Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Peasant Style


Miss K and I are D-O-N-E with our revised version of the peasant top. Miss K chose a summery blue and white polka dot and a solid red for hers. I found a cute cherry print and red and white check for mine. (All fabrics were from JoAnn's - and on sale!). We decided to add a band at the bottom to make these more of a tunic than a blouse.


I am so proud of Miss K’s sewing skills! She is in love with Mr. Janome, too. He just swoons anyone who sews on him. Prrrr…….

P1010014g2 A sweet little sleeve and gathered elastic edges add to the cuteness of these shirts. Kind of Bohemian meets Country!

P1010010j1 Little cherries remind me of summer time, picnics in the park and fruit stands.




I found this vintage pattern on ETSY. There were so many to choose from, so I bought two in different styles. Just a little clue when buying vintage patterns: women were smaller back then, so the size “16” of the 60’s is now a 10-12. I have plans to make more summer tops. It is so much fun to have a blouse that is a one-of-a-kind and made in sweet summer prints. They are really fun and took me back to the days that I made them in sewing classes at school. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!

Thank you, Miss K, for sharing your day with me!!!



  1. Becky~~~

    These tops are so cute. I can imagine wearing them with white capris and flats (I have it figured out already!). Everything about the style is flattering. I don't have the thinnest of arms anymore so I like the little bit of a cap sleeve.

    Great pattern. I need to learn to sew. You probably don't know but I bought a brand spanking new machine last fall and can't figure out how to thread it!! My SIL is going to give me lessons when we both have time. Keep up the great work (fun)!


  2. Back in the day, I used to love peasant tops. Your longer tunic-style ones are fabulous! I bet they would be very flattering.

  3. Too cute for sure! I'm with ya on the waist thing...not here either! Have a Great Day!

  4. Miss K and YOU did a great job on the blouse, honey! Darling.

  5. These came out wonderful. Yes I have noticed how teeny tiny those old patterns are, goodness did I have a waist that small? Maybe as a 12 year old. I like the longer length myself.

  6. how adorable. . . and how i wish
    i could still wear adorable!

  7. Get out of town! (oh, right - I'm the one out of town! tee hee!) Can you get any more talented? Those are the darling-est blouses. So sweet that you and Miss K made them together! I like the idea that you made them from a vintage pattern.

    Hugs to all.

  8. Your peasant tops are just adorable! Love the fabric choices!

  9. How cute these would look with white capri pants or shorts . . they really turned out nice.

  10. Oh they are absolutely sweet! Great job ladies!!

  11. how fun!

    can your mr. janome tell my miss janome to be nice to me? we're on shaky terms!

    your tops are adorable! (maybe some cute cuffed denim capris?)


  12. Those little tops are so cute! I'm sure I had something made from that pattern way-back-when!
    Isn't it nice to have a girl around the house - and one who likes some of the things that you like?

  13. Hi Sweet Becky,
    They turned out so beautiful !! And sooo summery !! what a fun project to do with each other .. I soo remember making these exact shirts in 7th grade home ec. class .. They were so easy for me that I made many in different fabrics .. Talk about memory lane .. WoW !! thanks for sharing have a happy week ~
    hugs ~tea~xo

  14. OHMYGOSH...totally adorable, I love the prints you chose for your top, and hers looks so nautical! What fun you two had! (Love your model!)

  15. So cute!!! Wish I could sew like that!!

    xo martine & the kiddlets

  16. I hope to see you wearing that soon! Its so cute. Love the cherries and also love the Polka dot version. Very nautical looking to me. What fun to have a good sewing day.

  17. OH~~~How CUTE! I always wish I could sew. I love fabric and yours is so cute. I was sadden the other day I went into Wallmart(very seldom do I go there) they took all of the fabric out and most of the sewing type things, it's like it a lost art or something. I hope to make matching aprons for my granddaughter and I someday soon.

  18. Oh Becky! Those are cute as can be! I hope you get a ton of use out of yours this summer!

  19. Becky....these are so cute! Fond memories of the peasant top back in the day for me - I remember specifically a white one with eyelet!
    Cheers for a great day!

