Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A “Bloomin’” Giveaway

Hello there bloggy friends! I am so very happy to share with you what I have been working on for the past few – more like six or more – months. You know how you get an idea imbedded into your noggin’ and it just kind of keeps reminding you that “hey – get off of yer bum and do something about it!” So, here it is….my first bag pattern! When I was a young chickadee – 19 or so – I had a darling ruffled shirt made out of t-shirt fabric. Cute thing, that little shirt. It was my favorite. I wanted to create a bag that would look similar to my vintage ruffled and flouncy top.

Someday I will have to dig out the “vintage” photo of me wearing it. But you must promise NOT to snicker. Well, ok…one or two snickers is ok. Remember Farrah hair? Yea, I had that, too.P1010016

The tote bag is simply called SOPHIE’S BLOOMERS. The Bloomer bag is flirty and ruffly and very girly-girlish. When I was testing the pattern out, I made up quite a few to get it “just right”. The line up above is a sampling of those test bags.

I would also like to extend a big thank you and shout out for my TEST SEWER friends! A round of applause goes to SINTA, SHARON and JEAN! These women were very patient with me and offered me tremendous feedback for the pattern. Thank you so much!!

Being as I am NEW to this pattern business, I had many questions along the way. A big thank you goes to Ann, Pam, Elizabeth and Amy for sharing their professional pointers with me.

I am grateful for each and every person who has encouraged me to take this step. The process has been a lot of work, but enjoyable as well.


Remember my post about Elizabeth’s RED ROSE FARM fabric? It was secret squirrel stuff then – HOWEVER I can tell you all about it now. Elizabeth asked if I would like to make up two Bloomer bags in her new line of fabric. *insert a GASP here and please call someone who can perform CPR!!!* But wait, it gets even better…..AND she would take my bags with her to display in the PB Textile booth (the wonderful fabric company who has manufactured Red Rose Farm) at the HOUSTON QUILT MARKET!!!!


Below are the two bags that I made up using just a few of the delightful and GORGEOUS (say it again now…GGGGGORGEOUS) fabrics from the Red Rose Farm line. Elizabeth’s fabric is not only sweet-as-can-be but it is soft and just dreamy to sew on, too.


Just look at the pretty pink roses with pink polka dots in the background!


Below is the Bloomer bag made up of several coordinating fabrics. The bag can be made with two coordinating fabrics OR three OR four. Add a chunky ric rac along the top and a pretty rhinestone button for some girly bling.


I made the bag below in a sweet Lucien fabric with soft pink roses on a blue background. This one is for me…a girl has to have a few extra purses hanging around, dontchaknow! Right?


There are several reasons why I decided to share some goodies with y’all…..

1. The Giants WON THE WORLD SERIES!! - SO PROUD OF THEM! You guys totally rock! Seriously!

2. This month I turn 50. Yep, the BIG 5-0. This is my birthday gift to you.

3. And in memory of our Jordy boy’s 27th birthday. I know he is cheering me on in this endeavor. I can just feel his chin on my shoulder as he would so often do when he was watching me do something.

AND because I have three reasons to have a giveaway, there are three prizes.

Here is how this works…


1. The first winner will have the choice of either the teal or pink Sophie’s Bloomers bag (above and below). When you leave a comment, please indicate which one you would like to win.

front of pattern pic

2. The second winner will win the single ruffle burlap runner as shown below.


3. The third winner will win one of my Sophie's Bloomers Bag patterns.


If you would like to have several chances to win, please closely follow the directions below:

1. Leave a comment on this post if you would like to enter the giveaway.

2. For a second entry, leave another comment and let me know if you follow my blog.

3. If you are not a follower and would like to be, enter a separate comment to let me know if you are now a follower.

4. If you would like to share about the giveaway on your blog – via a post or a sidebar note – enter a separate comment that you have done so.

If you do not have a blog but would like to enter to win, please send me an email at sweetcottagedreams1@comcast.net to enter to win.


