Friday, April 16, 2010

Summer Blouses

IMG_3023 And the story continues…..

Yes, more summer blouses.  Cool, crisp, colorful and one-of-a-kind.  It has been so much fun making these blouses and more fun finding just the right fabrics to use.  This can be a challenge as I love so many different fabrics!IMG_3019 This blouse is made from my stash of fabrics that I just could not buy enough of.  Plump pink and red cherries against an aqua blue.  Many have asked what pattern I used for this blouse and THIS ONE…

IMG_3026 …and here it is:  Simplicity 2415.  It really is “SO EASY”.  The two adjustments that I made was to add extra length to the bottom (I am very tall) and added about 1/2” more just under the arm - at the top (arm-pit area).


Awhile back I made this blouse with a tossed cherry print. 



I used the same vintage peasant top pattern for this blouse, however I extended the length of the sleeve and added in an empire elastic waist.  The length is a little longer, too, to make it more of a tunic.  It is fun to tweak a pattern – a bit frustrating at times, but a good challenge!


IMG_3131 The pennant banners are all packaged and listed on etsy, too. IMG_3102

I am taking a bit of a break as I am working on a big project.  A first for me….lots of thinking involved….planning….check and re-check…and involves plenty of coffee to induce good brain stimulation!  I’ll share later! 


  1. OH YUMMY!!! I am SEW envious!!! I wish I could hoo...I cannot...

    They are all wonderful and my FAVORITE colors!! You are going to look marvelously cool this summer!!

    Have a GREAT weekend!!!

    Take Care,


  2. Such pretty and happy colors! I remember wearing the peasant blouses in my pre-teen years.

  3. I love the fabric of the first blouse. That pattern looks so cool and comfortable. Just perfect for the hot days that will be coming our way! Have a great weekend!!

    Susan and Bentley

  4. Love those pretty tops! I saw some very sweet fabric at Joann's tempting! Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh my gosh Becky, I love this style of blouse. Can you believe my husband said we might go to California this summer??????


  6. Becky, Your blouses are just adorable with that cute fabric. I can't wait to see what big project you are working on!

  7. Cute Cute Cute! Hey, that longer one you made, thot u made urself a little mini dress * woohoo! Happy Weekend My Friend :) xo P

  8. Oh these are so pretty Becky and the bright colors withyour dark hair will look great. I love seersucker, it was a fabric my grandmother used when she made us summer playclothes and it always felt so crisp and cool. Now I am wondering what the big project is:>)

  9. I love that sweet cherry is wonderful....

  10. How sweet these tops are!! Was this made with the seersucker fabric you found at Joann's? I have been meaning to see if ours carries it. I love the bright colors and I love that peasant look.

    Good luck with that project!!


  11. I just love your sewing inspirations! It has made me want to sew up some summer tops ,bought a pattern today - now if I can just stay out of the garden - hehe
    have a great weekend and a great time with your new project- can't wait to see it.

  12. Have fun with your New Project! Keep the coffee coming.

    You know I love your blouses. After we chatted last week you inspired me to go to Joanne's and I came back with fabric and a pattern quite similar to yours. I hope to get started on it this weekend? We'll see. That is so funny, I am tall too 5'11" and I knew I would have to tweak the length a bit as well.

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  13. Nice job on your blouses!! I am learning to sew...but I am still just at a beginning level.

  14. What pretty blouses! I haven't made anything from a pattern in soooo long!


  15. Good luck with the planning - I'm looking forward to seeing the resulting project. Don't stay away too long!

  16. Yes, Janie, the blouses were made from the fabric I found at JoAnn's.


  17. Carrie, that makes two of us! I am 5'11" as well! :)


  18. Love those tops . . really cute. You did a very nice job sewing them. Have a good Saturday!

  19. Your blouses are so pretty. I love the colors and designs in the fabrics.


  20. YOU have been a busy beaver at the sewing machine! I love all those fabrics you've been using...
    Happy Sewing

  21. Hi Becky! Oh, I love these little tops you're making. What a beautiful job you've done too! Now I know poke your tiny body into one of your new tops, go into your bathroom and snap for me! Will you come to my party on May 7th? I would love to have you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Hi Becky~
    These are so pretty and practical for summer, I might have to get out my sewing machine! I wonder where I put it? :)
    That blue one is so soft and lovely.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  23. Becky! This is the exact pattern that I got. I was going to make the little cap sleeve out of vintage sheets...but now I think that the top out of the sheets with a little pair of pull on shorts would be darling PJ's. I have a King flat so I'm pretty sure there is enough fabric. :)

    Thanks for the inspiration!
    P.S. These are so cute! You do such a great job!

  24. Those blouses are just adorable Becky -- I'll bet you look cute as a button in them too. Good luck on your big project!

  25. What pretty blouses!! Thanks for sharing the pattern you used...looks like a fun & easy blouse to make.

  26. Love the summer tops. Years ago I sewed everything....even took tailoring in college; but haven't done much but mend in the last 30 years. Yesterday I went to JoAnns for their big sale, only to discover how much patterns are these days. Yikes! I love Vogue patterns, but at $27.95 each I was flabbergasted to say the least. I only wish I had all my old patterns from the 1960's and 1970's... I'm thinking of tracking them down, but not sure I want to go there. Anyway, your tops are fresh as Springtime. Love them. Yvonne

  27. Your tops are wonderful!!! And the colors are so beautiful. Those pennants are sweet too. Good luck with your big project. Love & blessings from NC!

  28. soo soooo are one fine talent my friend! I can not do any clothing.....sccceeeers me. LOve those peasant blouses...yum!!!! cherry

  29. The first one is adorable, great fabric choice.


  30. Becky;
    I love the tops I have been wanting to make some for myself.I will put this pattern on my shopping list.
    I and looking forward to you next project.I know it will be great.
    Have a great weekend

  31. Becky, your blouses are really, really, really pretty and so feminine. I especially love the cherry one!

  32. Becky, I love the fabric with cherries and your banners are to cute! I am going to go check out your Etsy Store!

  33. Becky~ I love an easy pattern,one
    that you don't have to rack your
    brain with. I love this one and
    your blouses are so cute. Good
    choice in fabric. That's what I
    like to do too with a pattern.
    You can take one pattern and make
    so many different outfits from it.
    I love to create like you. I can't
    wait to see your big project.:O)

  34. This is amazing...I was so inspired by your last peasant top that I actually went out and bought a pattern only to have sticker shock with the price of patterns. So I pulled that exact pattern off the circular rack because of the price. Now that's amazing...what would be even more amazing would be me actually making the blouse! lol

  35. You have such a good eye for fabric and how to put it addition to being a wonderful seamstress. I teach high school English and I use that same mnemonic device to teach my students!
    And of course, I always love to see your puppies (and the chocolate doesn't hurt either!)
    Have a great week. Lori

  36. Pretty tops. I'll admire them because I dislike sewing clothes. I do have some very sweet seersucker I bought.

  37. So CUTE! Thanks for posting the pattern. I want to make one!

    Thank you!

  38. Oh Beck!

    I am going to your site for some peace and goodness as I struggle through state testing and stormy spring days that have children climbing and jumping off the walls of my classroom. Not as serene as your pictures! I LOVE your blouses! The aqua/cyan paisley one reminds me of my 8th grade graduation dress that I MADE in my homemaking class!! It was just long enough to cover my butt (1971), made out of summery yellow dotted swiss with little white roses all over it. It was empire waist with a 2" satin sash tied in a big bow in the back. I was stylin'!! Love Ya, Joni


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