Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lentil and Pea Soup

P1010011 One of our favorite soups is Lentil and Pea. The boys always referred to it as “green soup”.

P1010012a Rich, thick, chunky, warm and comforting.


My favorite part – taking a chunk of bread and dipping it into the soup!

The evenings here are still cool and a steaming hot bowl of soup is a sure guarantee to warm you up. This recipe makes a good amount – which is great for leftovers! Leftovers are a must when I am knee deep in sewing projects. The guilt trip is draped heavily upon my shoulders when 5 PM rolls around and I haven’t even began to make dinner. Do you ever feel that way? No sweat if there are leftovers, right? What I would like to really say is this: make your own dinner!

Here’s the recipe:

Lentil and Pea Soup

1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
1 1/2 Cup chopped onion
1 Cup dried brown lentils
1 Cup dried green split peas
3 3/4 lbs ham hock or pork hocks (smoked is better) – I prefer shanks because there is more meat on them than a hock
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon marjoram
1/2 teaspoon sage
1 1/4 cup chopped celery
1 1/2 cup chopped carrots
1 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
12 cups of water
1 Tablespoon salt
1 Tablespoon lemon juice

In a heavy Dutch oven or large pot, add oil and cook onions and garlic till soft. Add remaining ingredients except carrots and celery. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce to low. Cover pot and simmer 1 1/2 hours. Add carrots and celery and cook 40 minutes more, uncovered. When the hocks are cooked enough (the meat will be easy to pull from the bone) remove the hocks and cut the meat into bite-sized pieces. Discard the fat and bones. Add the meat back to the soup and cook gently till desired thickness. Makes 12 cups at 52 cents each. 136 calories per cup. You can double the recipe but the cooking time will also be doubled.

Serve with corn bread or buttered sourdough bread.

…back to sewing………….


  1. Mmmm, one of our favorites too and yet, I haven't made it at all this winter in spite of having honey baked ham leftovers in the freezer. I like to make it in the crockpot, just throw it all in in the morning and eat at night. Do I get caught up in my sewing? Ummm, ask my husband, good thing he's a fantastic (and understanding) cook, and laundry guy, and vacuum cleaner and...

  2. You make that sound REALLY good, and I don't even like green soup!

  3. Yuummmm! That sounds great! I have the split peas, and I'm gonna go get some lentils today!

  4. One of my favs! Don't know what happened to the last batch I made but whether it was elves, being too busy or whatever - it was totally tasteless to me! My husband ate it. Not something you would give your dogs and live to tell Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  5. I have often wanted to say, "Everyone fend for himself or herself." True Confessions: Sometimes I do!

    If I made this recipe, I'd be a hit with a few folks. Can't see myself doing it, though, but perhaps I should show some mercy. Ha!

    Have fun sewing!

  6. Oh!
    I had to come RUSHING over when I caught a glimpse of this soup! I do believe I will be making this soup this weekend!
    It's suppose to be chillllly here in the Northwest this weekend...and I will be popping back over here to jot down this recipe!
    Thanks for sharing!
    And OH how I CAN relate to the afternoon slipping away...then the hub calls and says what's for dinner...and I am just like...WHAT?!
    Why do you have to come in on my little hibernating world! Ha...haha! ( I really do adore him!)
    When I was making my iced sugar cookies last week...and I was knee deep in powdered about 5:00...I called and told him I had booked him a room for the night in Seattle! hahahaha!
    We live on Bainbridge Island...35 min ferry ride! I told him I would just send his things over on the ferry! Hahahahah!
    All my little heart wanted to do was keep on ICING those sugar cookies!
    I REALLLLLLLY do love and adore him! xo ;o)

  7. Oh how I would love to make this for me! I'm not sure Hubby would like it, but I could eat it for a few days all by myself.

    Our nights have been warm this past week and in fact I hate to say it but we turned on the AC in order to sleep in comfort.. too early in the year to be this warm!

    And, yes... I feel guilty when I get carried away with other things in life and don't have dinner on the table in time. *sighs* I do try however... *smiles*

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  8. Yumm ~ This goes on the menu! Thank you for sharing it.
    Now sew, sew, sew.....

  9. This is a dish hubs could love, honey, because of the ham hocks in it. I'll have to surprise him with it very, very soon.

