Sunday, September 18, 2011

Need A Chocolate Fix?


There is something completely and utterly unavoidable about this chocolate gooey goodness in a bowl. Best eaten warm with a smidge (or more if you must) of whipped cream. Though it is rich and creamy, a second bowl is often a must.

What is it? It is Chocolate Cobbler! I first made it after finding the recipe over at Cherry Hill Cottage – thank you, Tina! It is now one of my go-to recipes for a quick dessert. And remember there is ONE “S” in desert (so that you can get through it fast), but TWO “S’s” in dessert – because you will want to take your time eating it.

Click HERE for the recipe! Let me know if you like it!

A special box arrived at my door yesterday filled with three friends. I will share with you more about these three friends later this week. In the meantime, we are having a lot of fun together! More to come!



  1. I think you rang my bell this morning. WOW...who could resist this? Thanks.

  2. Becky I got that same recipe from Tina too. OMG it is to die for let me tell you. It is AWESOME tasting and you are right you do want to eat it slow. I make it usually only on holidays because it is so darn good I want to eat the whole thang.
    And I do mean the whole "thang". I can't wait to see what you got in the box.

  3. That cobbler looks so good. I just got through eating chocolate Cheerios. Yum. Hmmm, what three friends arrived in a box? Chicks maybe? Can't wait to see.

  4. I absolutely love your blog, honey. Truly, one of the greatest. We're from northern California also. But when I see you blog I see that picture of that Marine and just want to sob. My hubby is retired Marine and son was in the Marines also. I LOVE men who are courageous enough to fight for my country.

    I just can't say enough about the photographs, so light and gorgeous. I wish I had that kind of light in my home but, alas, I don't.

    Sorry, I lurk a lot but don't find much time to comment on every blog all the time. Just know I'm truly with you in spirit and "sneak" peeks all the time.


  5. I'm very tempted to make this! YUM!

  6. I'm a bit off topic here, I hope you don't mind. I was wondering if you had made the burlap table runner with the ruffle that I have rolling around in my brain from a while back. If so, do you have a tutorial, Etsy shop, suggestions? I so sure I saw it on your blog but I couldn't find it in your Flickr stream so not I'm doubting...Thanks! And beautiful post, as always!

  7. Oh Yum....looks soooo good! Headed over for recipe now!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. It looks absolutely sinful and I want a bite so bad!

  9. Oooo, that dessert would sure go good with the cup of coffee I'm drinking right now!

  10. I'm going to have to try this, it looks delicious!!

    I hope you're having an enjoyable day!!

  11. I have that recipe stowed away for a leaner day. ☺ This is no time to be tempted.

    How intriguing about your three friends who've arrived in a box and with whom you are having such a great time. Hmmmm...

  12. Oh I love that saying because it is so very true. And yum anything chocolate for me.

  13. Any leftovers?? Looks delish!
    xo Cathy

  14. After seeing your post this morning I made this yummy awesome dessert tonight!!!!!! It was so easy and sooooooo good!
    Thank you for sharing!

  15. This looks so yummy! I adore chocolate :) I am going to make it this week.

  16. YUMMO!!!!!
    Cherry Hill Cottage....

  17. When doo I NOT need a chocolate fix Becky? This sounds fantastic. Gotta try it soon, thanks for the recipe!

  18. Oh my goodness, that looks so delicious, my mouth is watering just thinking about tucking into something like that. YUMMMMM.

  19. Oh my heavens...a chocolate cobbler...that's just so wrong and so right all at the same time...I am going to have to try out that recipe this week!!Enjoy your friends...I need to know more...

  20. My goodness that looks yummy. I've tried some of Tina's other recipes and really enjoyed them.

    Always love my visits here. :)


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