Friday, January 1, 2010

Reflections Of A Year Gone By


Looking back on 2009 had its sad days as well as joyful ones. It was THE most difficult of years ever, however our family has tried to find ways of coping with our sorrow. We enjoy taking little trips to different places to kind of get away and enjoy life and the beauty around us. These are some of our favorite photos of last year – some taken by my husband and others by me. Random little tid bits of our life here in California. Of course, there are the dogs.........always willing to allow us to snap a picture of them, never minding if they are having good hair days or not. Wouldn't life be so easy?

My boys, Jordan and Spencer, are included in this post. Spen really misses his big brother but cherishes those special memories and times that they shared. Two of my favorite photos of the boys are below ~ the silhouette of Spen and Jordan with the fire hose.

So come along...........tis a bit of a long one, but enjoy.





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my jordy n500093403_1414795_4376 And lastly, a little tribute to our beloved Jordan…..our forever angel in Heaven. Jordan, we miss you like crazy! May your flag fly free and remind us of the sacrifices that you made to serve this wonderful country of ours. Fly free my son….may your wings stretch out in glory and honor. ……….Jordan, Senior Airman, Fire Fighter, United States Air Force. Thank you for all of the years of love, joy and laughter. xxoo


May you all have a peaceful New Year…..God Bless You.


  1. Oh sweetie,
    What a beautiful post. I really enjoyed seeing your photo journey.
    It was such a Blessing to meet you in 2009. I look forward to many visits this year.
    May you have a wonderfully Blessed 2010.
    Sherry & Daisy

  2. Becky~ Its good to see your back up
    and running. All I can say about
    California is WOW!!! It sure is
    pretty. Looking back you can see
    how much Fiona's grown.You really
    live in a beautiful state. Very
    nice pictures.Thanks for the review.:O)

  3. Happy New Year! These are just wonderful, spectacular photo shots. I'm so sorry Jordon is no longer with you. Your tribute to him is so touching. He looks like he was such a kind young man.

    Thank you and your family for your son's sacrifice to Americans everywhere. God bless him and you. You're in my prayers.


  4. Words can not speak what my heart feels. I am so sorry. Your tribute was full of love.

  5. Hi Becky,
    Happy New Year to you and yours! May this be a year of healing for your family. And I was so surprised to get your Christmas card. Thank you so much for thinking of me and my family. What spectacular photos, maybe just maybe this will be the year that hubby and I make it to California.

    Big Hugs,

  6. What beautiful pictures Becky and a wonderful look at your son. I pray that this new year brings you many of God's amazing blessing that are new every day.
    Great is His faithfulness.

  7. Miss B,
    Those scenes of my beloved California are so beautiful - especially the bridges. I'm looking out at a foot of snow today... :-)
    Equally beautiful (and funny) is the pic of Jordy with the firehose! Wishing you peace in this New Year. xo -amy

  8. Becky,

    What a sweet post - this has been a traumatic year for you - but you've handled it like a trooper.

    I especially love the picture of Fi in the carry-bag - WOW! She's grown.

    And I'm so pleased that I've "met" you and we call each other friends.


  9. Amazing photos!
    Love the roses, the dogs, the water, the sky!
    The umbrella is beautiful and the views ~ oh my goodness!
    A pie porch! I need one of those here on the east coast!

    The very sweetest though is "the picture" of a loving family with wonderful memories and wonderful (sweet cottage)dreams ahead.

    Thank you so much Becky for your cheerful blog and all that you (and your family) have given to and for others this past year!

    I pray 2010 is year that is full of joy!
    Hugs to you!

  10. Thank you for taking me along with you on a look past through your photos of the places and people you visited as you went on this journey that no one wants to travel....

    I am wishing for you that the New Year brings continued healing and peace...

  11. I can't even imagine your sorrow over losing your baby, sweetpea. Having lost our son-in-law suddenly this year and the tragedy our son went through in April by being beaten by that gang in California I can experience somewhat a mother's sorrow, but truly not your deepest sorrow, sugar. Now, ya got me bawling my eyes out and Love Bunny just walked in and asked me what was the matter. private crying party around here.

    Anyway, I love Ghiradelli Square and the Golden Gate Bridge and all of the pix you've posted. It's just home to us even though we're not there anymore.

    My heart is very, very sad for you not having Jordan around anymore but you do know you'll see that precious baby of yours again, right? I can promise you, you will!!