The patterns for the Sophie’s Bloomers Bag are for sale via my blog for now. If you would like to purchase a pattern, the cost is $10.00, which includes shipping to US residents. Simply drop me an email if you wish to purchase one. (sweetcottagedreams1@comcast.net).

I will announce the winner of the giveaways on November 10th.

PS: The giveaway is for our International friends, too.

Take good care until then….




  1. So pretty ! I'm new to sewing and not nearly as gifted :).

    I would love to be entered. I like pink.


  2. I am a follower.


  3. Oh fun! I don't sew at all but I'm all excited about the other prizes! :) You know I'm a big fan of your gorgeous work. These are ADORABLE. I love the pink bag you're giving away. Happy, happy 50th! That's a good one.

  4. And for a 2nd entry, I'm a happy follower of your blog.

  5. eeekkkkk, oh, they are gorgeous!!!!!
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!! us November birthday girls are the best!!!!

  6. oh, of course I am a follower!!!!

  7. Love this pattern! So girly and FUN!!! I'd love to win that teal baby, though the pink is adorable too. Thanks for your generosity in hosting such a fun giveaway :)

  8. And I've been a'followin for quite a while now :)

  9. Adorable, so very clever and sweet. Pink... or blue... Both are amazing.

  10. I am a follower... pink or blue. Both are great.

  11. I put your contest in my side bar! Pink or blue... Both are so cute

  12. Oh!
    I knew when I saw those RUFFLES I needed to pop over!
    Look at your cute self creating these FAB bags!
    Good for you!
    You are adorable!
    I turned 50 last year!
    50s are THE BEST!!!!!!!! Pinky~Promise!
    Let me see!
    I do LOVE the ruffled burlap table runner!
    And if I had to choose between the teal or the pink ruffled bag...it would be the teal!
    I am loving teal lately!
    I may have to make a button to place on my side~bar.
    Can I borrow a picture?
    Snuggles to your Fiona and Dughall!
    Doogan is busy rehearsing for ANNIE! ;o)
    Love to you my Sweet Friend!

  13. Of course!
    Of course!
    Of course I follow your CUTE self!

  14. I am so very happy for you Becky. I wish you all the success in the world with your pattern business. I can't think of a better, more deserving person that it could happen to.
    I love both of the bags but for some reason even though I am not generally a pink person, love that one.
    Happy birthday to you and to your son Jordan.


    PS. Oh yeah, I am a follower and left a comment finally on your blog too! And the givaway didn't make me do it!!!

  15. Hello, Oh your bags are just beautiful. I love to visit your blog and see what beautiful creations you are working on. Thank you for the opportunity to win. What day is your birthday? I am a November baby too. Have a wonderful week. Terri

  16. Hello, I am also a follower and I would pick the pink bag, my favorite color. Have a great week. Terri

  17. I am a long time follower!! Happy Birthday this month!!!

  18. there we go- i had to reset my darn password. ill email ya WOOT!!!

  19. Hi Becky, I would love to purchase one of your patterns, I could not find an email address on your blog. Could you please contact me. Thank you and have a great day. Terri

  20. Hi Becky! Wow! What an awesome bag!! I love the style so much and I have to choose the pink as my favorite.
    Happy Birthday Becky!

  21. I posted about your giveaway on my blog too!!

  22. Just created a CUTE little button and added it to my sidebar! Yeah!

  23. Your bag is just darling...and of course I would love to win any of the prizes...if I win the bag I would have to choose the pink one! Good luck with your new endeavor, Becky! I am so excited for you!

    Happy Birthday to you and very special thoughts of Jordy today!

    Hugs, Carrie

  24. I love keeping up to date with your blog! A "follower" tried & true!

  25. OOH! Gimme gimme! I want the pink one :-)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Lori Lynn ♥

  26. I would love to give a shout out about your giveaway and will do so on my blog!

  27. I'm followin' you!
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Lori Lynn ♥

  28. Put you on my sidebar...even made a button!
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Lori Lynn ♥

  29. I just added your giveaway along with a pic of your sweet bag on my newest post!

  30. Ohh...Ohhh...Pick ME! I am so the pink Sophie’s Bloomers bag kinda girl!

  31. I am a Happy Follower and might I say it again a pink Sophie’s Bloomers bag kinda girl ;-)

  32. Hi darling Becky,

    I would love to win that green and pink bag as it would complete my spring wardrobe in a wonderful way.



