Thursday, February 18, 2010

Beach Time With Duhgall and Fiona


Our favorite thing to do is to go to the beach. We love the smells that the ocean brings.

We cannot run free on this beach as there are leash laws in place. But that is ok because the surf today was HUGE...and there are signs all over the place that warn us of rip tides, sneaker waves, SHARKS, etc.

We are happy to stand back and just watch the waves crash down on the beach.

Did you hear about the rogue wave that crashed into a crowd watching a surf competition in California? This is what the ocean looked like that very day. Amazing!


“LOOK at that HUGE wave, Fiona!!”



“OHMYGOSH!!!,” (and use your best "valley girl" California accent) says Fiona, “I know that we need to be groomed and bathed, but I am NOT going anywhere close to that water!”







Watch out birdies!!!

“Hmph,” explains Fiona, “do you think they are looking for heart rocks like Maw?”


“I tried to help, Maw….just look at my tongue……awwwwwwwwww!”



…..that sister of mine……..geeesh!


Thanks for coming on a little stroll with us.

Today was a reflective day for our family….we miss our oldest brother. But our paths will come together again…..


Photos by Mr. Sweet Cottage Dreams

Music by Incubus…for our J.Boy


  1. Oh, how I wish I were at the beach....the smells,the ocean,hot clam chowder in a bread bowl.....hmmmm.

    Thinking of you :)

  2. I love these cuties and I adore the beach! I have a custom card business and I've always wanted to make you a card as a gift with them featured - if you have a favorite it to me and I'll be happy to design something and mail it to you, Jennifer please stop by and visit me sometime!

  3. I truly love your pictures. The power of the ocean is indescribable. And, I do love your 4-footed babies. Such personalities.

  4. How awesome it would be to live near all that beauty! Duhgall & Fiona are loving it! I hope those blue skies and crashing waves brought you some peace today, Becky.

    Thinking of you...


  5. Beautiful pictures Becky! You're so lucky to be able to go to the beach. And even though your angel couldn't be there in person, I'm sure he was there with you.

  6. I read the story about the big wave wiping out the spectators at the Mavericks sruf contest. I guess they were there for the thrill and definatley got one! I'm with Doogs and Fiona, no surfing for me.

  7. Beautiful photos!!! Love the one of the doggie foot prints.

    I still can't imagine how you get through each day, you are such a strong woman and I'm sure your faith really helps you along the way. I know faith helps me through difficult times. You are such a great inspiration, and I'm thankful that you share this with us.

    xo martine

  8. i love a winter beach...thanks for sharing

  9. A walk on the beach, something I long to do. But no beaches anywhere near my neck of the woods! Thanks for taking me along to see the surf. Always enjoy seeing the blog dogs.

  10. The ocean is just amazing! I have never seen waves like still my heart! Glorious! Love your sweet dogs and the fun you have! Thank you to the Mr.! I love these photos! WOW!

  11. The pictures of the ocean and the babies are beautiful!
    Thinking of you and your family. The only thing that gets me through some days is knowing we will all see each other again :)
    Blessings & Big Hugs,

  12. Thanks for taking me to the beach today! I love the pictures, they are beautiful! We just returned from a Disney Cruise and we are missing the sound and beauty of the ocean. I also love your little doggies!
    Have a magical day!
    Love, Brenda

  13. Beautiful pictures!! Ah, to be at the beach right now. Makes my mind wonder.... and wonder....

    Stay safe!

  14. Sweet Becky, those photo's are just beautiful. I could almost smell the ocean and feel the salt spray on my face! What fantastic photography!

    Those two little dog's are enough to make anyone stop and stare! Adorable!

    Patrick and I used to take Winnie to the beach. We would walk and she would run circles around and around us until eventually she would just simply drop from exhaustion! What fun it all was!

    Hugs and love,

  15. P.S. As much as I love other places, I don't think I could live anywhere that the ocean was not within a close proximity. I feel like I can't breath if there is no ocean and no mountains to look at in the distance...with snow in the winter, of course!