    My hear breaks for you, chickee,

  12. John and I have enjoyed seeing these beautiful photographs and reading your tribute to Jordan. We honor him and thank him for his service and we thank you and your family for your sacrifice.

    Your family is a testament to love, commitment, and patriotism. God's blessings on you in the coming year.

  13. Dear Becky,

    This was a beautiful tribute to your beloved son. I am just so sorry that your boy is no longer here with you. My heart still feels heavy thinking of your loss. I know I speak for all who read your blog, thank you for sharing your story because YOUR STRENGTH is truly an inspiration for all.

    Wishing you blessings in 2010.

  14. The first annivesary is the Worst, none get better, but the first, I will pray that you are surronded by love.

  15. Beautiful pictures & a loving tribute to your son.

  16. Becky, I know how hard it has been this year... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We have tried to do different things to make new memories also. It is too hard to go places right now that we visited with Amber.
    I love all of your pics! California is beautiful! I hope 2010 brings you peace, happiness and many blessings.
    Blessings and BIG HUGS,

  17. awesomely portrayed and remembered...maybe my uncle is playing his mandolin and maybe Jordan's dancin' to his music ... Heaven has NO tears :) so thankful for God's promises to us.
    May you and yours have a FANTABULOUS 2010

  18. Becky,

    The photos were breath taking. I can't even begin to imagine the void that Jordan's lost has left in your heart.
    Jordan was such a handsome young man full of life. My prayers go out to Jordan and all who have fought and are fighting for our country.

    Many Blessings,

  19. The roses and the flags and the witch sign that made me laugh..... All beautiful pictures of your life.. I still cry for you on occasion. You have touched my heart girl...... Sometimes the Lord just does that ..... Wishing you a year filled with much joy that only HE can bring and continued healing with more laughter than tears........

    Love ya.

  20. Great photos. Wishing you and your family a happy new year. Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos of your son.

    xo martine & the kiddlets

  21. What a very poignant look back, friend. Certinaly a year of many first for you. I continue to think of you often and lift you in my prayers.
    What beautiful pictures and many beautiful places. I love to travel, and it is because I find the Lord in nature more than anywhere else...even church (my personal opinion). I feel His presence in my surrounding, see his hand literally at work. I hope you feel that too and find comfort in that.
    HUGS! Peace to you in this new year!

  22. Happy New Year Becky, I loved your beautiful and moving photos. Thank you for sharing this past year with us. May this New Year be a year of peace and comfort to you and your family, and I will look forward to further adventures of the four legged family members and your beautiful photos.
    New Year blessings,
    Jean in Virginia

  23. Lovely photos and sweet memories. I hope God continues to bless you with peace in the year ahead. Thank you for sharing!

  24. Beautiful photos and a good tribute to your son that we would all like to honor with our thanks for his sacrifice for our country. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  25. Dear Becky,
    What exquisite memories captured by both heart and camera. Our family thinks the world of yours. We wish you more cherished memories to come in this new year!

  26. Hello Becky,
    I enjoyed you photo journey, beautiful post. Happy New Year, please stop in to visit me. sandi

  27. That was a beautiful post.
    May God Bless you and your family.
    It is so difficult to lose a child, Jordan was so lucky to have such a loving family as you were to have him.

  28. Beautiful. My heart is so touched by your words and photos... There is nothing stronger on this earth than a mothers love. God Bless you dear girl. Sending a prayer for you and your family along with this comment. ~ Violet

  29. Hi Becky,thank you for sharing the beauty your eyes have beheld in 2009...the pictures are amazing...your strength truly amazes me as are such an inspiration to many....I too had a very difficult year in 2009 but my pain was not to be compared to yours...reading your blog and seeing the faith you have in God,how you continue to trust him through the terrible loss of your precious child has encouraged my faith and helped me to be stronger through my own trial....if you can press on and continue to seek the beauty and good in God's amazing world through your pain,than I and others can too as are truly an amazing Woman of God..may he richly bless you and your family in this new year....

  30. This is beautiful Becky! It brought tears to my eyes.
    With the new year I hope to be a better blogger and stop by more often.

  31. Becky, thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures of your family and things and places that mean so much to you all. I hope that you have a beautiful New Year filled with lots of love, laughter and nothing but good things, and that when you think of your son, the memories are so filled with love and joy that they don't hurt so much when you are him. It is a hard thing to do, but I am trying that myself, missing my loved ones is hard, but remembering them only with love and not hurting so much is starting to get alittle easier with each thought :) Besos, Rose

  32. What a beautiful look back at a tough year. Your wish of peace is certainly one the whole world could benefit from. Best wishes for you in 2010!

