Friday, October 2, 2009

So Much Quilting Inspiration!!! Alden Lane's Quilt Show

Howdy Do! Care to join me in a stroll through majestic oak trees, beds of colorful flowers, pumpkins galore and quilts falling from the sky? Well...come along.....hop on the train....toooot....toooooot....chuga...chuga...chuga...
...Off you go...we have arrived at Alden Lane Nursery to partake in their annual quilt show!
Not only does the nursery look like a French Manor house....
....but today it is all dolled up with beautiful handmade quilts.
The nursery is getting in the mood for fall, however I won't even believe it is Fall as the temp is at a mere 105!
...But we can just believe....
....and be happy to just be here to take in all of the beauty that surrounds us.

My dear friend, Miss Jean, invited me to share the day with her. Being as this is only the second quilt show I have ever attended, I was eager to see what was in store for me.
Beauty in every the flowers....
...and in the trees! Remember your mother telling you that your handwork must be as good on the back as it is on the front? These are the backsides of the quilts and I think they look pretty good! Don't you think so?
There were quilts displayed from high above.....
...and just below these gnarly old oak trees.
Color everywhere....
...from the decked out old painted tubs... the Japanese Maple trees beginning to turn their fire red for fall.
And the sun just shined down on us....
....just typical California weather. Above is a delightful quilt of our golden state. Such detail and made to look like a topographic map - unbelievable!
Soft and pretty palettes of desinger Joanna Figueora.

The above quilt is up for grabs! Jean and I bought a few raffle tickets for this beauty! I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed to win this one! ....sorry Jean...but I really would love this quilt...see the cottage...'nuff said....
This pretty quilt looked like old hankies ... so sweet.

Jean getting frisky with a pepper....still smiling in the heat!

No matter how hot it was outside, it was still an amazing day with amazing pops of oranges, reds, blues....
...and just a rainbow of colors.....
...that are from God's hand. HE is so talented.... are each of these women who created these wonderful quilts.

.....I threatened to run through the fountain.....
...from the heatt..t...t..ttt...ttt..ttttt.........ttttttttttt.ttttt....t
....but I didn't want to embarrass Jean....or get arrested.
This swing looked like fun!

We did get to meet some quilting
Alex Anderson!!!! (I used to get off of graveyard shift, come home and watch Alex's HGTV show Simply Quilts before going to bed). Above Alex and her husband, John, smile pretty for my camera. (note: the pics of Alex, Jean and I did not turn out. ** insert frown here **). They are such NICE people, too!

Above Jean and Joanna Figueroa smile pretty!
Joanna is another celebrity quilter and designer and so very sweet!
Here we are as a group. was so hot and we were mellllttttting....
...and an ice cream cone sounded really good about then...

.....Jean and I scored one at McDonald's a short time later...

Well...that is it for now....but isn't this tub just the cutest?

Have a sweet weekend.

Thank God fall is here!! ..finally....cooler weather...ahhh.


  1. What a beautiful quilt show. Is it in Modesto? I love that ice cream quilt too!

  2. I took a class from Alex Anderson...she lives very close to me...what a great teacher! This looks like a quilter's and flower lover's paradise! What a privilege for you to go there, and have so much fun! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures...almost felt like I was there with you!

    God bless!

  3. No kidding on the cooler weather! Holy. Cow.

    Your pictures turned out nice. It looks like you had a lot of fun, you're two cuties. Missed seeing you.xo

  4. Mom was smiling throughout your entire post! What beautiful quilts and flowers!
    Our favorite is the ice cream cone quilt!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Gorgeous Becky! I have recently become completely enamored with the idea of quilts and now I see one I want to make everywhere I turn. I would love to find a quilt show to attend, though not in 105 degree heat! I guess I should be grateful that it is in the 50's here...and raining. Have you ever made a quilt? I would have buying raffle tickets right along with you and Jean for that beautiful quilt they were giving away:>)

  6. What great looking quilts! Have always admired those that are so talented at stitching. Looks like a great day... well, except for the heat.


  7. What a great day trip. And the ice cream quilt was really cute -- I've never seen one like that before. I wonder what flavors were there???

    I can't imagine heat like yours right now; we've been cool here in NS for the past month. It's lovely. I hope you get some cool soon!

  8. Hi Becky,I soo enjoyed the visit to the quilt show with you and Miss Jean. The pictures you shared are all just beautiful. So sorry the weather did not cooperate for you. WOW 105,how in the world did you stand it? Thankfully our temps are beginning to feel like Autumn here in Texas....I will be making a trip to our local Plant farm soon to take in all the beauty of Fall....have a blessed weekend dear....

  9. What a wonderful quilt show. The quilts "flying" everywhere must have been such a sight to see. You got soem great shots of them. I'm always amazed at what people can do with fabric.
    I hope you win the quilt raffle ~ that quilt would definitely be perfect for you.

  10. Oh Becky I haven't quilted or been to a quilt show in ages, thank you so much for letting me tag along with you and Miss Jean. This was such a cool quilt show and the setting couldn't be more perfect.

  11. That looks like such a fun time! I would love to wander by all those beautiful quilts.

  12. It looks like you had so much fun! I can't believe you got to meet Alex Anderson! How cool is that! I think I have every single one of her books!

    It looks like you had a fabulous time!


  13. Wonderful post!!
    I laughed with you as we meandered through the various displays of such beautiful talented folks!
    all the while imagining the trickling of perspiration down my back..
    but just too excited to stop exploring and enjoying the day..
    a bra blaster accompanied by an ice cream cone..
    perfect ending for a perfect day!! thanks for sharing through photos and hilarious descriptions!!
    ♥ smiles from Denver

  14. Wow...thanks for the was almost like being there. So much eye candy. Enjoy Fall. Linda, K&F

  15. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures ... what a delightful show and I enjoyed "being there" through your pictures ... some absolutely fabulous quilts ... hopefully one year I will make it up there ... karen ca

  16. Oh what fun! All the fall colors are just gorgeous! I just LOVE quilts. These are spectacular. Glad you had fun!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  17. It looks like you had so much fun! I am a quilter and this show is beautiful! (Sorry about the heat!) I love Alex Anderson - she's such a sweetie. I've got my fingers crossed for that raffle quilt!