  10. I just love this kind of soup, and now I have a really good recipe!!!!! Thank you! I am so excited to see what you are making with that wonderful fun fabric!!!!!

  11. Yum! I want to make some. My mom also just gave me a recipe for creamed peas which I want to try. I hear ya on the "fix your own dinner"! We women have projects we need to get done and sometimes making dinner just gets in the way!


  12. I just made some last night -- left over Easter ham, you know.
    I don't add lentils to mine; but I do add barley! Yummy dinner coming up!

  13. Hmmm...I just lover soup, especially a hearty bean soup! This one looks delish!

  14. That sounds wonderful! I have made lentil soup and pea soup, but I have never combined the two!

    I caught a bad cold the last week in France and I have been craving soup....this sounds like it is the perfect one.

  15. That looks so yummy! Thank-you for the recipe. I will have to try it before it gets warmer.It's just my husband and I at home now :(
    so I always have to motivate myself to cook after working all day. Sometimes I will say were having YO~YO's (your on your own):)
    Have a wonderful day,

  16. Sounds yummy! We always make split pea, but I haven't tried it with lentils. It's going on the list. Might be perfect this weekend with the expected rain and cooler temps.

    Love your plates! Are they vintage restaurant ware?

  17. Boy Becky that looks good. Yes I
    sometimes would like to say what
    you crossed out, but I don't since
    he works all day and I am such a
    good domestic engineer. LOL.:O)

  18. I love homemade soup and this one looks great. I have my ham bone from the Easter ham. I could make your soup with that bone. Can't wait to try it. Love & blessings from NC!

  19. Becky, you are so a woman after my own heart...I more often than not get so caught up in whatever creative venture I'm enjoying and lose track of time. Love your lined Saw your heart for Jack on Daisy's adorable.

  20. What I really would like it say is "who's hungry?". I think my husband's stomach goes by the clock, not by hunger signals. LOL


  21. I have always loved lentil soup. Now I must make some! Thanks for your recipe!

  22. I made pea soup just last week. Make a big pot of it and shared it with my daughters family. Yours looks delicious!

  23. I LOVE lentil soup and I LOVE split pea soup! What a brilliant idea for lentil and pea soup! Thank you for the recipe!

  24. Becky,
    I just read your comment on my blog. I think about you everyday as well. I know you feel my pain and I know we will survive (you have passed the first year mark and I am on the 8 month mark) the loss of our children and hopefully we will be an inspiration to other mothers. I know you have been to me :)
    I love the heart you made for Jack as well. I made me one for Amber just like the one I sent Kim for Jack. I also included a little note to him about my loss and hopefully it will help him with his grief.
    Now ... can I come for a bowl of soup?
    Hugs and Blessings,

  25. Ah, a slice of rye bread dunked in thick warm green pea soup tastes so yummy! A pot of the soup simmering on the stove smells so good!

    Happy Sewing!

  26. Dear Becky, it is a pleasure to meet you. Your blog decor is precious and the Lentil Soup looks so delicious. I know this is a place I will come back to's very warm & homey!

    But I must tell you, with three 20 something's of my own, I'm deeply touched by the evidence of God's peace on you, in light of such sweet sorrow. My heart, reaches out to embrace you in His love. Celebrating the good that has come out of your sadness and the joy that you will spend forever with your precious Jordan. I can only imagine the lives God has touched through yours. Again it is an honor to meet you. I would love to put you on my 'blogs that inspire' list.

    Big, big hug!

  27. Your soup looks delicious. I have a left over ham bone with some meat still on it from Easter, so I think we will be trying out your recipe tonight. The weather in Idaho has been crummy. High winds, low temps, just icky weather. Nothing like a hot bowl of soup to warm us up!! Have a great weekend dear Becky!!

    Susan and Bentley

    PS: Yes, I admit to feeling guilty when I have not started dinner because I have been reading blogs.

  28. Hi Becky!
    I hope your Easter was wonderful! We were away so I'm catching up all of your 'doings'. The soup sounds fab, I'd like it even better if someone was cooking it for me! LOL The peasant top & all of the sweet fabric make me want to dust off the sewing machine. And those bottles.....well, let's just say bottles are my thing so I am loving them hard. Lisa

  29. YUM!!!!!!!!! But I have gone raw! But I can make soup....... but it is cold and I eat it with onion raw bread.......... what a life!

    Wishing you a happy happy joy joy summer........


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