Saturday, May 23, 2009

Awhile back I saw these little felted birds and gasped! Not only are they adorable, but they are made by my little friends, Aubrie and Rylee! These little wool love birds came out of the cage just to have their photo taken this morning and to wish you a happy day!
If you have never stopped by for a visit at The Wild Raspberry, please treat yourself today. The blog is the creation of three sisters and sister in laws, Chasity, Deborah and Shauna. They have a lovely online shop and offer adorable pillows, handbags and aprons. They are also celebrating their 100th post and are having a lovely giveaway.

I am also asking for you to say a prayer for Shauna as she was just diagnosed with cancer. It seems so unfair that such young people are afflicted with illnesses like this. You have all been so good to me in sending me your deepest of thoughts and prayers, so I ask that you extend your hearts a little further to the Heck Family.

God Bless you and have a super weekend.

Stretching my arms wide to send a (((hug))) to you - where ever you are!


  1. Hi Becky :)

    I know about those sweet girls and it's so tragic about Shauna. I've been praying for her.

    The little birds really are adorable! I have those cupcakes from the last post too :)


  2. becky,
    i wish i could give you a big squeeze right now!
    i love you bunches and bunches.

  3. These birds are so sweet and I will be sure to pop over and check out their blog and say prayers for Shauna. Blogland has a way of bringing us all closer and making up enjopy the small sweet things in life!!!
    My thoughts are with you this weekend.

  4. Aw how darn cute are those! I have visited their blog and will stop by to give well wishes. Thanks for the heads up. Have a lovely weekend and a great bighug back to you sweet lady!

  5. Oh, those are darling!

    I'm so sorry about Shauna, it's heartbreaking really how cancer is becoming so prevalent in our country. I'll be adding her to my prayer list. God Bless.

    Smiles, Karen

  6. What cute birdies!
    Life sure isn't fair at times!
    We're off to visit the Wild Raspberry!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. Sweet little birdies... I'm sorry about your friend. I am sending lots of good wishes.

  8. so cute...will go check them out!

  9. Becky, you just seem to find the cutest things. The birds are adorable. I will keep Shauna in my prayers too. Sending a hug right back at you.
    Jean in Virginia

  10. cute little birdies.

    enjoy the warm san joaquin sun this weekend.

    it's freezin' up here!

  11. Dear Becky,
    Thank you so very much for your kind words and prayer requests on Shauna's behalf. You are such a kind soul and good friend, if you don't mind me laying claim to you by proxy. :o) Love, Debbie

  12. Praying for Shauna...

    The little birds are darling and I love to put things like this in unexpected places.

    The Raggedy Girl

  13. Hi Becky!
    Love the birdies! Love the Wild Raspberry! Thanks for sharing their
    prayer concern. I did not know about Shauna. That is so sad. But she is young and strong and that could be a help in this situation.

    I hope you have a great weekend this special Memorial Day.

  14. So sorry to hear about Shauna. She is in my prayers. I am thinking of you also Becky this weekend. Peace.

  15. What saddens me to deeply is the Decoration Day/Memorial Day has become a long weekend to so many young people. It's a time for beer and cook outs and nothing else.

    My father, who served in WWII, would go to the cemetery each Memorial Day to place flags on the graves of the fallen soldiers. He did that until he was 87 years old and shortly thereafter, he passed away.

    I miss the true meaning of the day.

  16. Becky...
    Sending prayers and good thoughts to your friend, Shauna. God will bring a miracle of healing!!

    Love the little felted wool birds...they look like they can sing out a sweet birdie song!

    Also, sweet Becky, please visit my blog...I selected you for an award!!

    Love and hugs!

  17. Those birdies are darling and I love their color. Thank your for letting us know about Shauna. I have added her to my prayers.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!