Sunday, September 12, 2010



Soooo……what’s shaking?

Just checking in and then back to the grind. The laundry pile is to my knees and the house has been neglected. I will share why in a few days, weeks. Soon though.

Hope everyone is having a beautiful day! Take the time to hug someone you love and tell them how much they mean to you! And for those of you who read my blog, I am thinking of you, you, you and you!!! A little secret squirrel code to decipher! ;)




  1. Well I think I'm your number one fan! You were my first blog I ever read and I think the world of you. Thank you so much for your kind and sweet words today.

    Luv u too!


  2. I too can say...your blog was one of my first to read and enjoy! And every time I stop by, I feel as though you have given me a hug. Thank you for being you...happy day!

  3. Oh Becky ~ I feel so much better hearing that you are up to your knees in laundry too. I am multi~tasking today, but I promise to give everyone I love a big hug. Since I don't live close enough to give you a real hug, I am sending big hugs through the magic of the internet to you and your sweet pups!!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  4. Such a sweet post today. I've been following your blog for over 18 months to see your name pop up in my sidebar! Thanks for all the inspiration you provide.

    Have a relaxing Sunday ~Natalie

  5. Oh you look like you've been very busy! I can't wait to see what you have been making:>) The laundry can wait can't it?

  6. Hmmmmm, the house is falling apart and there has to be a very good're making me terribly curious.

  7. Howdy Doo! Now what is up your cute little vintage sleeve? :)

    Have a great week!


  8. Your blog always make me happy, red makes me happy and squirrels make me happy too!
    Thanks for a really happy spot in my day!

  9. Oh Miss B -- you're a bit of a tease today. :-) -amy

  10. Thanks Becky for the kind words. Hope you get all your
    laundry done, that's what I'm doing too. Hubby and grandboys went
    to the camp so plenty of laundry to do.":O)

  11. HI Becky!

    Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughts on my Dad's passing. I have been up to my knees in laundry and chores and new ventures too, lol, but I had to stop and say a quick thank you! You are such an inspiration to me, and knowing we all have gone through similar things in blogland has warmed my heart and made me feel less alone. I have always adored your blog and the times I get to sit, yours is always one of the first I peek at to see "whats new " :). I wish I had more time to comment on every single post, but I do peek and just so relate to you. Thanks so much for being such a sweet sweet and supportive friend! mwah!

    Ok, back to chores and a few comments I can get out. Love ya! xox

    Big hugs, Cynthia

  12. I'm supposed to be cleaning house, but I took a break and here I am. Thank you for refreshing me. Now I will get back to work.

  13. what is the deal with laundry, anyway? it refuses to remain caught-up for more than 10 minutes!

    i saw some cute little scottie items at the dollar section at michaels crafts and thought of ... you!


  14. Laundry never ends...better just to leave it for a rainy day. So we have just met some wonderful people I think you may know... ;-)

  15. Oh my, what have you been up to?

  16. (((((((Beckers))))))))

    Thank you for being there for us... for loving us.... for being YOU.

    My precious precious friend.

    Can't wait to hear what you have been up to!!!!!


  17. And we are thinking of you dear one!

    Love ya angel!!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!