  33. Hi Becky,

    I am a follower.


  34. I love the pink bag, and I'd love to be entered in your giveaway contest!

  35. Well, YES, I follow your blog. More like stalk your blog :o)

  36. Becky-
    so excited for you. loving the bag-its adorable. the blue or the pink? too hard to decide


  37. Yes, I would like to enter your give-away! I like the pink too.

  38. And I am a follower too. Have been for a long time.

  39. Gorgeous bags, I love them. Would love to be entered. I like the blue best!

  40. I am also a follower of your blog.

  41. OMG, Becky, I never would have guessed 50 ;-) You are beautiful! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Also, Jordan's birthday too. I am sure that you reminisced about all his birthdays past and enjoyed the sweet memories.

    Oh, and such an incredible giveaway. I have admired your fine sewing skills and creative style for a while now. I would so love to win the very pretty teal bag! Hugs, --Leslie

  42. Hey, I am a follower too, for quite a while now. I look forward to every post. Actually, I think that yours was one of the very first few blogs that I kept up with in the early days. Now, tomorrow, as soon as I can figure out how, I will also post on my blog too. I don't really have any content there yet because of taking care of my mother (24/7) who is a hospice patient, but I truly do intend to get it going very soon. Holiday decorating should be something fairly easy to begin with, lol. Thank you for sharing with all of us. --Leslie

  43. Love them! hopei win!!!

  44. The bags are so adorable! And the fabrics you have used are just lovely. I think if I was lucky enough to win, I'd go for the pink one, I like the mix of fabrics.

  45. And I have been a follower for some time now :-)

  46. I'll put a button and a link back to this post on my sidebar!

  47. Hi and Happy Birthday to You! I think you are very clever to think up that pattern. I love both colours but prefer pink i think. Georgeous fabrics.

  48. All I can say about these lovely bags is....WOW! I just love them and the fabric colors and patterns are so pretty.

    I am a happy follower of your blog and always will be!!!!


  49. What can I see. It would make me proud to have that pink bloomer bag, or the teal bloomer bag or the table runner. I am no picky.

  50. I am a follower for quite some time and I am so thrilled to see that you are doing so well with your new business. WOW. Good for you.

  51. Oh Becky! These are beautiful! All your hard work has resulted in a gorgeous bag:>) I love them both but I'm partial to the pink. I wish you blessings and success in this endeavor. Way to go!

  52. By the way, I have been a follower for years!

  53. Oh, and I'm adding a link to my sidebar:>)

  54. What an awesome giveaway and CONGRATULATIONS on your pattern. It is the cutest thing ever. I love it!!!! You have a hit on your hands! I am already a follower. Love & blessings from NC!

  55. I love both bags, but I think my favorite is the pink one. I can't get over how precious that bag is and those fabrics are to die for. So beautiful. I bet Doogs and Fiona love your new bag. I'm sure they offered you encouragement along the way too. Congrats on your upcoming birthday. the 50's club is not bad. I've been there awhile. Congratulations on your new endeavor. I know it will be very successful. I will post about your giveaway later. Love & blessings from NC!

  56. Beautiful bags, that I would love to win! Please enter me in your drawing and if you can tell me how to become an "official" follower, I will as I check your blog 2-3 times per week, or more. (I swear I'm not stalking! You just have a wonderful blog!)



  57. Becky, I don't know what to comment on first. OK first, I am so proud of you! Congratulations on creating such a beautiful bag pattern. I wish you BIG success with this endeavor. The bags are gorgeous! You might get me sewing!

    Happy 50th birthday! The 50's turned out to be a favorite decade for me. I'm breaking in the 60's for you.

    I love the teal.


