Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the great wall of scotties

For quite some time I have been collecting vintage pictures and vintage motto prints of Scottie dogs and other terriers. Some have been gifts from sweet friends, but most have been purchased on eBay, ETSY and at antique stores. There are many still that need to make it onto the “Great Wall of Scotties”, but for now, this is a healthy start.






A few of my favorite artists are Morgan Dennis and Lucy Dawson. You can find these prints and mottos from around 20.00 – 45.00.


  1. I love this wall! Every time I see a Scottie I think of you and my cousin, who also loves them.

  2. So adorable Becky. Scotties are everywhere you look these days. Even Target has a Scotties children's tea set.

  3. Very cool Becky! Thanks for giving us another peek into your gorgeous home!

  4. How adorable. I think they are such cute doggies.

  5. I love your "great wall of Scotties"!! Absolutely too cute for words!!

    Susan and Bentley

  6. Oh my Becky that wall is awesome.
    I love all of your prints and I can
    see why you collect them. Thanks
    for sharing them.":O)

  7. Be still my heart!! I am so envious of your uber cool collection. Wonderful collection. Super display. Lori L

  8. Those are so sweet! I love all the Scottie items... but don't tell Hannah (our Labradoodle) she'll be jealous!

  9. I love your wall of adorable scottie dog prints!!! Scotties are the cutest!

  10. What a cool and sweet collection !

  11. That wall is totally great! The "listen" picture is my very favorite. What sweet faces they have.

  12. Oh, this is so darling! Since I believe Chole Dawn is a cousin to your Scotties this just put a big ole smile on my most gorgeous face! :) This is the cutest ever.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. How cute...this adorable wall of Scotties! Thanks so much for sharing.

  14. Hi Becky,
    I love "The Great Wall of Scotties"
    So darn cute! My sister came for a visit this weekend and brought her little boy with her a 4 month old boxer.. he pee peed twice in the house....he was a bad boy!. We had fun with him, I miss not having a dogie around the house..Sigh~I guess when we retire we will re-address getting a pet..
    So for now I will just love up everyone's dogies...
    Have a sweet day! Love ya~Elizabeth

  15. What a great wall! I do love dogs and Scotties are a favorite!
    Hugs, Lisa

  16. Your wall of Scotties is just as cute as can be!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  17. Great wall all right! Love the way you've featured those old prints. I do see them at the flea markets and think of you! Also doorstops and dish towels and anything else that features scotties.

  18. I love your Scottie pictures. So cute.

  19. How cute! Scotties are just timeless
    I have loved them for years (and they are many). Fiona and Dugs are so cute. They must feel at home going up the stairs and seeing their relatives all over the wall...sandi

  20. OMG I love your wall and want one of my own.. You have a great collection!

  21. Oh I just love these and those wonderful old frames! What a great wall ;0)

  22. Oh - heart melting at the cuteness - so sweet!

  23. You have some of the most awesome collectables I have ever seen. WOW! I love your pups. The "Listen" one is my favorite because my yorkies do the same thing!

  24. Scotties are such sweet little dogs and your are precious. I just love Mr. Doogs and Miss Fiona!! And I still am enjoying my precious little pillow you made for me with the little Scottie button on it. I love your wall of scotties. It is wonderful. I will have to be on the lookout for a scottie print. You never now when you might run up on something like that out junkin'. Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!

  25. i like the picture of the two scotties together tilting their heads the same way!

  26. You have a wonderful collection! Scottie art just never loses its charm. Your staircase is the perfect place for displaying them. One thing my home lacks is wall space. I will have to admire your collection!
    Missing you, dear Becky!

  27. Now that's a stairway to heaven

  28. Hi Becky,

    I haven't been here for awhile, and thought I would come for a visit! Love your wall of scotties! So cute, and different. Looks so nice going up the wall.


  29. I love your great wall of scotties! Mumzie

  30. When I saw your title, I couldn't imagine what it meant; I pictured Hadrian's wall, all scotties end to end!
    Have a happy day!
    I had a scottie friend named Robert the Bruce. We all called him 'Robbie'.

  31. They are so sweet! I have a wee bit of Cairn art, but it could easily slide over to 'collection'!

  32. Oh, they are all so cute! I started collecting the cottage prints because of your collection. :) Boy, are they hard to find! Of course you have done a fantastic job of displaying your scotties. The staircase is perfect. :)


  33. These are all so sweet and charming Becky! Every time I see a scotty picture or figure I think of you:>)

  34. Your scottie dog pics are darling. I found you over at Shabby Fu Fu. Your blog is adorable.

  35. Becky,

    I love it! The Scottie is such an adorable breed. It's going to be a hard to decide when and if I get another dog. I dearly loved my Boxer and miss him terribly. I always said there could never be another breed for me but your Scotties may have changed my mind. ; )

  36. Dang, Becky! I see some I don't have! I have to start looking some more!!!! I love the one with the two with the googly eyes. Makes me laugh!

  37. Love it!! I've been on the look out for King Charles Cavelier pics and figurenes (had forgotten to check ebay)..harder to find than Scotties..seems like I'm always coming across Scotties~for cheap, too! Tell ya what, now that I know you collect 'em I'll pick them up FOR YOU!! ;-)
    I love your scottie collection!!

  38. This is wonderful.. give me your address and when you will be out of town! lol... No, really I can't think of a better person to have these wonderful pictures and share them with us. (literally) Love that you make other people smile at the puppies that some of us see every day.. and not always with an approving smile. Thanks.

  39. P.S. I forgot to tell you I visited Sweet Pea this summer(she says hello) and bought a metal version of the two "listen" scotties. It sits in the middle of my dining room table.( sometimes the fur sisters do also.Bad, scottie!))

  40. How cute Becky!!!
    Im away from home this weekend and now Im missing our 3 scotties!
    Happy weekend!
    Deborah xoxo

  41. How adorable is that wall of Scotties! Love it! So, so, cute!

  42. (((((((((((((Beckers)))))))))))))))

    I so love love love your Scottie collection! I will NEVER see a Scottie the rest of my life and not think of YOU! Such a gorgeous collection and the way you display it... well as only YOU can do.

    I've been catching up with you tonight... everything is beautiful. But of course. Everything reflects YOU.

    Love you,

  43. Love your pictures. It must be fun to find them and adopt them. Great display :)

  44. Oh that is just so gorgeous! Rachaelxo

  45. What a sweet wall of Scotties Becky! I'm not going to mention it to Gigi...she'll get all sorts of ideas about Rat Terrier decor ;) Hope you are having a good weekend.


  46. Hi Becky long time no see, I follow
    your wonderful "Sweet Cottage Dreams"
    Love the "great wall of scotties"
    and your toothsome two. Fiona seems like such a character !

    I hope things are going well for you, I think of you often, take care Kath

  47. Oh my goodness........That Scottie wall just makes me H.A.P.P.Y.... I love dog prints too and my daughter would be over the moon about yours. They are just toooo sweet. My favorite is the one called "listen"... Are they not the cutest things?

    Love coming to your sweet bloggie...


  48. sorry I haven't visited in a while....but, I am glad I did....I LOVE those scotty pictures. I grew up with terrier's, so this touched my heart. smiles, Linda

  49. They're fabulous, Becky! How do you keep them all straight?



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