Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Great Outdoors


A favorite place to go for a drive to is Yosemite National Park. We love it there, especially this time of year. With all of the rain we have had this winter, there were gorgeous and colorful wild flowers everywhere and the waterfalls were showing off in all of their powerful glory!

Above photo is of my two boys..."human boy, Spen-Man and doggie boy, Doogie P."

IMG_2941 Duhgall and Fiona love it there, too. They get plenty of attention from park visitors. Scotties have a way of just making people smile!



IMG_2949 We didn’t see any wild animals today, but I have to wonder about this tree! See the face? Do you think this is a Dogwood?



See the layers of the waterfall? It was breathtaking, to say the least. Many visitors took in the beauty and wonder that day.




God’s creations. Glory, glory!

These photos made me think of the first song on my playlist….

……Filled with wonder,
Awestruck wonder
At the mention of Your Name
Jesus, Your Name is Power
Breath, and Living Water
Such a marvelous mystery




  1. How beautiful. Its amazing what God created for us mere humans here on earth.

  2. Just incredible beauty in this world. Thank you for mentioning the layers in the waterfall...I had overlooked the entire top half.

  3. How Beautiful!

    I would love to visit there someday.
    I bet the dogs had a great time. I'm sure they bring lots of smiles to everyone. They're just so darn cute!

    Blessings to you!

  4. We are from the East Coast. When we visited there was no water on the falls in late summer 2008. We would have liked to have seen that. We thought Half Dome view was fantastic.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  5. Your pictures are gorgeous. I especially like the Scottie pictures. Scottie Dogs always make me smile!

  6. Absolutely beautiful!! I have been to Yosemite once with my daughter and her friend. It is beautiful to see! I was awed at every turn that we made, and the Bridalveil Falls are gorgeous, aren't they? We saw a beautiful double rainbow there on the Bridalveil Falls when we looked at them and it was breathless!! Your pictures are beautiful!

    Your puppy dogs seem like they were really enjoying sightseeing too!


  7. Beautiful pictures Becky! I've never been to Yosemite, but it's certainly on my wish list!!!

  8. Wow, what incredible pictures! Very beautiful.


  9. Loved your post. Thanks for sharing the beauty of a place in our country that I have never seen or visited. God's nature speaks of His power and glory with no words, yes? It's so hard for me to take in that He SPOKE it into being. no work. Just said the word and it was there....I love your first song too! Hugs.

  10. Just breathtaking, Becky!! It must have been hard to stop taking pictures!!


  11. So beautiful, thanks for sharing. You have the cutest dogs.
    As I drove through our little town today I thought about how beautiful it was. A friend had been in our town today and stopped by but I missed her visit. When I called her she commented on the beauty as well. Spring just brings out the best in our beautiful world. I wish it lasted longer.

  12. What an amazing place!
    Rosie is a smile magnet too. What is it about a little Scottish dog?

  13. What majestic photos! I've never been there. Thanks for taking me along!

  14. Oh how I love this song...thanks for making it a part of my day! Wonderful Photos!

  15. Beautiful photos! What magestic beauty. laurie

  16. Hello Becky,
    Your photos are beautiful. I enjoy Yosemite too, the waterfalls must be incredible with all of the rain we have had this year. Spence looks so handsome and yes Scotties make everyone smile.... L, sandi

  17. Yosemite is a glorious place to visit, for sure. When we were there I saw a bear run across the road, but no lions or tigers! Not even a scotty!

    That picture of the Awahanee is where the wedding was held. Beautiful, but bittersweet now.

    I'm glad you had a chance to go visit the park. A true creation and gift from God.

  18. Wow Becky, those are amazing photos. Dugs always looks so regal...LOL!


  19. Oh how beautiful. I loved God's creation photo's. I love the doggie kids too and the boy kid. You have a lovely family.
    Thanks for sharing. Praying your week is Blessed,

  20. How lucky you are to live near enough to go there on a drive! It is beautiful and I loved seeing your photos.

  21. Hi Becky,
    Always love visiting sweet you !! Yosemite is always gorgeous !! How wonderful to stand and give awe to Gods creations .. Your babys' look so at home there too .. bet they had a wonderful time !! Hope all is well with you my friend, your love and faith continually bless me .. blessings for a happy and beautiful rest of your week ~
    hugs ~tea~xo

  22. It is just a little peek of what the Father God has saved for us when we get home........ We cannot even imagine......... Can you imagine how beautiful it will be...... NOPE!

    Love ya!

  23. We spent a few vacations camping in Yosemite when our kids were little. Such an inspiring and beautiful place. Mimi

  24. So very pretty! Thank you for sharing your day with us :)

  25. What gorgeous photos and very cute Scotties!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  26. I may never get to this park, but your pics are amazing and let me see it thousands of miles away. Thanks for sharing the beauty with me. Oh, yea, it does look like a dog.

    God Bless You!!

  27. Someday I want to see all of our national parks. Yosemite is at the top of the list. :) Thanks for sharing your awesome photos.


  28. There is nothing that we mere humans can make that can compete with God's glory! What a wonderful day you and your family must have enjoyed. Of course, any trip is always better when the pups come along!!

    Susan and Bentley

  29. Love the photos.. love the spot... love the dogs! Ah, that mine would be so beautiful when visiting there.. not all of God's creations are created equal! Thanks for sharing.

  30. WOW BECKY WOW!!! That is the most
    beautiful place in the world that
    God created. Absolutely GEORGOUS.
    Is that a new "do" on Fiona? She
    looks as though she has been to
    the salon. That is two of the most
    handsome guys yet!!!:O) (Doogs &

  31. Oh my word. I love waterfalls. I just love waterfalls. Those are beautiful pictures. You have so many wonderful places to visit there. The dogs look so so cute.Also I love that song to. I enjoy hearing it when they sing that at church.Thanks for a great post today.love you,Kathy

  32. Oh, that looks like a wolf on that tree with a bad tooth day!!! ha. love Kathy

  33. What incredible photography! I love Yosemite, we also try to make it to the Rocky Mountains at least once a year. I think it's the closest glimpse of heaven we'll get until we get there!

  34. Becky I have never been there but it is an amazing place. It definitely is one of the most beautiful places on this earth. I have been to Yellowstone many times, but never Yosemite. I love it whenever I can see Duhgall and Fiona!

  35. Yosemite is gorgeous! While looking at your beautiful photos I was thinking back to my visit so many years ago.

    The rainbows near and Bridal Veil Falls itself are still very vivid to me.

  36. I was so lucky and blessed to visit this beautiful place on earth once. It is truly breathtaking. As are your photos! And PLEASE give Spen a hug for me... what a great photo of him and your furbabies too. Miss him - miss you - and wish I could have been there too.


  37. So beautiful...you take such lovely pictures!! It looks like you had a glorious day:) God bless you & your family:):)


  38. Yosemite--it's like going to church! I'll never forget my visit.

    The Scotties look beautiful. I'm not surprised they were traffic stoppers. Glad you had another beautiful outing. It is such a good time of year for just that sort of thing.



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