Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sweet Pea ~ Sweet Indeed!!

A little over an hour from our home is a sweet little town called San Juan Bautista. It is a stop we make before heading to Carmel, California. I have posted about some lovely shops in SJB here and here, but today's post is about a precious little gem called Sweet Pea. Come along..we are almost there...

Here we are....come inside!

Let's walk around and check out the adorable things for remember you can click on any photo to get a closer look.

Lots of vintage tins and I can think of many friends who would love that aqua piece above.

A wonderful old Hubley Fido doorstop.

This little plastic guy makes me smile each time I look at him.

Isn't she cute?

I have been wanting this lollipop box ever since I saw one like it in a Mary Engelbreit book. This one is not for sale....shucks!

Sweet Japan Bisque dolls. I can think of about 10 of my blog friends who would love these!!

More precious bisque dolls and Hummels.

The shop is full of all kinds of vintage and antique pieces....something for just about everyone. No, I did not buy the scotty laundry bag, however when I go back I think it may go home with me if it still there.
Look at this cottage wall light! Hmm....can I find a place at home for it?
I have come to know the proprietor of Sweet Pea, Debbie, and she is a Sweet Pea herself! Debbie has a wonderful eye for chosing great things to sell in her shop and is always a joy to visit with and talk to about vintagey "stuff". You know when someone enjoys their work when you can see a glistening gleam in their eye - and makes the long trek from Santa Cruz each day to work in her shop.
If you see something you like in these photos, give Debbie a call. No doubt she would enjoy mailing you a treasure.
Sweet Pea is located at:
404 Third Street
San Juan Bautista, California 95045
phone: (831) 623-1053
(Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)


  1. Debbie is a dear. Did you mention that she gives out Sweet Pea seeds to her customers? Charming!

  2. What a sweet little shop! I wish I lived close enough to stop by there and find a new treasure or two. ~Adrienne~

  3. DANG IT...I would just LOVE to get in this shop with about $5, fun that would be but...
    where would I put it all? I can't get rid of anything I already have because I love it all !! Oh, dear..

  4. What a beautiful store! How fun it is to shop in a store like that. You never know what you'll find. Hey, I was born in Santa Cruz!!!

  5. Hi Becky ,I love the looks like a wonderful place to shop.Cupie dolls allways make me smile too. The high chair is like the one my family had that all four of us girls and all of our children used as babies .I now have the chair and plan on using it for Parker when he comes to my house.
    Best Wishes

  6. It looks like a great place to shop!! I saw several things I would LOVE!
    Thank you for sharing this sweet shoppe with us!

  7. I would love to visit that shop!!
    But it's probably best that I can't!! ;-)

  8. Wow, Becky - what great pictures! I see so many things I would love to have. It was making me crazy that I couldn't see all of the price tags! Oh, well - I really do have too much stuff already......

  9. Oh my, I could spend all day in a place like that! Didn't the scotty laundry bag remind you of the puppies on your pillow!?

  10. LOVE this shop Becky! And guess what! I have that lollipop box! Mine does not have the cut out pops on the side but, other than that, it looks the same. It hung on my parents kitchen wall for years...

    Thank you for taking us on this tour! I would love to visit it with you as my guide!

    I am off to catch up further with you!


  11. Oh wow, what a sweet's full of treasures! I love the cash reminds me of one my sister had as a child. Wish I could browse there in person.
    Margaret and Noreen

  12. That was fun and SO many treasures. Makes me what to go out and look for some. Tomorrow is garage sailing. Hip Hip hurray. Of course, I don't need a thing LOL & HE-HE...
    Warmly, Deb

  13. Thank you for the tour, I felt like I was right there with you!!

  14. I just love to virtual shop with you. That store would have been a wallet attack for you. I could write a whole list of temptations I see!

    Your package came today! Love, love, love the patterns. There are so many I want to try. Thank you! Check your email. I have a question for you before I send your package. Now I'm off to enlarge your pictures and dream.


