Sunday, July 1, 2012

Transfer Where?

One morning I was making my way around one of my favorite flea markets and came upon an older gentleman who had a lot of dishes and glassware for sale in his space.  Rather than look at each table and each item (I am impatient, I know) I asked him if he had any Transferware.  He looked confused and a little miffed and said, “What!?  You want me to transfer where?”  I had to look behind me to see if perhaps there may have been someone else he was conversing with, but no, it was just me.  

I gave him my nervous giggle and said, “What?”  He became more irritated with me and said, “I am NOT moving – I am all set up and this is MY spot!”

I told him he must have misunderstood me – OBVIOUSLY – and I explained to him I was looking to buy English Transferware and did he have any for sale.  He then laughed and answered my question with a bit of embarrassment in his tone.  He had NO Transferware dishes, so I moved on and made a "mental note to self" to just look without asking next time.  Geesh.  I mumbled to myself – in my best Jim Carey impersonation – Allllrightythen! and moved on.

A few sellers down the row had this sweet English green Transferware creamer for sale.  Score!  Not a “good buy” by resale means for me, but it is a keeper for my personal collection. 

The bowl below I bought last week at an estate sale and, well gosh, I think I will have to keep it – after all, it goes nicely with the little creamer. 
I am fond of the green and brown Transferware and have not paid more than 15.00 for any single item.  The brown platter above was $5.00 and is from the 19th century.  Love those bargain finds!


  1. I love these! I need to start looking for some. That story is so funny.

  2. Beautiful. Transferware is like a beautiful picture painted on a plate. I love to collect pieces and your bargins are great. Smiles...Renee

  3. That is funny and you found some great pieces.

  4. What a cute conversation you had with this gentleman!

  5. Ha ha ha, I can only imagine his embarrassment!!

    I agree, the bowl does go nicely with the creamer!!


  6. Yes you do need to keep it!!! It looks lovely with the creamer!

  7. I love the old transferware, too. Especially the green pieces. I only have a couple but I think it so gorgeous. Looks like you found some great pieces to add to your collection. xo Diana

  8. I love transferware too. I have lots of blue and red a few brown but would love some green. Glad no one is transferring anywhere! Mimi

  9. That's funny Becky... you made me chuckle. YOur transferware is very pretty. I'd love to collect it too but I just don't have the room...I do have one piece that I just couldn't get rid of. Of course I guess the pieces that are in my booth are technically mine, until they sell, right.(o:
    Have a great evening my friend,

  10. Those are great pieces!! I just adore that little creamer!!

  11. I love transferware and especially if it's at a good price. You'll surely remember where you bought the pieces since there's a funny story behind the purchase.

    I found a sock monkey in an antique store where the male owner insisted on carrying it around like a baby while I browsed (he was talking to it, too). Ewww. I almost didn't buy it, but I felt obligated. It's the engineer sock monkey and I clearly remember the shop where I bought it. :@

  12. Oh, I have a thing for transferware too - but I'm partial to blue. Oh yes, red too. Definitely green. Brown is tops for me too. And even black......Okay, any color would be loved by me. (except purple - just not a fan) I went to some estate sales the past two Fridays and I found so many things! Most of them I'm going to put in my etsy shop, but a few treasures I will keep. I better sell some stuff though so I can buy so more stuff. LOL

  13. Very pretty pieces. My hubby uses that "alrightythen" line alot :) Have a wonderful 4th!

  14. The Transfer Where is great! And the prices too!! Love the green!!!


  15. The Transfer Where is Great!! And so are the prices!!! Love the green!


  16. Hahaha that is so hilarious - people are just too much, aren't they? LOL.

    Beautiful treasures you have found, well done!

  17. No wonder you want to keep those sweet pieces - the do go together.

  18. Great finds! The story about the man who thought you wanted him to move was hysterical!!
    : ) Kris

  19. Oh, Becky...What a funny moment for you...and, that poor befuddled man! I think you held yourself together quite nicely! I would have been so tickled!
    You did find some wonderful transferware and the way you have displayed them is so artful!
    I hope you are having a nice summer. We, out west, are so blessed to be escaping the extreme heat and humidity! My husband's family live in Tennessee and they are sweltering!
    Thank you for your precious testimony...You are such a reflection of God's love and grace!
    Carolynn xo

  20. Oh my...I did have a little giggle after reading your recount of the Transferware incident!I love all your finds and how you've displayed them. It looks great! Thanks for sharing! Tania♥

  21. Cute story! Beautiful the bird too!

  22. Hi Becky,
    How's your summer going?
    Love your transferware, well love everything about your sweet cottage. I collect too but don't have a lot. I was at a little antique mall over the weekend & saw a black & white transferware compote marked 12. I'm sure it was reproduction but it was pretty. I'm trying to be good these days so I put it down. Now I can't stop thinking about it. LOL

  23. Oh, I love Transferware! Glad you do, too. This is so pretty. We both posted on "Fleas" today!!!
    have a blesse4d week,

  24. That is so funny Becky. I love your transfer ware and I have several pieces myself. I can't
    believe it is so cheap there. Here it is in the double and triplet digits. You lucky girl!

  25. I am trying not to succumb to the call of the transferware but it is so pretty! I'm like you with limiting myslef to a certain price point -- makes the hunt a little more challenging. Love your collection, Miss B!

  26. You display your beautiful things so wonderfully, I really love this nook!

  27. That's such a great story, Becky. Love it. And, of course, I love the transferware!


  28. Funny story! I love that little pitcher.

  29. Transfer where? How funny. Love your beautiful pieces. Thanks for sharing them and your fun stories. I wish I was your neighbor so I could shop with ya!
    Have a great week. Enjoy your

  30. Poor guy...he must have been relieved whenhe realized he wouldn't have to move anywhere!

    Your collection is so pretty and that little bird is adorable! I have a couple of his cousins living with me!

    Happy Day Becky!

  31. Hi Becky! You threw that little oldie a loopie! :) I love transfer where ware too! :) You have some pretty pieces, love the green and white. How are the puppies? Chloe Dawn sends 4th of July kisses.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  32. Hi Becky,

    that is too funny! Pretty dishes. Have a happy 4th!


  33. Wow,fantastic buy. I love them and love the story. Cute,,, love Kathy Sue

  34. Haha, funny story and very nice purchases.

  35. you and me have one more thing in common...i also love brown and green transfer ware...i however dont have the space for it so have to pass it mum has a collection of lilac you get that over there? it is beautiful.
    The monkey clip you sent us is a firm favorite goes on all our walks through the countryside, and we have gotten rather a lot of lovely comments about him. August holds him in his chubby hands even when asleep! :) thank you xxx

  36. Becky, I'm having a good time this morning reading down through your posts. I'm so glad that Alison sent me this way. I'm your latest follower and have added you to my sidebar. I look forward to frequent visits.
    Love the sweet green transferware pieces. I have some brown but no green. I'll have to add that to my wish list. ;-)


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