Monday, August 15, 2011



Hello morning and HELLO little yellow farmhouse. You have been on my mind the past few months. We only met once last year, but your imprint is still fresh on my mind as though it was just yesterday that I walked through your front gate and along the lovely path to the front porch.

P1010126 From your dark wood porch, bright red front door and the freshly painted white porch swing..


…to the gorgeous flowers that you overlook out in the front. Tranquility at best. The only thing I would do would be to tuck in some pillows on the swing and then spend hours there swinging back-and-fourth….remembering life as it once was.


Tucked on a plot of land that nestles up against a forested hill with cool ocean breezes prevailing in the morning mist. A place to call HOME SWEET HOME……

P1010136 Charming.



How I wish I could have called you my own.

Just thinking of you and hoping that your new owners are loving on you and respecting your bones and nurturing the vast abundance of fresh garden blooms.

That is all…..


dear friends….I thank you from the depth of my heart and soul for the love and comfort through your words left in the comments from my last post. Knowing my mother, she is smiling big as I read each comment out loud. She was loved by so many and this past week has been full of mother stories from her friends and our family. Heaven has another sweet angel…my dear momma. I love you so…..


  1. Sometimes we dream of change because life as we know it just seems ripe for something new. This little farmhouse would have been lovely. Keep dreaming Becky, and remembering the good times with those we miss. But don't forget the good times still to be had with the loved ones still here. Sending you love & hugs.


  2. I have been thinking and praying for you and your family. Glad to see your post :)
    Big HUGS))

  3. So sorry that I missed your last post about the passing of your mother. What a sweet tribute to her and yes you will say hello to her again.

  4. The swing sure looks inviting
    Benny & Lily

  5. Love you Becky!
    Super big hugs..see you soon.

  6. Continued comfort be yours, Becky. One never gets to be nor wants to be an expert in these things.

    What a sweet little cottage. It looks as if it is lovingly tended.

  7. I love this little house too...sweet as can be! Sending you a big hug! :D

  8. Becky, glad you're back. Love, love, love the farmhouse, the flowers are breathtaking. God bless you, sending hugs to you.

  9. What joy we receive when our eyes
    light upon beautiful things like
    your lovely, peaceful cottage.
    It just rings soothing, refreshing
    and serentity to me....possibly
    to you too. Just think what
    heaven must hold for those that
    go there, like your mother.
    'Eye hath not seen' what she is
    beholding right now. True peace!
    Your friends are praying for you
    because it is hard on us
    left behind. Be encouraged ,

  10. and i love YOU so.

    and always will.


  11. Oh Becky that farmhouse is so beautiful!!
    No wonder you adore it :)
    And sending you hugs sweet friend xoxo

    Deborah xo

  12. Becky
    My thoughts and prayers are still with you. My mother is now 88 and I know it's just a matter of time. I can't bear to think about it.
    I remember this lovely house. I, too, hope it's owners are appreciating the ol' gal. Just think of the stories she could tell them if wall could talk!

  13. Becky,

    What a sweet little cottage!! I love it! This is the kid of place I would love to have for retirement! Hope all is well sweetie!


  14. Becky I could sit in that swing and sing to my hearts content. I love that little farm house. It is sooo cute. The flowers are just beautiful. Everything here is fried because of out 107 temps. It is good to see some green and beautiful flowers.

  15. Becky, it is good to have you back although I'm sure you are still very sad. I still have my Mother so I can't say that I know how you feel but I hope your heart heals quickly.
    Best wishes to you and God bless.
    I always enjoy visiting your blog. I love yellow houses.

  16. You've been on my mind by times this past week.I'm sure that your heart is full with all the wonderful stories you surly heard and shared as you celebrated your mum's life.
    Sending you fondest thoughts...

  17. The farmhouse is lovely! Your beautiful pictures make me want to move right in!

    Becky, I lost my mother when I was only 26 and my father passed away five years ago. The hurt is enormous. I will keep you in my heart. Take care of yourself.


  18. What a awesome place...can't imagine anyone NOT wanting to live there.

  19. I think I speak for all of your daughter and mother followers in blogland when I say you are often in my thoughts.


  20. A dream can't come true unless you dream it! One day....

  21. You are lurved my beautiful friend!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!