Wednesday, June 24, 2009

If Pieces Could Speak.....

....our homes would be full of stories.
How did the person feel when they received this old trophy for competing in The Hammer Throw? How many little shoes were made with this tiny little shoe form? Did the child love their new shoes and proudly show them off to their friends? Did they run around the playground laughing and singing as their shoes protected their little feet? How many miles did those shoes travel?

Did the gentleman who carved the Victorian picture frame have specific tools? Were his hands strong? What was his name? What was once inside the now empty frame?
Who's face, before mine, reflected in the old mirror? How did the roses get carved into the old soldered silver loving cup?
Perhaps those loving hands who carefully crafted their wares
smile on us as we display them in our homes. How many others
before us have touched these same objects and admired them
like us? Where did they come from and how far have they traveled?

Just curious, aren't you?
~~~ I found this saying that I thought I would share with you. It is from
the book The Shack (which I am almost done reading).

You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put
miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you
in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live
in a world but a world lives in you.

--Frederick Buechner, Telling The Truth

~~~~~~ Treasure your day.....xx ~~~~~~


  1. You have struck a real chord with me on this one, Becky! I often think of where my vintage items came from. Where were they purchased. Who owned them. How did they end up being cast away and put up for sale. And the ones that I treasure from family? Oh, those are the best. It's like the generations before speaking to us. I feel those of us that love vintage collectables and antiques are guardians of the past. Sometimes when I go into an antique store I can just "feel" the presence of those former owners thanking me for caring about their treasures.

  2. How true! What wonderful pieces you have collected. I'm still on the look-out for a loving cup, what fun finds. But you know the hunt is half the fun!
    Hope you're having a wonderful sunny day Becky!

  3. Becky -
    Wonderful post. I always wonder about the history of the pieces I come across. I think that is a big part of why I'm attracted to them in the first place. Who did this belong to, was it a favorite piece, what did they feel when they first acquired it?????? All the vintage pieces we love so well all have a story to tell :)

  4. Do you think that some day our own cherished items will inspire someone else to dream about what we thought and felt and loved? Maybe we should write down and attach some of these memories to our treasures:>)

  5. Kathy...that is a good idea! Especially things we have made.

  6. Oh I always look at these vintage pieces and ask the same questions. If it is from our family I picture the family member in their youth... I think it is why I have such a hard time letting go of anything!

    I'm so glad you are reading The Shack! I found it so helpful in dealing with grief...

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh I'll be interested in anything more that you might have to say about The Shack.

    Wonderful questions! I sometimes think along these lines. I would not, however, want to see all those former faces in the mirror. 8}

  8. that is exactly what i love about the things i collect...the hidden stories...
    very lovely post.
    have a wonderful day.

  9. Becky,

    We are like souls - I rarely pick up anything old without dreaming of it's past lifetime. And like Miss Jean, I sometimes "feel" the former owners.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday.


  10. Beautiful post, Becky! Especially the saying at the end, that's so true and so well put. I love all your little "story" starters around your house and I know I'm not alone in being curious about all their "stories"!

  11. Thanks for sharing your ponderings about the past lives of objects we find and choose to make a part of our present. I feel the same way many times. It's fun to think on..

    I too, read The Shack. I thought it was wonderful. Putting all theology aside, I read it simply for what it was, a fictional novel.
    It moved me in many ways, but chapter 11 impacted me in a HUGE way. I am thankful for the message of that chapter. A change happened in my life...or I should say God used that chapter in that book to speak to me from a different telling...what His Word already spoke to me. Amazing all the ways and means God will engage to grow us, yes? It makes me shudder now when I realize I am judging someone else. :-)
    Enjoying your blog. Love your dogs.
    Scotties are a fav.

  12. love the trophy's, i have always told my kids (since they have gone with me since they were little to antique stores) that all these items were special to people, but see where the end up, love is the most important, its the only thing you get to take with you to heaven.

  13. I so love an item with a story. Or an item that sparks my imagination as to what the story might have been. He, he, he, our home is like more of a complete series of several authors rather than one story. I'm so lucky my hubby feels the same way.