  58. Me, a follower? Of course! Forever and always, dear friend.

  59. I love your bag!!!! Oh please pick me...

  60. I have been following for quite some time, pick me...

  61. Becky, how wonderful!! I used to make doll patterns for my own use, but never knew how to market them.

    I love the red bag. And you're drawing on a good day - The birthday of the United States Marine Corps.


  62. I just put a post up for you, and stole the pics to do it ;-)

    Love the thought of Jordan's chin on your shoulder. He would be so proud of you!

    Your tote shows these gorgeous fabrics off so beautifully!

    Love ya!!!!

  63. Oh these were worth waiting for!! I love the PINK one best of these two;). However, I really LOVE the one you picked for yourself,lol. Thanks for the chance to win. You did an awesome job on these!

  64. I have been a follower for some time now too.
    thanks again,

  65. VCB-Very Cute Bag- Just what an over 50 needs...really I love your bag and THIS over 50 would love to carry it around. So hard to choose....Pink would be the ONE I"d like to carry the most.

  66. I would love to win either bag, but if I have to choose, I'll go with teal. They are ADORABLE!!

  67. Congratulations on your pattern, you talented girl! It is simply lovely. Yay, Giants, by the way - we were cheering them on. Love Tim Lincecum!

    Happy Birthday to you, my friend.

    I love the teal bag.


  68. I am a long-time follower.


  69. Your work is so beautiful. Pink is my favorite color. Happy Birthday!
    Life just gets better with each birthday.........

  70. I am a follower of your blog. It always amazes me what talent I find on the blogs.

  71. I'd love to win the teal bag. Beautiful job!

  72. And I follow you. Fingers crossed that I win (teal pls)!

    PS -- Where's that wonderful picture of you with your Farrah hair and ruffled t-shirt? I was breathless with anticipation.

  73. Becky~ It turned out beautifully.
    I love it and ofcourse I have to
    have the pattern. I love the pink.
    I had the Farrar hair too but who
    didn't back then. Happy Birthday
    To You....I had one too only I
    turned 61 UGH!!!":o)

  74. Oh wow those are so cute. I would love to win the pink one. Can't wait till Nov. 10th, that is my birthday!

  75. Happy Birthday Becky ♥
    Such a gorgeous pattern!

  76. These are gorgeous!

    It's a tough choice, but I think I'm diggin' the pink just a tad more. I think...

    Please count me in. :)

  77. Happy Birthday!!! And if I were to win I would love the pink Bag.
    Please enter me in the give away!

  78. I love the white one with roses and polka dots. Please enter me in the giveaway! This looks like a fun pattern!

  79. I'm a follower! Your blog is where I check in to get my best cottage fix. You always have so many great ideas.

    God Bless Ya!!

  80. Ohh So nice a give away.. Pink please! Thanks for the chance to win!

  81. I am now a follower of your blog...I found you from Lalee's cottage..I have actually always followed your blog but apparently did not add myself! Now I did!

  82. I now just posted on my blog about your giveaway! So excited!

  83. Becky I am a follower...Thanks!!!

  84. Love, love , love those bags , specially the pink one !

  85. How pretty those bas are, I would chose pink.....hmmmmm but I also like the teal...hmmm pink it is...
    crossing my fingers to win...

  86. I put your giveaway on my sidebar too !

  87. Pink one please!!!! LOVE these..love the fabrics...love them!
    I turned 50 a few months ago too. Didn't hurt at all!!!!

  88. Yep, new follower now too. Also adding your blog to my blogroll!!!
    Happy Wednesday!

  89. WOW! I love the bags and the fabrics are wonderful. I would be so happy to win the pink one. But all the prizes are great.

  90. I'm now a follower. Where can we purchase the pattern?

  91. Oh Becky!!! The bags are lovely!!!

    If I win, you choose...they are both lovely.

    So happy for you!


