……..came these beautiful creations!!
Let me share with you some very special works of art…..

..that came in the mail last week. My friend, Judy Clark, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, blessed me with these beautiful handmade pillows and other sweet things that she made! Judy’s work is no stranger to blog land as she has gifted many of our blog friends – you can read about some HERE and HERE. Above is the scottie pillow that she made out of black ticking and polka dot ribbon. **I like the way the other dogs are checking him out! By-the-way, that little vintage Vogart pillow was handmade by our friend, Kathy. She had it for sale in her ETSY shop…..but not for long!!
Judy is a talented interior designer and seamstress and has been sewing for years and years. She is going to open her ETSY shop soon, too. (I will post the link when she does.) Judy not only sews beautifully, but she makes furniture, like the red scottie wheelbarrow filled with her little hearts. (Note: Fiona will be pleased that a white scottie came in the box!!) The cute Wade scottie figurine was a Christmas gift from MISS JEAN. I think he looks cute with his new wheelbarrow…… ;)
Judy made the little angel from a domino, some wire and small spindles. She goes perfectly with the wood heart that I bought at Target. I like to attach things to the switch on my lamps so that when I go to turn them on, I can find the switch without fumbling around in the dark.
Below is a scottie heart pillow that is tied onto a hook on the entryway hall tree. Thank you, Judy!!
Have you been over to Jane’s blog? Jane lives in England and has a charming blog (Jane and The Happy Crow) where she shares about her adorable paintings, life in England and her fabulous vintage collections. Jane, along with several of her friends, were recently published in the UK’s Country Living magazine – click HERE to read about the article. And you should see Jane’s studio – oh. my. goodness! It is fantastic!!!!
Jane had a giveaway on her blog and guess who was blessed? Yes indeedy, moi. Last week I received Jane’s parcel that was filled with all kinds of wonderful treats, like this little tin made with old papers, vintage flowers and a little girl with butterfly wings! love this!!!
Thank you, Jane!!

That’s it for today……but before I leave….
I also wanted to say thank you to all of you who emailed me and also left comments on my last post. We all walk down unfavorable paths in our life – there is no way around it. For Jean: I am sorry about your Mum…..my heart goes out to you. You asked “how do you get this peace” and I have to tell you it is through scripture, God’s words. When I feel overwhelmed, anxious and cannot breathe, I sit down and have a quiet time – or a time out. Taking the time to be still and to pray really helps. If you would like to chat, you can always email me.
Blessings to you all……