Sunday, January 22, 2012

Designing A Farmhouse Kitchen

More dreaming here in my head. I’ve shared with you already that I would love a farmhouse and just what would my dream farmhouse look like inside?

For starters, lets start in the heart of the home – the farmhouse kitchen – where delightful meals are made.

All of these photos are from Pinterest and each one has bits and pieces that I love, like this chunky wood island below. Every kitchen should have an island for guests to sit at and visit whilst the cook goes to town at the stove. Right? Or just sit and linger with a cup of coffee and a warm piece of apple pie ala mode.

I like that there are pops of color in this kitchen with the jadite cake plates, pink fridge and blue chair. A funky mix with an old feel. I also like the two chandeliers in the kitchen and the tin ceiling.

farmhouse kitchen 2

Other must haves would be a farmhouse sink…..

farmhouse kitchen 8farmhouse kitchen 1

….and plenty of open shelving.farmhouse kitchen 5Wood floors?

Or tile?

farmhouse kitchen 6

Or even used bricks? Now this option would be super easy for clean up and would hide dirt pretty easy. Your thoughts?

Industrial lighting is so cool, like the ones below.

farmhouse kitchen 7

farmhouse kitchen 10

A must have for any farmhouse kitchen is ironstone, wood boxes and wire baskets.

farmhouse kithcn 11 All lovely things to fill up a dream farmhouse kitchen.

The farmhouse below lists for 109,000 in Missouri. A whole lot less inexpensive than California prices.

I’d take a large one…

farmhouse 5 109,500

farmhouse kitchen 4

…or small.











  1. Becky I was dreaming with you, wow what fun. Love the farm house sinks and the old wooden island. I would have wood floors and old industrial lighting. Beautiful kitchens you have found.

  2. I love, love, love that passage-style kitchen. I have stone tile floors and you're right - they are a blessing at clean-up time. I'm not a fan of chippy paint in the kitchen, but love that farmhouse sink. I'd sure like to have one. The kitchen at Pondside is an old-fashioned farmhouse style, with room for a big table and lots of windows looking over the back yard. I'd like to paint the cabinetry, but The Great Dane is quite resistant. :)

  3. nice inspiration......i have a clean salte to work with. A home is what u make it. I just hope i can make a double~wide in the country...a rental....a lil slice of country farm house. Wish me luck.

  4. Just beautiful Becky!
    I farmhouses and farmhouse-style!

    Deborah xoxo

  5. I tried to find this link last night, It's for a farm house about 4 miles from us for sale. Not white, but loaded with history.

  6. I love them! I think I have many of these pinned already!


  7. Ooh, more farmhouse prettiness, you are killing me here! I have wood floors in my kitchen and love them, but the brick is so pretty too! And I'll take a small or a large one as long as it is white too!

    Kat :)

  8. Love all the photos. It's so nice to dream of all the fun stuff we could do to our homes.

  9. Becky, I just joined Houzz where I am keeping a folder of ideas. Looking at your post reminds me of some of the idea books that I've seen there. Just wonderful! I don't know about brick floors. Can they be washed? Are they hard on the feet and legs? They look cool, though!

  10. Well, all I can say is your dream is my dream and I've been dreaing of this for a very long time. Hopefully soon~ I love the farm house kitchens (TALK ABOUT A DREAM KITCHEN)....Hope you get yours soon ;-)

  11. My farmhouse kitchen must-haves: beadboard walls, berry art, a hand-cranked butter churn high in one cupboard and a porcelain egg in a drawer to use when the pullets need inspiration. I am soooo a creature of my past--my grandma's place had all of the above! Also the cutest pantry in existence. I wish I had photos. I'm dreaming along with you!

  12. I absolutely love your blog and your tribute to your son is amazing. You are truly an incredible mother. Thank your for the inspiration and the sweet comment on my blog.
    blessings to you today,

  13. Love it all! So charning! Let's move to Missouri. Mimi

  14. I too love white country farmhouses...they have so much character.

  15. Hi Becky,
    Oh yes!!! I would be sitting along your farmhouse kitchen island sipping earl gray tea and enjoying I hope (a lovely Becky homemade cream puff)yummy!!
    Did I ever tell you that Gary and I had a kitchen with white cabinets and yes we laied the used brick floor! sore hands and knees for weekes. I will have to dig out the old photos to show you if I can even find them LOL.
    I would love, love, love to have white cabinets too and a kitchen farmsink (one day) a girl can dream big, oh yes I can..
    I enjoyed your farmhouse posts a lot.
    Have a sweet day and keep warm and dry.
    Big hugs, Elizabeth

  16. Thanks for your visit. I am with you, I love these kinds of places because i was raised in a big white farm house on a big farm. You need to come buy our home, you would love it! :D

  17. I think you have been sneaking into my dream files. I have most of the same photos saved! Except the houses. I've lived in Missouri. Once. LOL. Except my kids are still there so if you get that dream house I'll come and visit!
    Happy Day Dreaming.

  18. Oh dear. Now I have some SERIOUS kitchen envy. ;o) LOVE the farmhouse sinks and brick floors!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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