Monday, March 14, 2011

Visit A Gaelic Cottage At Polohouse

Yesterday I received a phone call from my friend, Waveney. She called to share with me that her house is going to be featured on the Polohouse blog. Long story short, Jennifer, The Old Painted Cottage blog, wrote to me a few weeks back to share with me about Allison’s gorgeous home and her blog. Jennifer shared that Waveney and I would love Allison’s home because she has a lot of plaid themed decor. Upon reading this, I checked out Polohouse and fell in love with Allison’s blog. Of course, I had to share it right away with Wave….and the rest is history. Be sure to visit Allison’s blog to read the lovely post where Wave shares her home and collections. Now let me tell you, will want to read it with a Gaelic brogue, too!

Some of you may recognize Waveny’s home from being featured as Cottage Of The Month in January of 2009. For more photos of her beautiful cottage home, you can link to The Old Painted Cottage and visit the archived files.

Brick Patio

Breakfast room 1

Waveney’s home is chock full of European antiques, majolica, antique oils, oils she has painted herself, Victorian frames and paper punch mottos, needle point pillows and cross stitched pieces that she designed and made, Scottish terrier figurines and gorgeous furniture.

So grab your favorite beverage, don some tartan and come for a wee bit o’ a stroll with us. If you listen with a keen ear, you may even hear the faint sound of a bagpiper playing his pipes as he stands high on a mountain top that is covered with thistle and heather.

a table in the BA

Den 3 - like this one, too

Kitchen area 1

LR 10 antique oil and door stop

Collection of decoys and oil of a Scotsman

Vignette of scotty pics in Den

Old photo of a boy in his kilt

sitting room with desk

Drawings by Wave

The pencil drawings above were artfully done by Waveney herself.

She shares her home with her husband, Doug, her golden retriever, Hank, and her two Scottish Terriers, Maude and Roslyn.

Thank you for visiting Glendogal cottage!

And us Irish like to say:

“If you are lucky enough to be Irish, you are lucky enough!”


  1. I just want to feel the nip of a wee Scottie on my heel!!

  2. Oh how enticing! Yes, I'm going right now. Thanks for the link...

  3. Hi Becky, what beautiful pictures,
    Thanks for sharing them!
    I love the portrait on the easel and all the doggie pictures too!

  4. Thank you Becky!!! What a surprise! a little Irish mischief. I feel like a celeb and will try not to let it go to my heid. I truly have been blessed with a beautiful home and lots of stuff. But the real blessings are my Jesus, the old man and the hounds, family and guid friends like you!

  5. Oh, I can't wait to go check out her blog!!!

  6. So many treasures! What a beautiful home, so much to look at!
    ~ Michelle

  7. What a wonderful place to visit! Thank you for sharing the link :-)

  8. That made me want to break out the plaid! I love all the Scottie bits and pieces.

  9. What a beautiful home! She has so many pretty things!

  10. Thank you for letting us know. Wave has such amazing collections!

  11. Hi Becky~
    Looking at the pictures brought back the memory of that day you took me over to Wave's home. It truly is beautiful.
    Thank you Wave for allowing us the opportunity to stroll through your home and be delighted!


    Debbie <3

  12. Nice Becky thanks for sharing. Love the pics of the pups.So

  13. Oh I would love to visit that cottage! What amazing pictures too! Top o' the mornin' to you from one colleen to another! xx

  14. Hi Becky,
    I just went over to visit Alison, her blog is wonderful!
    I love your post today and Waveney's home is "charmed" with all the beauty and style of a cottage right out of a fairy tale.
    Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth

  15. I remember visiting this sweet cottage. I loved it then and still love it now!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  16. Thanks for the heads up on The Pologhouse blog. What a wonderful blog and a new friend! I'm missing my California friends but am having a wonderful time here.

  17. I remember seeing your friend's gorgeous home as The Cottage of the Month! Loved it then! Love it now! :)

    Off to see The Polohouse.

    Have a Lovely St. Pat's Day!


  18. Here is another blog you'd love-- extreme fabulous-ness over at The Ribboned Crown
    ---> Loads of plaid "stuff" and beautiful things she's made.

  19. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for such a delightful tour!!

  20. Great post Becky...I am off to check out that link! It is always so entertaining when I stop by.

  21. Thanks Becky for letting others
    share our friend Wave's lovely,
    lovely home. She is most talented
    and very generous with her gifts
    for many of her friends. She's
    a 'Keeper'!!
    Love, love your blog, it's
    always special.
    xo Linda A.

  22. That is hysterical! What a handsome fellow he is!!!

  23. Dear Becky,

    This is such a great post and I love the new shots of Waveney's beautiful home that you have that I had not seen before!

    THANKS so much for sending your sweet friends over to my little blog. I am ever so grateful!
    Alison :)

  24. I love Waveney's home! I like her Scotties and I would love to have that cute picture with the pony and the dogs.

  25. One of my favorite places ever! I know I told you this before but i adore her home!!! So godd to see it once again! It is just too, too wonderful!


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