  18. thks so much for sharing this wonderful adventure with us...and thx for enduring the heat while you were capturing it all. Absolutely gorgeous...the nature shots do show the beautiful colors and the quilt shots certainly showcase the quilters' talent and originality...wish i could have been there!
    wow...AWESOME! it made me smile over and over again!

  19. Becky, What beautiful quilts and what beautiful photos. You always take the best pictures. It has been cooler here in my part of virginia this past week. It was 55 degrees this morning and I am a loving it. Hope for some cool breezes for you soon.
    Jean in virginia

  20. Gorgeous quilts in a gorgeous setting. We're freezing here in Utah! Mimi

  21. Looks like you girls had a great day, despite the heat. That scarecrow and his blue squirrel friend are just the cutest couple. Miss Jean and the pepper are a close 2nd.

    Those quilts were all fabulous. And how cool to meet Alex Anderson. I loved her show too, even though I've never finished a quilt. (started a couple though!)

    I'll be in touch about getting together again. Hope Miss Jean's hubby is doing better. I need to email her to. I've got so much to get caught up on now that my youngest is well and back to her happy, sweet self. I feel like I lost all of Sept. and have no idea where it went!

  22. Oh how I LOVED this post!!

    Gorgeous quilts, photos, flowers, and gorgeous girls you ALL are! Becky you look FABULOUS darling!
    ((((hugs))) So fun - I felt like I was there with you... wish I had been!!!

    Love you much,

  23. Alex Anderson in person I would have passed out from excitement.
    I never knew you use to worked the graveyard shift,sometimes I feel like I am the only one out there.

    Thanks for sharing you daytrip with Miss Jean.The pictures are just beautiful.The brown and blue star quilt is my favorite,I might have to copy that one.

    I hope cooler weather finds you soon.

    Hugs Brenda:)

  24. Hi Becky! What a fun day. Sounds like a great way to enjoy the heat and look at quilts... :) Kinda ironic!

    I love the setting though. And from your would never know that the temp was 105.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  25. I've gotten in to making quilts over the past several months. For now I am just working squares, but I hope someday to try some different patterns.

  26. What a fabulous quilt show. I hope you won that that quilt. It would look great at your house.

    I liked the ice cream quilt best. So fun!


  27. Awwww, look how cute you and Miss Jean look! Looks like you had a wonderful day -- in spite of the heat. It's so nice to see you both!!!

  28. Your pictures are wonderful. What a great venue for a quilt show! I have been wanting to make a quilt, using handkerchiefs and I think you have inspired me to do so.
    ♥, Susan

  29. Morning Becky,

    Can you believe how cool it is today? I am so so happy we are finally getting a little Fall :) I had to giggle thinking of you eyeing the water fountain. I'd have been tempted too! I saw at least two quilts that I want reeeeaally bad! What a fun show! You are absolutely adorable by the way :)


  30. What a beautiful day! I love the scarecrow in the first picture. I would have had to get my hands on him!

  31. this post is wonderful...a dear friend and quilter passed away this spring. after the service we all went to their home and flying proudly were all her quilts from the many beautiful oaks on the property. her grandson did this to honor her. remembering this sight brings tears. good tears that come from such a display of love and memories. bv

  32. But at least it's a DRY heat, right? (yeah, like an oven :o) Well, you persevered through the prerspiration to take us on an AMAZING journey Beck, and I am so glad you did!! What a gorgeous event...such eye candy at every turn! I am such a huge quilt fan, and these have completely stolen my heart! Plus the grounds there are so yummy. GREAT photos...I'm glad you had a good time despite the heat...I pray for curl-up-under-a-quilt weather for you guys's only right since it IS Autumn after all. I'm praying for us too as it was 80 degrees with 99% humidity at 4:30 this morning as hubby drove off to work...does not bode well for the day ahead...ick.

    Take care friend - it's so lovely to visit with you!!

    Hugs & Blessings,
    Becky S.

  33. What beautiful photo's - I felt like I was there with you - sharing the joy! (but not the heat!) Thanks for posting these - they're great!!! :)

  34. What a wonderful show that was!!! Being out east...I would love to have some of that warm weather. I love the quilt that looks like it has vintage hankies on it!!! Thanks for the tour!! The pictures are beautiful.

  35. This was a quilter's paradise! Thank you for taking us with you. I loved seeing it. Have a nice week. Twyla

  36. That looked like fun!
    That looks like a Manor house I stayed in, and it's in Half Moon Bay/Moss Beach.
    Yay for cooler weather!!

  37. Beautiful! What a display. A quilter's paradise.

  38. Hello Becky,
    Thank you so much for taking us along with you. What a lovely time! :o)
    Have a nice afternoon.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  39. Hi Becky,
    It was so nice to hear from you. I think of you quite often, too, and you are always in my prayers.

    It's pretty warm and muggy here and doesn't feel like fall to me either, though a cold front has been promised...

    You take such beautiful pictures! Everything looks so pretty. Love all the flowers and of course, the quilts, too.

    Patricia :o)

  40. I wish I could have been there... but I see in the pics that one of the quilts I made was there!

  41. Oh how I would have loved to have been there in person but I live in the northeast!! -- what a fabulous display of quilts and flowers! You did a great job taking us on your outing. Can you send some of that heat this way? Thanks for sharing.


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