  33. Hi Becky,
    What a heart-felt post in memory of your beautiful (handsome) sweet boy !! sniff sniff, I can hardly see my screen .. please feel my prayers for you and your family .. no words can mend your painful heart ~ just knowing he's in heaven with his heavenly Father now, in complete glory and peace has got to help a lttle .. You are an amazing woman and mother, and to share your heart is simply a blessing ~ You are an inspiration to me .. Blessings Becky for an amazing NEW YEAR, and may your heart heal, and be tickled a little each day ~
    Big hugs for you sweet one ~
    ~tea~ xxoo

  34. The pics of your family in Monterey are my favorite, probably because it's my favorite place too. We go at the end of every summer too.

    I lurve loooong picture posts! They really make a blog sometimes and that's why I like to use a lot as well.

    Happy New Year to 2010, may God bless you abundantly you and your family this year.

  35. Dear Becky,
    Thank you so much for a beautiful glimpse of your life. Hope 2010 brings you good things.

  36. Thank you for allowing us to share a glimpse of your life, Becky. You've been through much heartbreak but have a loving network of family and friends to support you. I wish you all good things for upcoming days. Hugs from your friend, Sue

  37. Mothers should never lose their children...but we do. Every time I visit your blog I get choked up. But you've done so well moving on with life and I commend you for that. I pray this new year will be another healing one, full of love and
    family. God bless...

  38. Becky: Skeeter and I are so thankful to God for making our paths cross with yours. It's been a true blessing to be a part of your lives this past year. We love you and look forward to many years of friendship. You are a true blessing and inspiration to us.

  39. Such a beautiful post, Becky.
    Sending you big hugs from Devon,UK.
    Sal xxx

  40. Becky, I loved your pictures. Thanks for sharing. I admire you so much and always look forward to your posts.

    God Bless you and your family in 2010.

    Love and prayers, Debbi

  41. Dear Becky, your photos are beautiful. I can't imagine how devastating the loss of Jordan is. What a lovely tribute to him from his mother who's love is undying and eternal.

    Blessings and love to you,

  42. What a beautiful post!~! May the Lord Bless you and comfort you and I pray that you and your family have a Blessed 2010.

  43. Hi Becky! I hope you guys have a blessed year!

    This was hard to view without tearing up. Words just can't explain like a picture. No parent should have to survive a child.


  44. I look to the past with sadness, but joy fills my heart with your friendship.

    love to you dear friend...

    Happy New Year...


  45. Becky,

    Your photos are amazing and such a beautiful photo memory of your son.
    I wish you a wonderful New Year with lots of good times and time to reflect along the way. God has made you a strong woman and I thank you for blessing all of us with your blog.
    Love your doggies, too!
    Best Wishes,

  46. What a beautiful, poignant post Becky. I hope you that you will be blessed with happiness and peace this year.

  47. What a bittersweet year you've had. I enjoyed your post and needed a tissue. I wish you a wonderful 2020. Blessings and hugs.....Sharon

  48. Wishing you and your family much love, healing and happiness for 2010.

  49. Beautiful pictures Becky. Love your post! Hugs..........

  50. Thank you for your wonderful post. The photos are amazing...fiona is just too cute, and those roses are divine!

    Your blog is always a joy to read.
    I hope that you have a peaceful and healing 2010, filled with more beauty, fun and laughter.

    Much Love, Emma xxx

  51. (((((Becky)))))

    These are the most beautiful images ....

    You know how much I love you.

    God bless you and your family.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with all of us.

    Love always,

  52. Oh Becky, bless your heart. What a beautiful post. Your sweet soul is inspiration to all of us. I will always remember what you went through last year and the strength and grace that you had through it all. I haven't been out visiting in a while but did want to come by and wish you a very happy new year in 2010.

  53. (((((((((((((((Becky)))))))))))))) I don't have words worthy of my thoughts.

    Much love to you my friend.


  54. That's a wonderful post and a wonderful tribute to your very special son. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a blessed New Year.

  55. MY dear Becky, It has been a hard year I know, you have come so far through the pain and I pray God will continue to lead you all through this coming year. Many blessings to you all. You are a courageous woman.


  56. That was a beautiful post.
    God Bless You.

  57. You wrote a beautiful tribute to your son. We all thank and honor him.

    May you and your family have a peaceful new year.