  92. Oh How LOVELY!!! These are so pretty and you have done an amazing job on the design. The pink one is my Favorite!

  93. Oh and I have been a follower of your wonderful blog for awhile now.

  94. Hope you have a happy and wonderful birthday. Your giveaway is so generous. The bag is simply beautiful! Thanks, Linda gypsyluv1010@gmail.com

  95. I am now a follower of your beautiful blog. Linda gypsyluv1010@gmail.com

  96. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  97. Hi Becky,
    Oh my goodness, your Sophie's Bloomer bags turned out "beautiful!"
    I love them!!!!!(you worked so hard on them)and they are lovely...
    You have created a fun, flirty and feminine bag (who wouldn't want to sport one on their shoulder).
    Please drop my name into the hat..
    XO Elizabeth

  98. Hi Becky,
    Me again, of course I follow Sweet Cottage Dreams...Love you!

  99. Okay, I'm not one for really girly bags, but I love these! I like the teal out of the giveaway bags, and I also like the white and light blue ones! Very chic!

    (I'm a follower)

  100. Hi Becky,
    Me again, I posted Sophie's Bloomer bag giveaway on my side bar...
    Have a sweet Cottage Dreams Day!
    XO Elizabeth

  101. Exciting news!!! I wish you much success with this. The pattern's are adorable!
    I would be tickled PINK to get either bag.
    I hope this birthday will be as special as you are sweet!

    Blessing's and Hug's

  102. Awww these are so sweet! I would choose Sophie's Bloomer Bag in pink. Thanks!

  103. I am a new follower and look forward to your future posts - thanks for the chance1 I love the pink Bloomer purse.

  104. I don't sew at all so winning something someone else made is delightful! I like the teal one very much. I am also a follower.

  105. Oh. My. Goodness! I would LOVE either of the bags or any one of your darling creations! Thanks so much for this chance to win!!!

  106. OMG! I heart ruffles and your bags are delish!!!!
    Please enter me in the giveaway!(I like the teal) So glad I added this lovely blog to my reader. :)

    Keep up the awesome work!

  107. Congratulations Becky on your wonderful accomplishment! You bag pattern is fabulous! Seriously!!!
    And now that I see your versions in all those sweet fabrics, I want to go make another one, two... a bunch!hehe. I love the was your pattern logo looks also- beautiful job! Jordy and the rest of your family must be so proud of you!! love and hugs

  108. Oh, and yes... Happy dance for the Giants!!! I loved the series this year and rooting for our home team!!! It was all so exciting! I think they did it for you in honor of your birthday:)

  109. Sweet...I love a giveaway!

  110. Hands up - waving - screaming...... I loooooooooove those bags and would looooooooooove to own one!
    Please enter my name in the drawing..
    Oh my gosh can we say Geeeooooorrrrrggeeeoooouuuuusssssss!!

    Smiles, Dolly

  111. Enter me again.....
    I am a followerrrrrrrrrr!

    Hugz, Dolly

  112. How beautiful are these bags! I would so love to win the pink one. Thanks for the giveaway.

  113. I am now a follower of your blog.

  114. Whoooohoooooo....
    your amazing give away is on my side bar..... now what else can I do for another chance to win one of those beeeeeeautiful bags?
    Wash your windows, walk the dogs, iron your laundry??????
    I'd jump thru hoops to win...lol

    BTW..... I am a pink girl but either would be soooooo fun to carry!

    Happy Birthday to you and your son Becky!
    "50 is fabulous"..... I am here to tell you I am lovin it!

    Loves ya sweet friend,
    Hugz and Blessings, Dolly

  115. The bags are so wonderful! The teal just makes me gasp!!

  116. I'm still gasping over the teal bag as I let you know that I'm a follower!!

  117. That teal bag really needs to be mine!! It is so pretty!

  118. I am a new follower!! What a generous give away@@

  119. i love the pink one - thanks for the chance...

  120. i am a follower and happy birthday wishes...

  121. Becky these are sooooo over the top awesome. I love the pink, but wondered if you are going to sell any of the completed bags. I adore the one you are hanging onto yourelf. Happy, happy birthday to you!!!!

  122. Oh I'd love to wind the teal bag. Very beautiful. The big 50..Happy Birthday. Your son would be very proud of his Mom. I'm following now!

