Monday, February 22, 2010

Road Map

IMG_2779 Sometimes the road we travel is uncertain. We may not even know where it may lead us.


And sometimes we feel as though we are walking alone on our journey down this road – this road called LIFE. There may be times that we would like to share about this journey we have taken, but perhaps may ask ourselves if anyone even cares.

We may also say, “do I realllly want to involve others in my predicament? Should I? Could I?” But maybe we just really don’t want to dump our worries or situations out on the table – afraid that we may appear weak or even vulnerable. Or, plain and simply, we may fear rejection.

IMG_2773 Just remember, no matter how much we may think we are alone in our thoughts and troubles, just know that there are others on earth who understand and who care. As faint as the reality may seem, we all travel this road in many similar parallels.

We are not alone. Never feel that there isn’t a friend or loved one to turn to.

Most importantly, God loves YOU and me and wants us to be happy. He cares for us. We just need to remember to put our FAITH in Him and know that He walks each step along this road with us. FAITH is of utter most importance. Listen to your inner self and know that when the little voice of reasoning is speaking, it is important. Follow through with the thought, the voice of reasoning – you will never regret it. This little voice is our travel guide – the most incredible tour guide in our journey called life.

FAITH is a road map - All aboard!

Luke 1:37, “For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.”

Photos by Mr. Sweet Cottage Dreams.

My darling husband captured these photos when on a drive with our youngest sweetheart son. These are photos of the foothills that are about 30 minutes from our home. They foothills are part of the mountain range between the central valley of California and the Bay Area. All of our rain has given these hills such beautiful jewel tones. They do look a bit like hills of Ireland!


  1. I couldn't agree more. Every time I feel uncertain and take that moment to think, things seem very clear and circumstances completely turn around for me. A beautiful true post, that I know for sure ;)

  2. That is so true dear friend! Sometimes it's easy to forget that we will always have the love and support of our Savior. We tend to get caught up in all the muck! Marcia

  3. I heard this saying once, "Faith is being uncomfortably content", go figure. God is good, isn't he? Proverbs 3:5.

  4. So True! Thank you for the reminder! Even the most faithful need reminders now and then. :)


  5. aw! very nice! when ever i get down i alway remember that millions of people out there have had this exact same emotion before and i am not alone. beautiful pics--looks like cape breton to me

  6. it is amazing how quickly we can forget that He is there with us and He wants to be. thanks for the reminder. beautiful post and photos.

  7. Very true indeed, Becky. Thank you.


  8. God is with us every step of the way, but for some reason we think sometimes that we are travelling alone. Our path here lately has had some rocky places and I lay awake at night trying to solve them. Silly, I know. The pictures are just beautiful, so serene!

  9. What a beautiful post Becky. The words and photos are perfect with each other.

  10. Such beautiful words and very lovely pictures...there is so much truth in this post...thanks Becky for helping us to remember we are never alone no matter how lonely we can sometimes feel...As you said Jesus is always walking along side us..thanks for sharing God's is so powerful...

    Have you received your package?...hope it wasn't delayed

    Blessings on your day.....

  11. Somedays that road looks very long and hard, but with time, sometimes just one day passing, I can find my way without uncertainty. Having someone to turn to makes it much more easy.

    Beautiful post, Becky.


  12. ......and it's when we're feeling most alone that we can be even more sure of God's presence.

  13. Good Morning Becky,
    Beautifully written!. You have a friend in the lord and a friend in me. Our lord is good and kind and does listen (we know that for sure).
    Big, big hugs and I hope you are doing well.

  14. Wonderful photos to go along with will carry me through~a tough week.

    The journey is a tough one...but so worth the bends,twist,and forks in the road :)

    Hugs Sheri

  15. Sometimes it is hard to stay on the path. In a world filled with hardship and worry, it is so easy to stray. Thank you for reminding us of our Lord's love and compassion. We need His word every day.

    Susan and Bentley

  16. Wonderful posting! So thought provoking and true.

    Blessings to you!

  17. What beautiful words and gorgeous photos!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  18. Such true words...such wisdom in are such a gem. Are these photos of Ireland or somewhere near you? They're beautiful! Thanks to God for his wonderful creation!

