Thursday, April 1, 2010

Feeling Groovy & Thank You, Carol!


I am feeling back in the groove of things now that my computer is fixed – AGAIN! So what does a girl do when the gray box is not working? Well, she whips up a peasant top!

The little vintage pin, a recent find for $2.00, looks sweet against the…


… cute little summer print that I found awhile back. I decided to make a different style peasant top – one with a half sleeve and a bell edge. Takes me back to the days of watching Goldie Hawn on Laugh In. For you younger readers, you may want to google this! *wink* Kind of makes me want to jump up and do a little go-go dance! Now if only I had my white patent leather boots that I once sported with my chunky white patent leather watch. Takes me back to the ‘60’s…..


Miss Molly is sporting the new blouse. She “cracks” up when she gets to model! Better her than I!


P1010012 Lastly, I am one LUCKY CHICKIE for having won sweet Carol’s giveaway!! Carol was having a lovely giveaway for the precious bunny plate below. Her box arrived yesterday and enclosed was not only the adorable little plate, but some sweet treats from my favorite store, Trader Joe’s. How did Carol know I LOVE gummy candy and jelly beans? But sweeter yet is how the plate was wrapped so delicately to match Carol’s handmade card. Carol paints the most beautiful water color pictures!

P1010017 Thank you so very, very much, Carol! I will cherish this forever!


What have you been up to lately?


  1. Ok now I think you are going to have to make more of those daring Groovy Tops.. Very cute! Hugs and Kisses Have blessed Easter, Diane

  2. Certainly made me feel Groovy and that's one of my best and favorite oldie songs from my teens. The pin and hat really look great with that print. I would wear it!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  3. Lovely little smock you "whipped up""..I so wish I could sew like that!! It is so pretty with the vintage pin too!
    Yay for winning the giveaway...the plate looks perfect for Easter Brunch..and so do the jelly beans..yum!!

  4. I love your new shirt, it turned out adorable!!

  5. Oh, Becky! The blouse is so pretty. It almost has a linen look to it. Your only problem is if Kim sees it! She'll send her sweet Maggie all the way from FLA to confiscate it!


  6. craked me up talking about 'Go Go dancing'. Blast in the past for sure. I love your blouse and Goldie would be honored to wear it!!! Have a blessed Easter Becky.

  7. becky,

    that top is way GrOoVy!

    i love the sleeves. i think some white lipstick and some go-go dancing is in order!


    wtg on the jelly beans = also GrOoVy!

  8. Becky, I love your top. So adorable!! I used to have a pin almost identical to yours. I used to have a pair of those white boots too. Loved to watch Laugh-In. Your plate you won is the cutest thing yet. You are one lucky gal. I am another lucky gal too, because I have enjoyed your sweet heart pillow so very much. Have a wonderful Easter! Love & blessings from NC!

  9. How cute is that top! and that vintage pin isn't to bad either! Happy Easter.

  10. Congratulations on your win. The little plate is so sweet and candy is always wonderful.
    Now I love your cute top. I remember 'Laugh In' and the mini dresses they wore weren't much longer than your top! You did a great job on it.
    Happy Easter and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Very groovy and cute top, just need some daisies for your hair. Music was perfect. Happy Easter.

  12. What a cute top...I haven't sewn for myself in years but I feel it comin on. Now if I could just find about six more hours in the day (to sleep) then everything would indeed be groovy!

  13. I'm in the mood to sew! I need a cute peasant top!!! :)
    Congrats on winning that darling plate! How perfect for Easter!


  14. Hi Becky! What a cute top you "whipped up". Love the vintage pin too. The little plate you got is so sweet with the bunnies! Happy Easter to you and your family! I'm so happy to have my son home on leave right now,Marcia

  15. getting ready for high school graduation...oh, the things to do! It's a bittersweet time for me :)
    So tickled you won the pretty!!

  16. How pretty!!! I can totally see you wearing looks like you! Love the vintage pin. I found one like it a few days ago at a thrift store.

  17. I LOVE your top--simply adorable! I want to make one! The pin looks great! Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Easter!
    Blessings to you!
    Love, Brenda

  18. Oh my goodness! I just came to check in on you and you've been doing almost the same thing as me. I just posted about a peasant dress I made in a green floral. Yours is adorable! I love that print and the style.
    Have a wonderful Easter Becky.

  19. Altogether a fresh and pretty post!
    Yes, I remember those white go-go boots, kiss curls, poor boy sweaters and peasant tops/dresses. What fun!

  20. Oh my...better check a) your email, b) my blog and c) Rocky Creek blog ( hint...I think you know why ;o)
    Nebby & G-dog

  21. So cute! and the daisy pin is perfect. THe bunny plate is so pretty, what a great thing to win. I think I would frame the little watercolor card. Hope you have a wonderful Easter Becky!

  22. Very, very cute Becky! I LOVE the coordinating pin too!!!

  23. Hi Becky,
    Oh my goodness, I want a groovy top too! It's so Marcia Brady!! I am loving the styles right now. Have a wonderful Easter my sweet friend.


  24. Blogger was acting up last night, and my comment wouldn't post, so I had to come back to tell you that your little peasant top is very sweet. That brooch is the icing on the cake.
    I well remember go-go boots, poor boy sweaters and spiky eyelashes, a mile long! go with the peasant top.

  25. I love your little top - and I don't have to google Laugh in and Goldie Hawn! I remember it all vividly.

    Your giveaway win is lovely.

    Have a wonderful Easter


  26. I so love this "groovy top". How could you go wrong with daisies ~ they are just so happy!

    Congrats on the adorable plate and goodies ~ you lucky duck!

    Have a wonderful Easter!!

  27. I remember go go boots! Wore them until there was no heel left! Your blouse is so so sweet and congrats on your win! Wow what an awesome giveaway.

    You posed the question, "what have we been up to lately?"

    Well I am here with my mother who is in the last stages of a terminal disease, caring for her,while she naps, I am making some hearts for Jack to send to Daisy Cottage. You inspired me, as your blog is always such a creative inspiration.

    May you have a blessed Easter, and on this good Friday may we not forget the price that was paid for our salvation.

    In Christ love ~ Paula

  28. I'm so lovin that top girl!! I would have picked up that pin too..just my taste.

  29. Hi Becky! Another darling peasant top. Love the print and you do need to find that watch with the white band. Groovy baby!! Most of all Bentley and I stopped by to wish you, your family and all of your fur babies a very blessed Easter!!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  30. We love your new top! Mom remembers Goldie Hawn in Laugh In very well!

  31. Amen, Paula! Today IS the day that God died on the rugged cross and shed His blood for our salvation.

    Peace to all of you...

  32. Hi Becky~
    What a darling top! Isn't it funny how the peasant look returned? You top looks so comfortable, too.

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  33. congrats on winning! peasant blouses are my all-time favorite, always have been, since 7th grade!

  34. Those were the days my friend!!

  35. Oh I love the top!! Make on for me please!! Have a Blessed Easter. Elma

  36. Such a sweet top and pin - LOVE this look!! And I'm afraid I know Laugh-In all too well! (such fun!) Hope you have a wonderful Easter my friend! Many blessings to you and yours!!

    Hugs & Blessings,

  37. LOVE Laugh-In and Goldie Hawn. Great top. Why can't they make cute peasant tops today? If I liked to sew clothes I'd have one for every day of the week. Would you share the pattern you used...just in case? I was scrolling through your blog and your photos are gorgeous.

  38. I love the top you made. So summery lookin! I also adore the bunny plate you received. I'm sure you will cherish it.


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