Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Story Of Miss Red Chick

"Cluck, cluck.." "Yeh, you heard me...cluck cluck...."

" missed a spot on the floor!", yells Miss Red Chick. "Oh, and while you are at it,you need to polish that glass cook top and do your dishes!", pipes in Vintage Chuck the Chicken.

The crowd of little Dutch children cheer Miss Red Chick on as they peer over her shoulder. They are the kitchen supervisors and oversee my every move in the kitchen. Bossy little ones!!!!! No wonder I always feel like someone is watching me! Cause they are!!! Hey, do you think they will yell at me if I eat one of these cupcakes?

.......let me see............moving closer to those tasty treats..........fingers stretched....mouth is watering....icy cold glass of milk awaits me on the counter........ A booming voice yells:........"STEP AWAY FROM THE CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!".....and the crowd claps.....sssshhhhhhhhhwwaaaaaaa!...more golf claps......

"Ok, ok," I say pouting and walking away empty handed. I am forced to drink my milk with no gooey chocolate chaser....


Miss Red Chick, who is the creation of the lovely and ever-so-uber-talented Laura at Lallee's cottage.
Vintage Chuck the Chicken - an old friend
Kissing Dutch Children - previous orphans at an antique store
Cupcakes - another sweet creation of Laura!!


  1. It is an adorable little peep. My Daughter would swoon for her.

  2. What a fun chick you have! Lallee's one talented lady! I ordered the cutest hat from her that is worn by the cutest grandbaby!

  3. Ohhh! lovely works, the little porcelain dutch kids are very cute!.Regards from spain. Vivi

  4. i needed that little story...and i love the work she did on her crochet!

  5. Thanks for the story Becky. It made me smile! I like the ceramic rooster in the background. I collect those. Have a good day.

  6. LOL. Miss Red Chick is certainly chic ;) Very cute :)

    All the best,

  7. Hi Becky
    LOL!! So funny and so cute are they!
    Have a wonderful day! Hope the sun is shining where you are at!

  8. Knitted cupcakes! How absolutely adorable they are!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  9. I love Laura! She has a beautiful blog, a sweet outlook on life and makes the most darling things:>) She even gave me advice on getting my neices started on crochet projects! How sweet to have reminders of her in your home:>)

  10. That is one of the sweetest little chicks I have seen...and she looks so cute with your dutch children.
    Take care ~Natalie

  11. How sweet! I love your sweet things and the cute story! Makes me smile!

  12. You must feel like a cooking show host having such an enthusiatic audience every time you cook:-)

    I like the Duth children and the cupcakes the best.



  13. Oh how cute. I love them Miss Hen and the cupcakes. BTW I introduced my daugther to Miss Fiona last night. She told me about s friend who is expecting and they are naming the baby Fiona! She just fell in love with Fi and with Mr. D! They are adorable. Enjoy them.
    Many Blessings,

  14. I love the little Dutch figurines leaning forward for kisses.
    I would love to fill my kitchen with those cupcake.

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is so wonderful, I love all the vintage stuff and all the color!! Very cheerful! Karen

  16. Becky...Red is good! Chick is good! Cupcakes are good! I think you have something going on! :)
    What cute things she made...

  17. I need Miss Red Chick here, to keep me focused and on task! Ah, what would we do without the voices in our heads? :-)
    Funny, cute post -- love the nosy Dutch children!

  18. LOL very cute, I love that the chickens would be bossy! very hen-like ;>

  19. When I lost my blog, I lost my blog roll but today I found you again as I always loved visiting you and to also remember you in my prayers. I love Miss Cluck.

    The Raggedy Girl

  20. Oh they all looks so happy and SWEET at your house..
    I love Miss Red Chick..
    I have a hat from Laura

    smiles and love to you.. 4ever your friend..Deena

    HEY DOOG!!!!

  21. How cute is your little story Becky.I love the little chick and the Dutch children are just so sweet. I hope you have a nice and relaxing holiday weekend.
    Hugs to you,
    Jean in Virginia

  22. Hi Becky and what a cute post! I love your little red chick and all of her helpers! The crochet is lovely!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  23. Oh how ADORABLE!!

    EVERYTHING that Laura creates is always SO special and just the cutest! I treasure the things that I have that she made SO much! Your chick is toooo cute!!!

    Thank you for such a fun post Becky!!! ((((hugs))))


  24. Don't you just love all of Lallees creations? Mimi

  25. You know I am coveting that hen and those children. :-)
    FUN story! Made me smile.

  26. Oh my goodness! I had no idea I sent you the BOSSY chick! Don't send her back!!!! My kitchen is such a mess and my own conscience is mouthy enough ;-) What a fun post. But seriously.....DO NOT send her back.


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