For my Fiona Jordyn….
my little buddy…
my best friend.
Our angel that gave us pure love, laughter and joy!
Many hours were spent chasing after your red ball. Oh the anxiety you had when you could not find that red ball of yours!!And that orange rubber bone! You would shake it so hard that you would smack Duhgall up side his head with it. He got smart and learned quickly how to take it away from you. :)
Your eyes could melt the hardest of hearts..though you never knew any. You were so loved, cherished and admired. You loved us back…thank you, thank you, dear sissy.
We will miss you, wee lassie….
Till we meet up again. You are in loving arms in Heaven now….

Time has seemingly slipped through the vastness of oblivion since last posting six months ago. (wow!) Work has been super busy (thankful for that), however I’ve just not had the wherewithal to sit down and share my heart here on the blog. So without further hesitation..
I sit.
I write.
And of course, again, I cry.
Last October, our dear friend Stan passed away from a sudden health crisis. (Stan is pictured in the fourth photo down). Our family quickly became friends with Stan and his wife after meeting them when we purchased Duhgall from them in 2006. They bred the most gorgeous Scottish Terriers! We have spent many holidays with Stan, his wife Dodie and their family – including many litters of Scottie puppies! In December of 2008, we picked out our second Scottie, Miss Fiona Jordyn. Ironically enough, she and our youngest son share the same birthday. After we lost our oldest son Jordan on 2-4-09, I debated taking on a new puppy. Dodie persuaded me to bring her home which I never regretted. Fiona – Fee as we called her – hurdled me over the dark times and sadness just by being her silly self and keeping me occupied in taking care of all of her early puppy needs - i.e.: potty training.
Scotties love their families, but will have their “favorite” person. Duhgall, though he was a mother’s day gift for ME, has chosen my husband as his favorite. Fiona, on the other hand, was my little shadow and she and I were inseparable for five short years.
On January 14th, Fiona crossed the bridge. It was a genetic liver disorder that robbed her of her youth and a long life. She was brave and didn’t even act ill until, on the 12th, she became sick and in less than 48 hours, she was gone. We made the decision to put her to rest so she would not suffer.
I miss our girl. She could fill a room with her presence. The house has been eerily quiet without her here. Even the mailman mentioned to me that when he drops off a package at the door, he doesn’t hear barking anymore. I explained to him that it was Fiona who was the “watch dog” of the house. The one to always put her paws up on the window sill in the kitchen window to see who was on “her” porch (as captured in the 15th photo down from the top).
Duhgall misses his little sister, too. He still goes into the room where she slept and barks up at the bed as if to wake her up. It breaks my heart. They were best friends and he allowed her to be the alpha dog, except when it came to food. He would growl at her if she tried to make a much calculated attempt to near his dog food bowl.
I know that some of you can relate to the heartache of losing a pet. They are family. Best friends, too.
Fiona made the “Angel” page in the Great Scots Magazine, which is a page devoted to honoring beloved Scotties who have passed on. Thanks to Joseph Harvill (editor of GSM) for remembering Fee and to my friend, Waveney who submitted her picture to Joseph. Waveney, my very precious and talented friend, could not sleep the night after Fiona journeyed on. In the quiet and stillness of the early morning hours, she wrote this beautiful poem:
Fi…onn.a. Fi…… What!!? Be someone calling me name?
At first so softly, faintly, tenderly, so distant. Now, I hear so clearly. Fiona…. FIONA!
The MASTER, he calls my name! I love my happy home, but I cannot remain.
I am wanted, needed….perhaps our boy? I am eager, my soul pants to flee, but this earthly body so confineth me.
BLESS YOU, for releasing me. I shall not forget our bed, nor your loving kiss upon my head.
Grieve short for ME. Rather, cherish our warm days with Duhgall at the sea.
I, FIONA, will bide patiently, until across the misty moor, each familiar face I see. My earthly family.
Adieu, In peace…
Your Fee.
I cannot write anymore right now. My eyes are filling with tears that blur the computer screen. However, I will be back soon. It’s time to blog again.
Hugs and love to my blog friends,