Monday, August 10, 2009

Pretty Inside and Out

I remember my mother telling me this: "It doesn't matter how pretty on the outside you are, it is what is on the inside ~ in your heart ~ that matters the most."
Wouldn't you say that roses are pretty on the inside and out? So graceful...each all of us. Like a rose, we start out small and then bloom into our own shape and size.
I love the saying, "Take the time to smell the flowers." I try to remind myself of this, especially if I need a simple dose of cheering up. Roses are the perfect anecdote....
...there is beauty at all angles and change with the unfurling of each petal.
Take time in your day to inhale the sweet aromas of the flowers for they are only here for a moment.
Big blooms of love from ABOVE.
Pretty on the inside and out.
What is your favorite rose?

(note: The solid red roses are Abe Lincolns and the pink and yellow roses are Double Delights - my husband's favorite roses of all.)

**Have a sweet week ~~ take some time to enjoy each day.**


  1. So pretty. I love your roses and your mom is a smart woman. So kind.

  2. I love your pictures. They are so peaceful and calming to me. I have a Double Delight Rose and I have to agree with your husband.....they are beautiful.

    You have a good week. too. Love, Debbi

  3. Mr. Lincoln are my favorite of the roses that grow in my yard...but a beautiful yellow rose is always a gift.

    But, there's something wonderful about a simple gathering of Black-Eyed Susans and Queen Ann's Lace.

    Have a great week!

  4. Double delight is my favorite as well. Pretty to look at, and it smells so sweet! xo

  5. My favorite rose has always been the peace rose but those double delights are gorgeous!

  6. ANY rose is my favorite ... yours are breathtakingly beautiful. TTFN ~Marydon

  7. Very Pretty!! I love all flowers but as far as roses go I like red any red!

  8. I love them both and your analogy about blooming into our own shape and size. x

  9. Your mother is so right!! I think White roses are my favorite. I am having 2 giveaways stop by. Hugs, Connie

  10. Beautiful Becky. I love all roses. My dear sweet hubby gave me 3 dozen for our anniversary this year. One for each year we've been married ;-)

  11. Grandmother had red roses that clung to the fence around her circular driveway. I loved those roses. Often I picture her in heaven and she is tending a rose garden! Thank you for the beautiful words and pictures.

  12. Becky, I honestly do not think I have a favorite least not that I can think of. I do love AMERICA though. I trained it over my arbor and it was breathtaking. I am looking for it again..but so far..I have not found it. I love that is certainly one of my favorites.
    I think of you often, Becky...

  13. Becky, What beautiful roses. I am a big fan of the knockout roses. They are so easy to grow and bloom here in Virginia almost until Thanksgiving. They now come in several colors. I have better luck with the Knockout than any others except for Nearly Wild , which is also a great easy rose. Have a great week. thanks for making me take time to stop and smell the beautiful Roses.
    Jean in Virginia

  14. Your Mom is right, I think I am going to take her advice. Your roses are so pretty, my favorite is the red one with the white center. See you tomorrow!!!!! Have a good evening. Sandi

  15. My fave is the Princess Diana. Beautiful and smells heavenly!

    Hope you are enjoying the end of summer, Becky!

    Blessings, Misha

  16. my roses didn't last as long as i wanted them to this summer...i have 7 sisters i believe in my front yard.
    it's hard to pick one i like the most...each time i look at one i change my mind :)

  17. Hi Becky,a beautiful post...I see your beauty inside and out,shining through the pages of your blog...
    The dog house is wonderful...Doggs must be a proud owner...
    Have a blessed week....

  18. Hi Becky,a beautiful post...I see your beauty inside and out,shining through the pages of your blog...
    The dog house is wonderful...Doggs must be a proud owner...
    Have a blessed week....

  19. What beautiful pictures and what true words. I too, grew up with my Mom saying the same think, and I hope I said it enough to my own kids.This saying is truly a meaningful one, and one to remember always. I THANK YOU so very for sharing and bringing a wonderful memory to mind of my Mom. P.S. Love your blog....

  20. Very sweet post, Becky. I totally agree with your mother. Have you ever noticed how the more you love someone, the more you start to cherish every feature of them??

    Stop and smell the roses. How often we have heard that, known that saying all of our lives, but don't follow it. I do try. Time is fleeting. My youngest daughter leaves for college in 2 weeks and I feel like my right arm is going too!! I will adjust but I just don't know where time goes.

    Have a happy week!! :-)


  21. so pretty, becky! i don't have a favorite rose ... yet! they're all so pretty.

    hope you are having a nice summer.