  19. The photos are lovely! What an awesome Creator! Faith is the Best road to be on! Thanks for sharing!

  20. beautifully said! Words to Live by!

  21. i thought it was ireland! such lovely, soft
    hills. i am a complete sucker for a hill.

    i love that He owns all the cattle on a
    thousand hills!


  22. Beautiful post and pictures! Without my faith I don't know where I would be today without my sweet Amber and I know you feel the same about your Jordan. I think of you often :)
    Blessings & HUGS!

  23. Thanks for the reminder. Wonderful post. And your husband's pictures are beautiful. I thought they were from Europe. Love & blessings from NC!

  24. i love this time of year and seeing all the hills turn green ... it is wonderful to see .. i love the drive around the san luis reservior when i have to travel up to the bay area ... such stunning beauty ... this reminds of that area

  25. Oh this is the best time to live in our part of the state. The hills and fields are such a gorgeous Irish green.

    Your words are even more beautiful than your pictures.

    I have to laugh - the word verification for this comment is "holycol" Think someone is trying to tell me something? :)

  26. These pictures made me homesick for California. Beautiful! Great post about faith. Inspiring. Mimi

  27. Thank you for this special post.....Dianne

  28. Beautiful post Becky and ain't it
    the truth. That is Southern slang
    for "your right". We all tend to
    get caught up in a fast pace. We need to slow down and smell the roses.God is Good...:O)

  29. So very true dear Becky. God has never failed me in my times of need and He is so faithful. I believe that God also wants us to be there for each other. Love for one another is one of the most important lessons he teaches us.

  30. I so agree! Hi Becky!

    Its' been so long since I commented , but I stop in all the time, your posts are so beautiful sweetie! After a long busy winter, I plan on carving out a little more time to visit and comment too, I'm sure you know how it is :) Thanks for always putting a smile on my face and leaving such heartfelt posts too! I hope the winter is finding you healthy and happy hun!

    Much Love, Cynthia xox!

  31. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful post Becky!
    ♥, Susan

  32. Wonderful post Becky! 'Faith' it's everything! I did think these photo's were from Ireland. Just beautiful! Thank you.

  33. Boy, did I need to see this post today, Becky! Things have been a bit hairy around here for a while, and this truly hit home. Thanks for reminding me.
    On a lighter note, when I saw these hills, I thought of how we saw them for the first time on our way to Mountainview a few years back. I thought it felt like I was in the Old Sod- gorgeous hills!!! What beauty there is in this land.
    hugs, Sue

  34. Thank you sweet one for sharing these beautiful photos and thoughts ~ it is what we all need to hear!
    Love ya,

    NEBS & the Gussy Dog

  35. Becky,
    What a beautiful post. The photo's are breath taking. The tree standing there all alone. WOW! Your hubby did a great job. I did think the pictures may have been taken in Ireland. I was so surprised. And you say this is only a few minutes from your home. Just beautiful! Your words as always so inspiring.
    blessing's to you,
    Numbers 6:24-26

  36. What a truly beautiful post sweet lady...I think about you so, so often. I saw two scotties last week and immediately thought about you!


  38. This sweet post brought to my mind one of my favorite verses--Isaiah 55:12. "For you will go out with joy,And be led forth with peace;
    The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you,And all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

    Even though there aren't many trees in Mr. Sweet Cottage Dream's photos, I see those hills singing God's praise.

    Please reach out to me anytime. Mr. H and I have been moving his parents here this past week. The movers bring the furniture today. One more week of work, and then I hope we can settle into some kind of normal with them! It has been hard work but I have seen MANY answered prayers for how it has worked out so far.

    Thinking of you and sending hugs,

  39. Oh my goodness.........I gasped at these pictures....what glorious scenery! How lucky you are to enjoy such beauty.

    Thank you so much for coming and for your sweet comments.....especially about my Mum. :-) She really was precious.

    And, your strength amazes me. How could we go through such losses without the Lord? I always leave your spot feeling uplifted. What a positive example you are....

    Huge hugs,


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!