Dreams do come true....and let me tell you the story why it happened to me......
In late March of this year, a comment was left for me by Merrie Destefano, Editor of American Farmhouse Style magazine. She had left me a comment (of which I just allowed to go through) on my Farmhouse Style Bedroom post and she wrote:
"HI, Becky! I'm the editor of American Farmhouse Style magazine and would love to discuss the possibility of including some of your work in our magazine. Please contact me at merriedestefano [at] yahoo [dot] com. I hope to hear from you soon! Blessings, Merrie Destefano" onFarmhouse Style Guest Room
Merrie is the sweetest and a very talented lady herself. If you just google search her name you will see her accomplishments as not only a magazine editor, but a writer as well.
Merrie is the sweetest and a very talented lady herself. If you just google search her name you will see her accomplishments as not only a magazine editor, but a writer as well.
Stephanie Baker did a beautiful job writing the article about our farmhouse style guest bedroom. She had emailed me a list of questions and she incorporated my answers in the narrative. My family is just so excited for a portion of our home to be shared in AFS magazine! Quite honestly, it is really surreal to see it in print. I am still pinching myself. Really! Ouch!
This issue is the Summer 2015 issue and it is filled with beautiful homes that have a farmhouse flair to them. What I really love about AFS magazine is that there is a good variety of farmhouse styled homes and collections - and plenty of vintage eye candy to entice one to get in the car and drive to the nearest antique store! AFS magazine is not inundated with pages of advertisments either. Page after wonderful page of nothing but delightful homes.
We are on pages 22, 23, 24 and 25.
For those of you who may be new to reading my blog, we had remodeled this bedroom in January of this year. My husband hung the pine planking on the walls, of which we painted a bright white, and we replaced the carpet with wood flooring. It is one of our favorite rooms in the house. I know I hit the mark with design when I see my husband walk in the room to take a look. One day I asked him what he was doing and his reply was, "this room is so calming...I really love it." ...thank you, sweetheart.....I have a wonderful husband!
The clothes drying rack was pretty much the inspiration piece for the entire room. I wanted to use primitive farmhouse looking pieces, most of which I already had. As I shared with Stephanie, I spent a lot of my childhood years at my Uncle and Aunt's dairy farm. These moments were some of my fondest memories of being a kid and to this day, I remember so much of the fun we had out there. Not so much fun when I jumped from the corral fence into what I thought was "dry ground". The top looked dry and cracked, but ended up being fresh manure ... and, well, just imagine being waist deep in cow dung. My cousin and I were just recalling this moment a few days ago. Laughable now, not so much then. It was like cow dung quick sand. My poor Aunt had to strip my clothes off and wash them. I spent the day wearing my cousin John's underwear until my clothes were washed. Not fun at all! Stephanie wrote, "You can take the girl out of the farm, but you cannot take the farm out of the girl." That pretty much sums it up!
I have many friends who are antique dealers, like myself. When I was done adding the touches to the bedroom, I looked around and said to myself, "I have a little bit from most of my friends in this room!" By this I mean that I have bought something from most of my dealer friends for this room. Jeanette's horse door stop, Linda's horse bell, Cheryl H.'s fair ribbon and horse saddle piece, Doris' primitive cabinet, Sue's clothes drying rack, Jeanette and Deb's chair, Cheryl B.'s night stand that she bought from another Debra friend/dealer, Sandy's chippy white dresser, Marsha's window and primitive girl print, Belinda's loving cup, Bette's velvet rosette and crucifix, Danny's old child's chair and Janet's antique quilt.
I wish I was friends with Joanna Gaines - I bought her lamp on her website Magnolia Farms. Who knows, dreams do come true - I finally made it inside a magazine! My big dream would be to work alongside Joanna and be her assistant designer! Not that she needs any help in the creative department, for goodness sakes!
Below is the beautiful Merrie Destefano. Thank you Merrie! And thank you Stephanie! I am humbled and honored to have been a part of the recent issue of American Farmhouse Style magazine. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! And from the bottom of my husband and son's heart, too.
I also quoted Popeye when I go my copy of the magazine in the mail....
Out of my mouth came, "Well, blow me down!" Yes, a very excited girl I am!
Till next time.....
Out of my mouth came, "Well, blow me down!" Yes, a very excited girl I am!
Till next time.....