Friday, June 26, 2009


Peace be with you Michael and Farrah.


  1. Two huge stars dying just hours apart. I feel like Micheal's death has really overshadowed Farrah's but they are both extemely sad.


  2. I spoke with Aaron (our son who is 36) today. Farrah and Michael's passing, along with Ed McMahon really hit him hard. These were the popular icons when he was growing up in the 70's and 80's. Michael's music, Farrah's television show, Star Search for Ed. It really hit him hard. Like an era passing. So sad. Too soon for them all.

    Farrah, Michael, Ed: Peace be with you and love everlasting.

  3. I think we should bring back the Farrah "do". I had it in the 70's. We could call it vintage couldn't we?

  4. I, like many, remember watching the Jackson's variety show, watching Michael dance and so entranced with how smoothly he executed every step. And Farrah . . .I have to admit . . .I had the Farrah haircut, of course I didn't look as beautiful as she did LOL. That, for me, is when television could be enjoyed with the whole family. May their families find peace in their time of sorrow.

  5. What a sweet rememberance of Farrah and Michael. I also wish them peace, and condolances to all who loved them.

  6. it's hard to remember that these super stars are really people with real families and real souls...may God be with the families at this difficult time.

  7. And, if I may, peace be with all of the young people of Iran who were slaughtered in the streets as they sought freedom...something we, as Americans, often take for granted.

  8. Oh Farrah too..... Thank you fore nice regards on my blogg!!

    Agneta from Sweden, with a note of melancholy

  9. So sad...these both are still too young to go!
    Greetings, Anja

  10. Ditto Becky. They will be missed!

    Thinking of you!


  11. My thoughts and prayers are with their families. Thank you for remembering them in your post.


  12. It's been a sad week for Hollywood for sure.


  13. It's been such a sad week! Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  14. Isn't that the sweet little boy we all fell in love with and not the sad little man who just died. His music - and her hair - changed the world.

  15. very shocking. and gosh, looking at retrospectives of michael jackson is so sad. i read an interesting piece in the nytimes that said something like what a paradox he was, precocious as a child but childlike as a man. (i am sounding deep!)


  16. I wish they all know and served Jesus because I want to meet them someday.

  17. Those two photos are the way I want to remember them. Young, happy and innocent.

  18. Michaels death was unexpected..and Farrah's was not. Maybe that is what makes the difference...or perhaps it is because we knew Michael longer. Much longer. It doesn't matter. The music industry is something that is such a part of our every day life. We gage the times of our music. Tunes that remind us of this time or that time...
    Michael was HUGE. Both stars had their ups and downs...just like all of us.
    I will miss them both.

  19. I agree with you, their passing is sad and they will be missed! Love & blessings from NC!

  20. Oh I so loved Michael Jackson.... He was always an amazement to me the way he danced....... What an unhappy soul...... I pray that he had the Lord somewhere in his life..... I would love to meet him....... and as for Farrah, what a beauty she was...... I tried to do my hair like that but who could ever look like her!

    Sweet post

  21. You said it perfectly - peace to them. Twyla

  22. Death is not the end of who we are. It is only a brief pause in the endless cycle of our lives. Each of us is a spirit that cannot die.

    Thank you for remembering these two notable beings.

  23. I am so sorry to hear about your son, nothing one can say. I lost my lovely sister to cancer a few months ago, the light has gone out on my world, so i know how you feel, exactly..... be strong


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