  20. Very cute tops - you're a good seamtress. It has always been my understanding that pattern "sizes" do not correspond to store "sizes". I don't think they ever have - you have to take your measurements and pick the pattern size based upon those measurements. I saved all my patterns from the late 60s, 70s and 80s. I even have some of my paternal grandmother's patterns including the pattern for the last suit she made me in my early teens in the early 1960s (unfortunately I don't have the suit anymore). Fun post!

  21. The blouses turned out GREAT Becky! I'm glad you two had such a fun time sewing together.

    Thanks so much for letting me know the name of the flower. I just love the big blooms on the Candy Tuft. Can you break those up and spread them out? I'd like them to run along the flower bed.

    Thanks for the info. on sizes that's always good to know.

  22. Becky,
    These tops are adorable! I love gingham and cherries :) I made some of these tops years ago and I am sure I have the pattern ... I will have to look. I seem to never throw anything away!
    Thanks for sharing!

  23. oh my word, those might just be the cutest summer tuinics I've ever seen! I adore those tops!

  24. Those are both so cute! You all did a great job. I love how they look vintage and fresh at the same time.

  25. Becky, they are so cheerful and CUTE! You will look so darling in them! Love the fabrics!


  26. Adorable! I think I have that same red cotton gingham in my stash:>) I had a red gingham peasant blouse in college (hmmm, even then I was a fan of red, and gingham!) I loved it then, and now they're back!

  27. That is just toooooooooooooo cute.... What a joy you are to others and what a lucky girl she is to have a woman like you in her life.. Enjoy your time spent together and do not forget to share what ever else you make....... I HATE sewing!

  28. I love to sew. It's just so satisfying to make your own unique creation. Both of those tops are cute and I love the vintage pattern. Wow only .40! Patterns are certainly much more expensive now! Thanks or visiting my blog the other day and leaving a sweet comment.

    Susan and Bentley

  29. Very cute! You just got me in the mood to bring out my Janome machine and sew some summer tops for my grand daughter! Thanks for the inspiration.

  30. Becky,
    Those tops are so the fabric :)

  31. Becky,

    The tops are so cute. I'll take one of each ; )
    I bet they'll look really cute with a pair of white capris. And don't forget the red flip flops.

    I'm glad you had this special time with your Miss K.


  32. The tunics you both made are so cute! And colorful! I like the band you added on the bottom, too.

    It is such a good feeling to sew a piece of clothing. JoAnn's is great. I went last week and stocked up on thread and hem tape that I needed. Oh yes, I did purchase a piece of fabric, too. :)

  33. They are soooo cute! I wanna make one!


  34. These are adorable! Just perfect for Summer with seasonal slacks, shorst, capris...I so envy your sewing talent! I have tried, beieve me. NO talent for it I am afraid!

  35. Becky those are so cute. Butterick
    also runs real small too. I love
    all those old patterns and I probably have that one. Between
    my sister and I we have more than
    the pattern companies.:O)

  36. I knew I was going to love these. What great fabrics, and you must have had such fun sewing together. I wish you could come over and help spruce up my machine sewing. I discovered how rusty I was when I made my heart this week. I need to practice my curve sewing! Enjoy your new tops. You'll be turning heads if you go out wearing them together.
    PS My word verification for this post is 'chemon.' Does that sound like a delicious dessert to you? It's only breakfast time--I'm in trouble. Maybe it's a beautiful sheer fabric instead. Chemon' Couture~said in my best French accent.

  37. Your tops are adorable. It's been years since I've sewed for myself. I think I will definitely have make up one of these. Enjoy your sweet family time. btw, I heart Mr. Janome, too. ;)

  38. I love how your peasant tops turned out...they are so adorable! And the fact that you two girls worked on them together is priceless...Isn't that amazing about the sizes? I have totally noticed that too with the older patterns.

    Take care, Carrie

  39. Sooo cute! It made me want to sew again. I have stopped doing so many things I used to love to do. I love the material you have used...and you are right. No one has one like yours!! LOVE it.


  40. The tops are sooo cute!
    YOu did such a great job and you're right its nice to sew when you have a one of a kind. That doesn't happen often in shopping thats for sure.
    Love the fabric.

  41. Wow...cute, but I didin't realize the size change!!!


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