Monday, January 23, 2012

I’ve Got Me A Tractor!


Yup! Found me an old rusty bugger! Isn’t he cute?

Or, could IT be a she?

Nevertheless, it is just plain sweeeet!


A perfect little farmhouse adornment….


…along with a French cowbell and little goat bells….


….and some ironstone in my favorite primitive farmhouse cabinet.

Oh hello Mr. Lamb!


ERRRRRRRRRRRTTTT!! (Insert screeching tire sounds here!)

Oh baby!! Steer that rusty old wheel to the right! We cannot hit the wild animals that may come through the property!!


Oh deer……

….I know, corny.

But heck, life has to have corny in it sometime!


AND, though it is raining cats and dogs here and the wind is whipping my car around whilst I drive, we have to also find sunshine in our days! (I can hear my Gramps strongly urging me to keep BOTH hands on the steering wheel and STOP taking pictures when driving!)….crazy blogger, I know. A girl has to have some craziness in her life….well, sometimes. right? right.

So whatever you do today, take a moment to smile and laugh. I'm off to ride my tractor...

what will the neighbors think?


  1. Your tractor is adorable! Funny post and great inspiration.


  2. They will think you're a fun girl!

  3. The kid in us has to escape once in a while! Sweet tractor. You can tell that someone really loved it.
    In fact, probably many brothers handed it down.
    And yes, listen to dear g'pa, we don't want anything to happen to you!

  4. I can tell you've raised boys! ☺ You've got the engine noises just right. How do boys know how to do that from infanthood? Enjoy that cute tractor and keep your hands on the wheel!

  5. It's been dark and dreary here for days, so I'll happily join you as you try to find sunshine.
    Love that new little tractor. I think it looks like a "he", but ya never know.
    I've just caught up on your farmhouse posts. That was fun ... I can almost smell the fresh air and hear the cows mooing.

  6. I adore that farmy little tractor. I love how you shot it in front of the landscape...


  7. Love that you had to doge the deer. I was driving home and saw a rainbow. Rolled down the window and it disappeared. Oh my I kept looking while driving. What blogging does to us.

  8. Raining heavily here too. Love it! Love your tractor! I want a John Deere!!

  9. I have a weakness for those old trucks and tractors. Love the photo of the tractor in front of the painting!

  10. Your tractor is TOO cute!!

    Jocelyn @

  11. You made me smile. I am glad you missed the wildlife. Slamming into a deer woulda really messed up your tractor!
    Have a good week!

  12. I like your corniness. Love that farmgirl tractor, what a great find. Have fun Becky but please drive safe.

  13. Hello Miss Becky, love your little tractor. My Dad would say two hands on the wheel sandi. Oh, those sweet men, don't we just love them, and miss them. Hugs, sandi

  14. Becky you made me laugh so hard my tummy hurts. I love your tractor and I am so glad you found a tractor to go with your dream farmhouse. I could just hear that squeaking as that tractor moved. It is awesome. You need to keep both hands on that wheel, I've heard of "no texting", but not "no snapping".
    Love your ironstone too.

  15. Love your tractor. I don't have a rusty one but I do have my 34 year old sons blue Ford tractor from first first Christmas. I guess I could throw it out in the yard for a while and let it rust. You think? Anyway, my grandson told me this morning that his bicycle is named Lucy. His newer bike is named Cal. I didn't know this. I name everything. My car is Scoot. Are you going to name your tractor? Let us know.

    The Library Lady

  16. Love, love, love it....You GO Girl!! ;o) (And you have one of the cutest dang tractors I ever did see!) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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