A lovely gift was given to me for Mother’s Day! My dear friend – no, more like big sister – Miss Jean presented me this adorable little painting that she had made specifically for me. Do you recognize the sweet pair on the bench? It is none other than Mr. Duhgall Piper and Miss Fiona Jordyn. **gasp!** Look at that little red roofed cottage, the yellow butterflies, shamrocks and the mail box!!!! I believe my Scotties are dressed in their Sunday finery, too!
Did I cry when I opened it?
Why yes, yes I did!
I will have you know that Jean has had this up her sleeve for two months and not a hint was given that she was up to no good! *snickers*
She is a good keeper of secrets!!
Do any of you recognize the artwork? I know that many of you do as it is that of the creative genius, Diane Duda.
Diane has a lovely blog and also sells her charming paintings on ETSY (you can click HERE to take you to her ETSY shop). You can read about this painting on her blog, too.
Diane, you are brilliant!
Thank you, Jean – and thank you Diane!
A treasure for a lifetime!! Duhgall and Fiona love it, too. Of course, they had to sniff it and check it out. They gave their lick of approval.
This beautiful bouquet of tulips were left on my front steps on Mother’s Day. We had come home from having brunch at Jean and Mr. In The Garden’s home and was surprised to see this little bundle sitting there. No card and no idea where they came from.
Lovely buttery yellow tulips…..who brought you here?
Thank you……………whoever you are………..
Many of you were on my mind on Mother’s Day. I just want you to know that many of us are walking the same walk and my heart is with each of you. You know who you are……just know that I love you and we are breathing now for our children. Our babies….always and forever our babies they will be.
The weekend is here! This week sure flew right on by for me. Did it for you, too?
I’ll share the guest room transformation with y’all soon.
Till the next post, be sweet and be blessed!
....Post script.....Oh dear.....I am so blind without my glasses and deleted 12 sweet comments tonight. I am so sorry girls! Know I love each of you and thank you for your prayers sent my way last Sunday! LeAnn, Becky, Liz, Nancy, Denise....just to name a few.....love you!!