  58. What a wonderful post, such beautiful photographs, glad I stopped by.

    All things nice...

  59. Those are such beautiful shots, to go with a special tribute to a most difficult year.
    I wish you a blessed 2010.

  60. And may God bless you, Becky. Beautiful pictures!

    Barb ♥

  61. Just adore your blog. God bless your beautiful family. Have a blesed 2010.

  62. Beautiful post!

    You have a wonderful blog!


  63. Becky,
    Thanks for sharing a touching post both in words and photos that I know are close to your heart. God bless your family this year, and thank you for your own sacrifice of a beloved son who served selflessly for his country. 2010 will be a blessed year I pray.
    God Bless!

  64. Bless you and your family Becky in this new year ...

  65. Thanks for the "year in review"; I absolutely love your photos... and the one someone took of you with the camera ready to shoot! Your house is so beautiful! No wonder it's no fun going to work!

  66. Your photos are stunningly beautiful, and the sentiment behind them makes me cry. I grew up in a military family, and I never did know if my Dad was really coming home from 3 trips to Vietnam. But we were lucky enough that he did, and my heart always goes out to military families, as there will always be a special bond there, and so I want you to know, how sorry I am for your loss, and how lucky we all are that men like your son will be part of our greatest gifts in this country. God bless you and keep you always.

  67. This was a beautiful way to capture a year in review! Thanks for thinking of it and sharing it. Your world is truly beautiful.

    Your Scotties, well, for sure as cute as ours.

    We went to Hurlburt Field to spend Christmas with our son Evan. It's also his birthday. He's training and learning all he can to be ready to be a Crew Chief on his AC130.

    AF1 now, he'll progress to Senior Airman soon.

    And, I want you to know, that when I was with him, you crossed my mind and I said a prayer for you, your family, and Jordan.

    We share so many similar things; but love for a sun is up there.

    Happy New Year.

  68. Becky,

    I have such admiration for you and your family. I can't even imagine the sorrow and pain you felt and still feel at times. I see those photos of Jordan and I cry....but not for him. But for you. I wish I could give you a big hug! Keep doing what you are doing, the healing is happening. I can see it in your photos and hear it in your words. I hope 2010 is year of wonder and joy for all of you! Thank God for men like your Jordan! God bless you all!

  69. You have a beautiful blog. I just stumbled upon it. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. I don't think there is a greater pain than the loss of a child. My heart goes out to you. You have some wonderful pictures and I'm sure even more wonderful memories. May you find peace and continued healing in 2010.

  70. What a huge sacrifice you and your family have made for all of us! Your son will be treasured always by so many of us Mother's of sons. My prayers have been sent your way many times this past year. May God continue to give you comfort and the sweetest of memories!
    Blessings and humble gratitude,
    Grammy Carolynn

  71. Becky, Happy New Year! What beautiful photos from the past year. What a wonderful one of Jordan with the fire hose. Wishing you God's very best blessings and looking forward to another year of your wonderful posting.
    Love you,

  72. Beautiful post, Becky. You make California look beautiful (and warm!). The water, the bridges... and I always love to see Fiona and Dougal (did I spell that right???). And it is always special to see pictures of Jordan. You are the bravest soul I know to have handled this tragedy with such reverence and dignity. You truly have shown how we can keep moving forward in the face of loss.

    I wish you and your family a very happy 2010! :-)


  73. Beautiful, phenomenal photos, each and every one!

  74. Dear Becky ~
    Beautiful post, wonderful pictures. Makes me miss California but you all so much more. We love you, and look forward to seeing you in 2010.
    Hugs from me & Michael.

  75. Becky, as usual you touch my heart. Your photos are wonderful and breathtaking. The photo of Ghirardelli square reminds me of my journey in the US and California, beautiful moments.
    All the best for you and your lovely family. Hugs, Clara.

  76. Beautiful words, beautiful pictures. May 2010 fill your heart with peace and your life with more beautiful places.

  77. This post gave me goosebumps - wishing you and your family a peaceful 2010 xx

  78. What a beautiful post Becky...and, glorious beyond words, pictures.
    San Fran is one of my most favorite spots on has been too long since I was last I especially enjoyed those. But the one of Miss Fi in the bag is a heart stopper!
    I cann not tell you how many times Ihave thought about Jordan this year. I never met him, heck, I have yet to meet YOU in person, but I FEEL like I did...I often find myself thinking about you and your family and of Jordan. You are in my prayers...always.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!