I didn't care for it. Now I like most music. I love looking at all your reds for Valentine's!

  4. You may like country now, but Boston, my fave, still rocks!!!


  5. I have banned myself from Etsy for a few months! I spent the month cruising the shops and well I must not buy any more!
    These are lovely! Beth is one of my purchases!
    Hugs, Lisa

  6. Beths pincushions are little works of art! I have been a fan of hers for ages.

  7. ha ha..I love country too !! And I have a couple of Waylon Jennings CD's.
    But, I have tons of CD's, with many different genres (sp) cause I just love music . period. and when I am alone, I play it loud and sing along.

    those were beautiful valentine finds you posted. I loved that art..and the vintage figurines.
    Ya know..I have never visited Etsy.

    thanks for the Valentine Love, and I hope you had lots of love in your world today too.
    and all week.
    cause love makes the world go 'round.

  8. Your words transported me back to my parents Comet, only it was Johnny Cash and my sister and me with our windows cracked open, panting like dogs to get some smoke-free air.

    The talent out there in Etsyland is astounding!

  9. I LOVE the Lefton Figurine girl also..I collect all the Lefton Xmas girls~Angels and Bells~I would LOVE to find 1 or 2 of the Valentine Lefton Girls..she is very pretty!!!I LOVED the Elton John music too!and looking at your pretty Valentine stuff!:-)

  10. Becky what a way to get away. I had trouble crossing over to country too. Love that Etsy, Diane Duda's print, the wreath and that owl. Sooo cute!!! (know what you mean about the second hand smoke)

  11. hey there! thank you for featuring my vintage red sammy train case <3


  12. I love that felt flower wreath!
    PS I'm sure you were describing a Sunday drive with MY family!

  13. That pin cushion is cute...but I do love the art prints...I could see those in my grand daughters rooms.
    Love your travel memory. No one smoked in our family...the way I got car sick...thank goodness!!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham


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