  123. you are so TALENTED!! SO PRETTY.
    WOULD LOVE to get the fuschia/striped...so adorable.

  124. For a second entry, I'm already a follower ;)

  125. yeah......via a post or a sidebar note – enter a separate comment that you have done so. Proud to do so!!
    You're going to be so successful with this endeavor ;)

  126. These bags are so girly - love both of them but the pink is my favorite.


  127. Your bags are beautiful. If I had to choose one - I would go with the teal. Thanks for such a generous giveaway.


  128. By the way - I am officially a follower! Thanks.


  129. The bags are just beautiful! You did a fabulous job - I'm proud of you, too! What a rewarding task to take on and accomplish!

    Wow, to pick one... that's tough. But, I guess the teal bag. How could I go wrong?

    I am a follower and hope to post about this on my blog as well - I'll let you know.

    Thanks for sharing and again - congratulations!

  130. Those bags are DARLING!!!! I would pick the pink one!

    And I wanted to wish you a Happy 50th Birthday! I turned 50 just a few weeks ago - a sad day for me indeed! Hope yours is a GREAT ONE!!!

  131. What an adorable bag! I love, love, love the pink one :-) Thanks for entering me in your sweet giveaway.

  132. Those are GORGEOUS!! I would love to be entered and the Teal one would be my choice.:)


  133. Oh my they are just beautiful and so unique. I would love to win the teal colored.

  134. I am now a follower too. Can't wait to sit down and digest your blog!

  135. All the best on your new endeavor. I would be thrilled if I won any of the three items. All are fabulous!! LindaSonia

  136. I follow your blog now... :) LindaSonia

  137. Thanks for the chance to win. I would probably choose the pink one.

  138. I am now a follower. Again, thanks for the giveaway.

  139. I love the bag Becky! Great design!!! If I win, I think I'd like the pink...but ONLY because pink is my favorite color...I love the teal. Oh heck, I'd be happy to have either one!

  140. Beautiful bags. I love the teal one.

  141. I have been reading your blog for awhile now, but just became a follower

  142. Without a doubt the pink bag is the one I want!! It is beautiful. I was just looking at purse patterns today on the web and now you come with such a lovely pattern. Congratulations and hope you sell lots and lots and lots of patterns!

  143. A girl can never have too many bags and these are adorable! Love the design and love the fabric! Wouldn't they be cute in baby fabric for diaper bags? Great job Becky! Mimi

  144. What a sweet, sweet giveaway!! The bags are adorable and congratulations on making your own pattern!! I love both of the bags but teal is my first choice!


  145. Dibs on the burlap runner..... gah!! It's gor- gee- oh-shus.

    Love it!



  147. I love the bag. Very cute idea. I love the teal bag but I also like the pink one too.

  148. Sew cute! Of course I want to be Counted!


    P.S. I am have a give away too... You might want to check it out girly! I'm just saying!

  149. Your bags are beautiful! I love the pink bag the best. Best of luck in your new venture, you are very talented. Happy upcoming birthday to you.

  150. I am already a follower! Of course!
    Darling Giveaway and Happy Birthday!!! :)

    I'll be back later to let you know when I have your give away posted on my side bar. :)

  151. I am now a loyal follower of your blog!

  152. Congrats on a beautiful pattern - love them both but the pink one tickles my fancy!!

  153. I am a new follower thanks to Lallee for steering me in your direction.

  154. your bags are so beautiful and fresh looking ... love Elizabeth's new fabric and can't wait until I own some of it. The pink would be my first choice, altho the aqua is just as wonderful, reminds me of spring ... endless possiblities with the layers for using multiple fabrics ... great first pattern!

  155. I have also been a follower for quite a while ... really enjoy your blog and seeing Dughall and Fiona ...

  156. Your bag is gorgeous! I think the pink would be for me (LOL) - would love to win!!

  157. The bags are beautiful! Please enter me and I would love the teal!
    Happy Birthday! Mine was the 29th!

  158. I am a new follower of your blog!

  159. Love, love, love the bags. Anything with ruffles gets my attention. I like both bags and would be so lucky to win one. My birthday is Nov. 16 and this would be a wonderful gift.

