Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Guess Who Arrived???……


……AND just in time for FALL!! If you haven’t already read about Sadie Mae, Toto and Rufus, then please allow me to formally introduce you to THEM! Have you heard of the movie “The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants?” You can call this story “The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Bag and Her Two Companions.”


Cindy, at the blog Rick Rack & Gingham, pioneered this awesome idea as a means to uplift a friend of hers who lost both her husband and her home this past April to the tornado that hit Alabama. Sadie Mae has been delegated as the pilgrim to make the long journey to 15 homes across the USA, the last stop back to Cindy. So that she doesn’t travel alone, her pals, Rufus and Toto, will be there to support her with their rough and ready attitude & their playful shenanigans. Along the way she will gather favorite recipes, state/hometown postcards, small gifts and words of encouragement from us gals who are participating.


Lets begin our first outing to a REALLY fun open house!

P1010005c1 I have the navigator going and two very excited companions to join my friend, Shari, and I.


After a 25 mile drive, we arrived to the fall open house at American Country.


The trio is all excited to be there and couldn’t wait to sit amongst the pumpkins.



I did mention that Toto and Rufus love shenanigans! I see that I am going to have to keep a watchful eye on these two!

P1010011y About American Country…

Lori and Mike brought the disassembled cabin back to Turlock, California from Somerset, Ohio and rebuilt it on their property. Lori had a darling shop in downtown Turlock, but has since relocated her wares to the cabin. For information about shop hours, you can call (209) 668-1888.


As a means to keep the length of this post down, I am sharing the outside of the cabin today. It is wonderfully decorated for fall, so please come back for some fall inspiration!

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Sadie Mae takes a bit of a rest on the old bench…but wait, where are Toto and Rufus? Are they hiding amongst the dried gourds?

P1010075k Nooooo….they are playing further down on the porch. What are they playing? Doorbell ditch!

“Who’s there?”, says Toto?


He looks all around, only to hear sounds emanating from the roof-top. “It’s too early to be Santa and his reindeer! Rufus, where are YOU??!!”



With his tail tucked between his legs & a displeased look on his face, Rufus begrudgingly retreats back inside the little cabin…only this time to get stuck in the window frame!

It is going to be a busy few days at our little home.

P1010083h But do come back! What waits just inside the window is a feast for the fall eyes!


  1. I needed to see this today! Rufus, Toto and the beautiful fall pictures have just brightened my day right up!

  2. Oh Becky you have made this just perfect!!Thank you...love it!!!Can't wait to see all the shenanigans they get into with you and Sadie Mae.

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. Hi Becky, Oh what a wonderful idea and such a wonderful post, you made my day. I hope you and your family had a wonderful summer. Hugs, Terri

  4. Sadie is having the grand tour at your home, and your photos are outstanding. Love the 1810 cabin, and gourds. She had fun at my house too.

  5. What a wonderful post...you made me smile ;0)!! I can't wait to see what's inside...the outside looks wonderful!!

  6. What a joyful idea! I'll be eager to see the journey.

  7. I am looking forward to what is inside the door! What a cute place! Rufus and Toto are adorable and what a sweet idea Cindy had!

  8. Becky,
    This is too cute! I have followed Sadie Mae on her journey. The pics are just gorgeous. I can't wait to see more!

  9. What purely delightful fun!!!!!!

  10. This is the cutest thang I've seen in a while,so cheerful,I love Rufus,Toto the bright carry and this awesome post,I'm excited to follow the adventures of these cute little critters.

  11. Becky
    Rufus, Toto, and Sadie Mae are so photographic! And so well behaved too. I hope they know how lucky they were to get to go along on this day out.
    What a great idea Cindy came up with to bring cheer to her friend!

  12. Oh Sadie Mae, Rufus and ToTo, I have missed you so. It is good to see you looking so well and having such fun. I just knew that Sweet Cottage would take good care of you.

  13. Wow...you sure show them three a good time....I enjoyed all the pictures...bless you Becky..did I say thank you for praying for my daddy? He is doing wondrously well.

  14. I am going to love following Sadie Mae, Rufus and Toto! They definitely had fun with you, Becky!! These are beautiful photos...it sure is looking like fall in your area!! Enjoy!


  15. Toto made it! Along with the other friends...How cute. I am so glad to see the sweet photos. What a wonderful post. Smiles...Renee...Toto's Mom

  16. I'm enjoying your photos...and the cute escapades of these critters! Enjoy your week! ♥

  17. LOL, that was so darn cute! And that Cindy, she is so full of good ideas! ;D

  18. Becky, You so brightened up my day and made me smile! What a wonderful idea and such a sweet one too. Thanks for sharing all the great photos!

  19. What a wonderfully-inspiring story. Gorgeous pics.

  20. Becky,Becky,Becky I am telling you, you really need to write a book. Maybe a children's book, you are so
    darn good at it. You made my day and I am drooling over the cabin. I can't wait to see the inside. Hurry and let Rufus and Toto explore. Great Post!!!

  21. Tehehehe, what a thoroughly enjoyable sweet post. Loved it!

  22. You just have such a way with pictures and words...... I always smile and I think that the Father God so enjoys giving talent to HIS kids and then watching them us it.... :)

  23. OHNO the cute shop inTurlock is gone? Where is this place? I'm dying for a road trip once the weather is cooler. Looks wonderful. I'm so out of the loop with new places.
    Anyway, hope that we'll have lunch some time after quilt market! xo

  24. Well! That sure sounds like a fun adventure!Such a great idea!! Can't wait to see all the hijinx! :)


  25. Your blog is so beautiful Becky, I miss you already. Always in my heart. Deb:)xx

  26. Perfectly wonderful idea! Sadie Mae and ALL her friends will brighten so many days for so many people! My day is definitely brighter!!


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