  14. I think of Hans Christian Andersen when I see the shoe. I love imagining how other people lived. Great post!

  15. Hello my sweet friend,

    I just picked up an old trophy this past weekend from 1923. I put it in the bedroom with some peonies in it. I love your old treasures.

    P.S. thanks for your kind words on my blog bully.

  16. How very true. Love the quote. Your ironstone collection is wonderful. Mimi

  17. When I look in an old mirror I always wonder who else has looked in it through the ages...lovely post and pictures...xx

  18. Becky,
    I often think the same thing about my old treasures. I guess in a way we are old souls.

  19. Hi Becky,
    Love the new pics of Fiona...she is still so stinkin cute!!
    I have an shoe form and love the trophys that you have. Guess I should read the Shack..I've heard it's good. sure have MANY followers!!..that's cause you are so kind and sweet!!
    Deb :)

  20. Oh, I have often wondered the same thing about olden objects! We could write a book, couldn't we? Lovely saying too!
    Hope your day is good.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. that is what i love about vintage/antiques...

    every single piece has some untold story, a sort of spirit of their own.

  22. You have so eloquently articulated what all of us collectors dream about!

  23. Beautiful quote Becky. I am always curious about those discarded treasures and the stories they hold.

  24. your questions really got me thinking..they would have a great story!
    fun post!

  25. I love the history of all of these old pieces. Just something you can't find when you buy things at a retail store.

  26. Beautiful, beautiful post Becky! I always wonder about the treasures I drag home. I read The Shack months ago and I still think about it. My hubby hasn't read a book in years and I made him read it. I loved it.

  27. You are always there, Becky. A true thing...

  28. so very true... I find comfort in your post today. HUGS!

  29. Beautifully written Becky!.

    Enjoy your day,

  30. I started to read the shack but have'nt finished it. It's kind of a heavy concept. I still have little ones at home and the whole ladybug thing just made me sob! Have a great day.

  31. I wish I knew where so many of my vintage things came from. Once when I was in an antique store I found a vintage iron French trophy plaque and there was a picture of a cow on it and I thought it was for like a livestock competition. So I texted my French friend and asked her what it said, turns out it was for a butcher competition! Ah! I was like what in the world! I have never heard of that before so glad I didn't get it LOL. I just hope some animal lover who can't read French doesn't buy it LOL.

    All the best,

  32. Beautiful post and I love the quote. Thanks for sharing your heart.
    Leigh Ann

  33. greetings....that quote speaks to my heart. i often have you on my mind. i found the shack gave me another why of looking at loss and it was a comfort. i hope you find that also. and you should know ALL the chicks are just fine and laying almost a dozen eggs a day! look for the egg stand on the road any minute.

  34. If treasures could speak it would be really noisy at my house...could they whisper instead!!!!!!

  35. I have a few pieces hanging on my shed and some inside the house,,, and I wonder the history.... I have a few pieces from my Grandmother and if they could speak to me I would be a happy camper!

    Hope you are having a great summer girl..... I find that I am short on time for blogging on these lazy hazy days of summer.....

  36. Becky,
    I always have those same thoughts. As I run my hand over a table top I think of all the conversations and wonderful meals and about the time this table was replaced. i love to bring an old piece back to life again. I guess we just love old story pieces...Sandi

  37. Becky;I have several vintage sewing machine and I always wonder about the things that they have made and the women that owned them.I recently read the book The Shack and I plan on reading it again.

  38. Yes yes yes, your blogg is amazing!!

    Agneta from Sweden

  39. Hi Becky!
    I've been out of the loop for a while and wanted to see what you're up to. As usual, the most beautiful posts in blog land! Love Fiona and your creamy-whites. And I agree that vintage and antique items are so special and unique. What does it for me is to know that these items were made and used and loved by others long ago. They each have a history.

    Thank you for your prayers. I really appreciated your sweet comment you left on my blog.

    Patricia :o)

  40. I can definitely relate. I have some treasures that I would love to know what their past lives were and who owned them......and who will own them after me!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!