  160. I have been a follower for a long time now. Love your pups. I used to have a Scottie name Riley. Such a sweet dog. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  161. Oooo, me, me - pick me, please!!! The pink bag, please!!!

    Becky, congrats on this wonderful little endeavor!! So excited for you, the bags are just beautimus...

    Being the HMB gal, I sure was excited about the Giants!!! Clicked into the live feed on CNN of the celebration parade while at work today...sssh, don't tell Artie - he thinks I was hard at work on a project for him - yeah, right.

  162. 2nd entry - Am I a follower? Does a Bear wee in the woods? That would be a... YES!!!

    Happy, happy 50th! You are just super foxy at 50! You may be 50, but the class of '81 still rules!!

  163. How exciting for you. Your idea is great. And your 'sample' bags are unbelievable! You will do great things I am sure! Hats off to you. I would be honored to have any of them. Lori L

  164. And, I am a follower. I follow you and those sweet pups! Lori L

  165. The bag pattern is lovely - and I remember those early Rose bags you posted yet didn't put 2 and 2 together. My choice would be teal.
    I just had a much higher b'day number than you - you are younger than my youngest baby sister! Have a happy 50th and congratulations on your pattern release.

  166. Hi Becky! DARLING bags hon...darling! I love the pink...so cute & frilly! So happy for you & you will do awesome!

  167. Congratulations on your pattern success. Isn't it neat to follow your dreams! I would be torn between the two colors..but I will choose the teal one.
    Thank you for doing this.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  168. I am now a follower. I would love it if you could check out my other blog.."Mornin Glories" she is new and is a virtual General Store.She opens her doors on Thursdays and Fridays.Come by and visit.


    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  169. Oh of course Daisy and I would love to win. I love both do I really have to choose? Well o.k. I guess the pink one.
    I think I follow but I am not sure. I know I follow without following! LOL.
    I'll do the other stuff and leave you a comment because we just so want to win!
    Manny Blessings on your new pattern business.
    Love ya,
    Sherry and Daisy

  170. Becky: Words cannot express how proud and excited I am for you. You deserve all the accolades and pats on the back. I predict great things for you!!! I'm honored to have been a teensy little part of your designing journey.

    Don't enter me in the drawing. I still have to finish my bag, although I wouldn't mind an autographed pattern! I just don't know what I do with all my spare time! Yuck Yuck!!


  171. Your bags are just too cute--and perfect for using up some narrow scraps for the ruffles. My brain is buzzing with possibilities. Of course, I could win the teal bag and save my fabric instead!

  172. I follow on Google Reader--does that count??

  173. I am NOW a follower of your blog (I just discovered you when I saw a picture of one of your darling bags on another blog.). Please enter me in the giveaway, I really want to win one of your bags (the pink is my favorite, but both are gorgeous) or BETTER YET, I'd LOVE the pattern!!! (I'm hoping for third place! LoL) Jody jody.edwards@yahoo.com

  174. Oops, I guess this is my first entry to the giveaway! I got a little overly excited and ahead of myself! LoL Jody jody.edwards@yahoo.com

  175. Does it count if I post the link on Facebook for my friends? (My blog doesn't really have links in it, cuz it's for another purpose.) I linked to this post, because I have a great deal of friends with "girly girls". :) Jody jody.edwards@yahoo.com

  176. Just have to say... LOVE the bag..:O))
    So please enter me in the drawing.. loved the PINK one..:O))

  177. And i am now following your blog.. smile!

  178. Congratualtions on the release of such a beautiful, cute, handsome, charming etc. bag! Abslolutely adorable.
    Thank you for the chance to win one of the prizes.

  179. I just became a follower of you blog (o:

  180. Very pretty in those gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for a chance to win! I love the pink version.

  181. I would like to enter the giveaway

  182. Until 2 minutes ago, I have not been a follower of your blog.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!