Friday, October 22, 2010

fall fruffles

What do you get when you combine fall with fluffing and ruffles?

Fall fruffles!

I love the changing of the seasons - the long and low shadows, the way the light comes in the windows in the afternoon, the scent of the ground after a light rain and the need to throw on a sweater in the cool evenings. With the changing of the season, the house gets a few changes, too.


Old galvanized and enamelware pieces are filled with the hydrangeas from summer and little stone chicks are brought out to hang out with the ironstone.


Nubby fabric pumpkins fill a basket on top of a bench.



One of my favorite things right now to decorate with is burlap. The rough and imperfect textures add a natural look to any room. Add some ruffles to burlap and you get a very feminine and urban farmhouse look!



If you recall, I had a little giveaway for a ruffled burlap runner earlier this month. They have been quite popular – thank you ladies! – so I decided to make more up and offer them for sale here on the blog. I use mine on my dining room table, over dressers and our coffee table/trunk.



I found a lovely burlap that is a natural flax color, as shown in the above photo. Two rows of ruffles made out of white muslin (that has been washed and softened) grace each end. The ruffles have frayed edges and are hand gathered and sewn onto the burlap. Each side of the runner is slightly frayed as well.

These runners measure approximately 50 1/2” long (including the ruffle at each end) and are 13 1/2” wide.



If you would like to FRUFFLE up your home with a burlap runner, the cost is $30.00 (payment is fine via Pay Pal), which includes postage and handling. Just email me at to let me know if you would like to order one. Please allow 3-5 days for me to make one up for you. (The cost is for US residents, however I will ship to our international friends, too – just email me for a shipping price).

Happy Fall decorating!


  1. I really like your new word, "fruffles!" Perfect.

    The burlap runners are very sweet.
    I'm sure you will sell out.


  2. All I have to say is ........Its absolutely beautiful!!

  3. Hi Becky and thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

    So glad to *meet* you and find your lovely blog. Fall is my absolute favourite time of year.... I decorate in fall colours all year 'round (warm rusts, golds, yellows, reds, apple greens etc), but do change my little 'displays of affection' as the seasons change.

    I have 2 pieces of original artwork at home (both bought for a steal at a market), and the biggest one is of fall leaves in all their glorious colours, and the littlest one is a Fall countryside scene - I love them.

    What a great idea - Fruffles!! Fab!

    What a beautiful blog you have.

    Linda. xox

  4. P.S. Mr Duhgall, Fiona, and Miss Socks are all so gorgeous!! I can see why you said your favourite thing is your 'living and breathing babies'!

    I have one cat called Jessie.... she's pretty cute too.

    Linda. x

  5. They are beautiful Becky. Truly a necessity for fall decor!

  6. Your home always is so inviting and comfortable. Fall is the best. Sitting down with a friend for tea and cookies while the weather is cool is just perect!

  7. Fall Fruffles are fabulous! Love the runners, Becky!

  8. You're so fruffles. ;) I would LOVE to order one. I'm a big fan of your work as you know. :) I can pay via paypal. cnlisa at hotmail dot com. Thank you. <3

  9. Love your fruffling....your runners are adorable!

  10. Hi "Fruffie"! How are are you sweetie? Haven't talked to you in so long. I was Google-ing(?) vintage dolls and your banner from 2008 was in the images! It was just meant to be that I say hello. So hello dear friend. Marcia

  11. I absolutely love these Becky! I am sure they will sell out fast:>)

  12. Lovely. I love the contrast of the white and burlap colors.

  13. Love the contrast of the white and taupe colors of the burlap.

  14. I adore new words! Fruffle is perfect.

  15. Love your new word...why oh why wasn't it a word to begin with,certainly makes sense. Your burlap runners are fabulous and I am sure you will sell plenty. You and "Mr. Janome" will probably see way to much of one another. The runners would make a very good birthday or Christmas gift so fruffle away.":O)

  16. Oh boy, I just love the dried hydrangeas too, but we are not so fortunate to be able to grow them here in Alaska, so I order them from a lovely Etsy shop. When the box arrives it's light as a feather, but has such lovely flowers inside. Fall is a favorite season for me too, and in Alaska its a time where we get toslow down a bit after a summer full of 22 hours of sunlight each day.

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  17. Fruffles- great word!

    I love the little stone chickens- they are just precious!

  18. I am running frantically around trying to find your beautiful burlap things!! I had no idea you were back to sewing! YIPPEE!!
    I NEVER put your pilows away.. oh..wait..I already told you that.

    Becky..sob..I am beginning to repeat myself...and it's scary! LOL

  19. So pretty! I also love the texture of burlap, and I like how you've softened it up.

  20. Oh yes..... what a treat.... I will order one tonight.. I have been away too long.... time to get out and about with my friends.. Your fall fruffles are ohhhhhhhh so pretty..

  21. I am not a big ruffle girl, and I have been unsure about the use of burlap in the decor that I have been seeing, but I am in love with what you did here! Love the work fruffles...adorable and clever, and I love the white ruffles on the table runner. It is wonderfully seasonal and so unexpected!Bravo Becky!
    ♥, Susan

  22. Becky, thanks for stopping at my blog. Your kind words about the passing of our dear little Bichon were touching. If my husband had his way, we'd have two of "yours" in a heart beat. This will be our time for traveling without concern for our pet. Thanks.

  23. Fruffles are a must for Fall! You always are inspiring... your pictures are gorgeous! Only you can make burlap beautiful.xxoo

  24. Love, love, love your signature runners! It was love at first site when I saw your runner in your recent give away post (I think I discovered it an hour or so after it closed!). You are really tempting me! I think it would look fabulous on our white-painted "formal" table. I would like to order one.... do I wait for a PayPal invoice? Just let me know. :-)

  25. Such a cute fruffle!!! It looks perfect in your fall decorations.

  26. Your home is so beautiful. And your fruffles!!! Gorgeous, elegant and rustic all at the same time. You genius you!! xoxo

  27. Those are absolutely fetchingly gorgeous!

  28. These are so so pretty - love fruffles :) Hugs, Catherine x

  29. Love at first sight.
    Toooooo cool..... I am sure they will sell like hot cakes!

    Hugz, Dolly


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