  16. Wow! Those are mighty amazing waves and, yes, I did hear about that rogue wave. Good thing that Duhgall and Fiona are good little pups and stay happily on their leashes. They look appropriately awed, too!

    I'd like to send you off to Letters to Emily by Lea to read her February 16, 2010 post. I think you'll appreciate it so much.

  17. Since you have an approval system, I'll give you the link:

  18. We were above Big Sur over the weekend...HUGE waves! Very fun to watch and even my hubby who is an obsessed surfer was like no way would I get in that water:) We kayaked in Morro Bay on Sunday...82 degrees!!! So wonderful!! I hope you are enjoying our good weather...I think it is going to change soon:( Love the pictures...sooo cute...the wave pictures are great!! Have a wonderful day!!


  19. Beautiful pictures Becky. Love your little Scotties! I'm sure mine would love to have an adventure at the beach! They can't wait for Spring when all the snow melts. It hinders their smelling!

    Take care.

  20. Hi, sweetpea, I love your photos but noticed they look a bit "sharper" than normal. I love the look and just wondered if you did and if not, what type of camera you are using. Good job, chickee! Just love the look you've achieved.

  21. What beautiful photos of the beach.
    Your little doggies seem to be having a wonderful time.


  22. What a beautiful day at the beach - I can't get over the fact that Fi is a young woman now!! Your Scotties are gorgeous. And I'm glad you had some family time to reflect on your past year.


  23. Beautiful photos Mr Sweet Cottage Dreams!!
    Those waves look stunning i bet they sounded amazing...i adore the sound of the sea. When the sea is rough here we can hear it in the courtyard!
    Miss F and Mr D are divine...if only i could have a wheaten Scottie... they just dont have them in England ;(
    Hugs Emma xxx

  24. Your little black dog looks like Sadie, the dog that won best in show in the Westminster Dog Show on Tuesday night. Such a cutie. Both of your dogs are adorable. Glad you enjoyed the beach. Love & blessings from NC!

  25. What a wonderful time you're having with your precious fuzzy faces! What a beautiful place and the water, although scary, is really very beautiful!
    Continue to have a great time.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Oh, I love to walk on the beach! I'm going out to CA to work for several weeks in April and can't wait until I can take one of those walks. The dogs are adorable and those!

    I forgot that you once asked how tall I am - I'm 5'9" - so you've got company!


  27. Your day at the beach looks like fun!

  28. I never cared for the ocean until my baby boy died (22 years ago). After his funeral I visited a friend in Florida and we walked hand in hand along the beach, neither one of us saying a word. We didn't have to.

  29. I can just hear the ocean crashing while seeing the pictures, how I envy you. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the ocean but its 4 hours away, so we get to go once maybe twice during the summer, not enough.
    Love this post!

  30. the beach pictures are just beautiful! I'll take those pictures over all the snow pictures I've been showing any day! I LOVE the's about a 4 hr drive for me, but I do love to go.....
    I loved the song Becky...of course I knew it but never closed my eyes and really listened to it like I did just now. My heart aches for you....and I so admire your faith and strength.

  31. Ah, the beach....very restful for the soul. I hope you felt close to "J" today....he was there I am sure. Big hug!

    Incredible Photos you two!

  32. WOW Becky~ That is one mean ocean.
    I don't know why but I thought of
    salt and pepper shakers when I saw
    Doogs and Fiona.They are totally
    just too darn cute. They forgot to
    wear their bikini...oooo:O)

  33. Hello Becky, you seem to enjoy the beach. It always seems to me so controlling and I am fearful of the water. I like a little stream or brook. I just wanta say "good thing Fiona and Duhgall went to the beach with Mom and Dad instead of the Dog Show". It just left a little room for Dear Sadie to win the show. Thank you, Fiona and Dugalls for being so kind not to enter the show this year.
    We know one of you would have won if you did not go the beach with Mom and Dad. XXOO sandi

  34. Makes me homesick for California. Beautiful pictures, adorable doggies. Mimi

  35. Beautiful pictures,Becky. And a special reflective time for you.

    Did Duhgall and Fiona see their "cousin" Sadie win the Best In Show at the Westminster Dog Show the other evening?! Couldn't help but think of your sweet ones!!