  15. Oh, my! That store could do some serious damage to my budget. I was clicking away on photos left and right. I think it's a little far away though :(

  16. Hiya Becky!
    I LOVE your blog...and even bopped on over to see your house on Cottage of the Month! Your home is beautiful!! Made me wanna move my stuff around--you have a lot of cute ideas! I'll be checking in often..(putting you on my "favorites' list on my blog, too!)
    Thanks for sharing about this cute, shop, too!
    Do you ever saunter up to Rocklin/Roseville area?

  17. I would love to shop there! Thanks for the tour!love it!

  18. My grandmother and my doctor each had that same lollipop box when I was growing up. Guess that makes them at least semi-antiques now.


  19. Oh, I would love to visit Sweet Pea in person! Thanks for taking me "with you" today! I enjoyed it!

  20. How sweet of you to take us all shopping with you. Some of those treasures looked very familiar in that my family have owned similar in years past. Delightful memories seeing them displayed so beautifully.

  21. Thanks for the shopping trip! I could spend the whole day browsing,
    so many cute treasures. Thanks, now if I only lived closer!

  22. this place is gorgeous!
    I'm looking on the shelves for a pink lady vase. :-) Was there one?

  23. Ohhhh I want that high chair and stove!
    I am drooling!
    Wish we had great shops like that here!

    Thanks for taking us along with you!
    That was fun!

    Hugz, Dolly

  24. What a great shop filled with wonderful treasures that I love. Its wonderful to go shopping with you. The little cottage wall lamp would be another great touch of red in your bedroom. You have a fantastic day.
    Jean in Virginia

  25. Oh my...I could spend HOURS in there..,.you took great photos!

  26. Wonderful visit to this shop. Thanks for taking me!..Pam

  27. What wonderful "doo dads!" Thanks for the tour!

  28. I love that store! Love that town. We used to come here often when we lived closer to the bay, to get out of the fog. Now I dream of fog. Is this the store where you can hear chickens in the back? Last time we drove through town it was on a Monday..seems like the whole town was closed. I missed my dose of Sweet Pea antiques! Thanks for the little trip!

  29. What a gorgeous place, It's so 'you', Becky. I think you ought to buy that little boy doll. He belongs at your house.


  30. I live on the East coast so your pictures and tours of shops like this and the like are the best!

    I love your blog! There's something very unique about it -- always something new to find when I stop by.

    Thanks so much for sharing all that you do - Julianna

  31. Dear friends...thank you for your kind words. Julianna, thank you for visiting!

    smiles to all of you,

  32. What a charming shop. BTW who was taking the photo's Daisy is just wondering?
    We hope you have a Blessed Friday and a wonderful weekend.
    Don't forget to stop in and see what we are up to. Daisy will have a new post on Saturday.
    Sherry and Daisy

  33. OHH WOW!! I could get lost in there for hours!!!

  34. Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos of treasures...
    I must say, that I love all of them!
    I hope i`m not to greedy... but, if I had to choose just one treasure, I woudn`t be able too...
    I love them all!!!
    and that`s the truth!
    kisses Kisses

  35. This looks like the sweetest shop! I'd love to visit Debbie some day. She has so many treasures in her store. I enlarged every single picture to get all the yummy details.
    Patricia :o)

  36. Becky, thanks for the tour! I had no idea that there were fun things to see in SJB. I can't wait for my next trip pver to the coast!

  37. Oh that was sooooooooooo much fun Becky! I loved her shop! So many adorable things - I'm happy that you have such a great place to visit. Thank you for taking us with you!


  38. Oh my...I found so many things I would like to have!!! I love that little Kewpie doll!


  39. oh my gosh, i NEED that vintage highchair! Is that adorable or what? I could spend a small fortune in there. How cute is her shop? I love that lamp too ;) rosemary

  40. O my word! Where to start. Everything is soooooo divine. I could visit this store everyday just to have my spirits lifted. So glad you added the shop phone number. Ive been busy and missed stopping in to see you. Off to see more of what Ive missed.

  41. Hi Bec,
    I will definitely take that aqua piece. What an adorable shop. Were you drooling all the way through??


  42. do you remember I posted picture of lollipop box that my mother gave me? I have never seen one like except this picture you have here. This one looks even older than mine. It's darling.

  43. So much fun looking through all the pics.. Thanks!!


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