  22. Roses are my absolute favorite flower! I love the David Austen roses- old fashion look with the romantic loose petal- and if they are pink I doublely (know that's not a word!) love them! Purchased 7 DA roses and planted them the week before my accident in June- 2 of them have yummy blossoms on them already and need to bring them inside and take some pictures of them! Thanks for reminding me!!

    Lovely post today!


  23. We all need to take some time to enjoy life. Thanks for the reminder. I bought a Peace rose this year. It's white and has had tons of flowers. I love it. Mimi

  24. I remember my mum telling me that!
    I think the rose 'Peace' is one of my faves!

  25. I love my 'Joesephs Amazing Dreamcoat' rose bush. The roses start out one color and change as they open and mature. At any one time the bush will have brilliant yellows, oranges and reds all over it. Gorgeous! Love your musings about the are so right that they are beautiful inside and out. So are you!

  26. Stunning beauty! Our mothers were pretty brilliant women weren't they! Love those old quotations!

  27. What a beautiful post this was!
    Mom loves "Angel Face"! She doesn't have it anymore because she has horrible luck with roses but it's so fragrant and it's such a pretty lavender color!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  28. Oh my favorites are called Esparansa. You can only get them at the florists shop. They are pink and green and have the biggest heads I have ever seen. And they last forever. I did a post on them along time ago. My favorite in my garden is the Tropicana. They have the strongest scent! I also love my Queen Elizabeth! I just love roses! :)

  29. My favorites are anything pink....or white...but I relaly love those double delight roses that have both:>) I don't think I can choose a favorite rose. hey are all so beautiful!

  30. Lovely thoughts with the lovely pictures to go wonder I love your blog so much!! I couldn't tell you my favorite rose, I'm very uneducated about flowers in general...but I think that my favorite ones are the ones that are printed on vintage fabrics! lol
    Smiles, Karen

  31. How lovely, bet the fragrance is intoxicating, too.

  32. Regardless how busy I am I always stop and smell my roses when they are blooming! What my neighbors think who knows!! Lori

  33. So true what you said Becky. Mum also used to quote 'do unto others' - frequently!
    Have a good week.
    Cal x

  34. What a pretty post and what a lovely way to remind us of the importance of stopping to smell the roses. laurie

  35. Oh those are so pretty! My favorites are the sterling silvers, though a rose of any color always makes me smile :) I hope that you are having a lovely week sweet friend.


  36. Thank you for reminding me about what's important in life...!!! Lovely post, Becky!!!

  37. Ummm... garden roses are the best. I'm not fond of the commercially grown ones. One year, there was a wedding for the guy who was Bill Gates partner(?)(the one who invented the mouse) at the resort I worked at. They flew in garden roses from England. They were absolutely stunning.

  38. Hi Becky,
    How lovely and beautifully written!
    I love all roses, but I would say I love a white long stem rose. I carried two long stem white roses on my wedding day,to represent two becoming one in the pure sweet love we share.
    Enjoy your day and keep cool. We have set our air to go on before we home from work, since its been so hot in Modesto.

  39. So pretty!!
    Did all our mother's say that? I think so!!
    You have a great week too!!

  40. I don't have an all time favorite, I usually have a favorite of the moment. I love the old fashioned David Austin roses. Then there is Queen Elizabeth that was developed by Jackson and Perkins in Livermore. Which leads me to Bewitched, a wonderful pink. Angel Face reminds me of the little rose nursery that used to be in Fremont and the dear little man who recommended it. My latest is Julia Child, a wonderful golden yellow. No, I didn't get it because of the movie hype. I got it last year because it is so pretty. I could go on and on, but I'll spare you.... :-) By the way, my favorite place to see roses? Butchart Gardes on Vancouver Island, of course!

  41. Your photographs are all so beautiful. I love roses (all of them) with a passion. I have lovely yellow roses, but the deer love them too, so I seldom have a chance to bring them inside. My favorite rose, though, is Fire & Ice which was given to me by co-workers at school when my dad died. Every spring when it blooms I think of Daddy and how he blessed my life.

  42. the roses are do you do it...mine aren't near as nice

  43. As a Texas gal, I LOVE yellow roses!

    Grins, Pamm

  44. I love favorite though is PINK ones!

  45. Oh, I just found your blog and the roses are beautiful!
    I love, love, love roses! All of these mentioned by other visitors are wonderful. I have to add Sterling Silver to the list!

  46. These are gorgeous! I bet they smell heavenly!

    yapping cat


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