  36. What a great walk on the beach. Loved your post. You must have been applauding when Sadie won Best in Show! I know I was.

    Susan and Bentley

  37. Rosie wants you to know that she loves to go to the beach too - always on a leash. She doesn't like the water at all, but is very curious about waves. Rogue waves though........another thing altogether!

  38. becky,

    just wanted to say how happy i am
    that you found all the valentine rocks
    and especially the most special one.

    my prayers are with you.


  39. becky,

    just wanted to say how happy i am
    that you found all the valentine rocks
    and especially the most special one.

    my prayers are with you.


  40. They are so C U T E.

    Not quite as C U T E as their Mommy (you) but yeppers, they are C U T E.

    Gorgeous pictures of your ocean.

    (((((((((love you))))))))))


  41. What brave Scotties you are to stand by those magnificent waves. You were smart not to venture too close as well. I'm glad you had a special day at the beach too. It's one of my most favorite places to go for healing time.

  42. Thank you for taking me on a trip to the beach. We are up to our knees in snow here in Michigan and a look at the water is just what I needed!

  43. Oh my gosh...what awesome pictures. Those little cutie pie puppies are just so adorable! Hopefully they brought you peace, along with the beautiful beach!


  44. Powerful pictures of the ocean Becky. We have the mountains here but missing the beautiful surf. Your Duhgall and Fiona look very smart in their matching collars and leashes. Peace to you Becky.

  45. I would love to walk along that is so beautiful...I haven't seen the ocean but just a few times at Galveston... every time that I have had the chance to though it bought such a serene peaceful feeling to me...such a wonderment of Gods creation....the dogs look as though they were having a very good time....I wanted to let you know your package is in the mail. You should receive it in a day or two as I sent it priority mail....have a blessed weekend...

  46. Stunning scenery....and such cute little poochies!

    Warm blessings,

  47. beautiful post, becky. thinking of you and happy you have these busy little pals to lift your spirits when needed.


  48. What big waves! I am still looking at giant piles of snow everywhere. Oh will spring ever come?
    Have a wonderful peaceful day.
    jean in Virginia

  49. Oh what a fun day you must have had with the furry ones. Thanks for taking us along. I always enjoy my visits with ya'll.
    May your Sunday be Blessed.

  50. From one valley girl to another, I haven't been to the beach in like, soooo long. I totally need to go :)


  51. Gorgeous pictures!!!! You are so lucky to live near that kind of beauty. The dogs look like they really enjoy the beach. We have vacationed at Destin, FL the past two summers and I really enjoy it. This year it's back to the mountains.

  52. Wow I don't know what is more impressive? The waves or your pictures of them. Beautiful job!

    Your little ones are to darn cute. I bet they could get away with almost anything. Just look at those faces! To cute.


  53. The surf is just GORGEOUS! How we wish we were on Nantucket!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  54. Two of my favorite things...Scotties and the Beach...what a beautiful day for you~ spititually, emotionally and sandy!

  55. Kipper is sooo envious that you two got to go to the beach!!
    We were just at the beach in Florida but Kip had to stay home! *sniff*
    Please tel your Momma that I send love and hugs her you two too!

  56. Oh how they LOVE the beach ~ snarrfling in the sand, finding all sorts of things NOT to eat ( yes Gus we mean you!)

    Alas, Angus sits by the sea here, waiting for FIona.....poor Gus.wrong ocean.duhhhhh!

    Love you you angel and those delicios little sandy smelly furbabies ( even when they are their dirtiest, they are irresistable)


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