At the station with some of his good friends. I love this photo below. It really captures the serious side of Jordan quite well.

The photo below is one of my favorites. Jordan is giving Spencer a kiss on the check. The boys were like best friends to each other.

Below is the family portrait that we had taken in November 2005, right before Jordan left for Basic Training.
The photographer suggested that the boys each have some pictures taken together and by themselves. I am so glad that he suggested this as this would be the last time we had the chance to do this as a family.
Our family wrote a letter to Jordan to have our Pastor read at his service.....I will share it with you here...
Our Dearest Jordan,
Your arrival to our world brought us such immense joy and love. We instantly had this beautiful little baby, so sweet, so soft and with a head full of dark hair.
You were a gentle little boy with precious ways about you with such a tender heart. We remember the little moments of you falling asleep in your Cheerios, helping your dad mow the lawn with your little lawn mower and asking one day, “Daddy, can a little boy come out and play with me?” Hot wheels, legos and drawing kept you busy for hours. Then out came the Gameboys, Playstations and X-Box - all of which you so enjoyed and spent countless of hours playing. As an adult you became the “expert” gamer and had three computer screens going at one time.
You would sit on Grandpa’s lap and look at bug books and were especially fond of the “farting beetle.” Grandma Carol always made sure that we bundled you up properly to keep you warm. That's a grandma for you...always making sure that your momma did things right.
You loved Blackie the cat, your Barefoots teddy bear and ABC blanket.
Your friends kept you busy and you always had a good buddy at your side. You played with Michaela and Dominic and entertained yourselves one afternoon by putting Mr. Potato Head pieces on your face. Days and evenings were spent riding your bikes and skateboarding with friends. How about the time you and Michael B. covered yourselves with mud and looked like the mud bog monsters? You loved playing nerf wars, hiding from the ice cream truck after you threw rocks at it, building forts and jumping off of Zack’s roof into the swimming pool. Of course, I found out about the swimming pool events after the fact!
Spencer always knew that he could count on you for protection. Because you were never afraid to speak up, you always made sure that nobody messed with him. The two of you would spend hours talking about music, and Spencer would be all jazzed up to turn you on to a new band - and you always liked what he liked. Spencer will always remember the 8 Monster drinks that you both drank in one day while on your road trip to Florida. Fun times were shared last summer at Big Al’s wedding. Groovy dancing, huh!? Hey Jordan, do you remember Nina? How about the time you sang “London Old Man Is Falling Down” when your dad tripped in the garage.
Your favorite place to visit was Huntington Lake, and we had so many fun times sailing, camping and enjoying life. Remember the time you had to grab the boat tiller from Spencer when he had it at full throttle?
I remember how easy it was for you to teach yourself to play the bass guitar. Your long and graceful fingers stretched so easily over the strings. We will treasure your guitars forever and Spencer plucks away at them once in awhile.
Poor Kitty - you always made sure you would spin her around on the floor whenever you had the chance. You loved your pets and were always so gentle with them.
We shared many sunsets from the upstairs windows. You loved Top Ramen, Mac and Cheese and Orange Chicken at Panda Express. For a “tasty beverage” you preferred Guiness and also liked hard cider.
Your friends and family were most important to you. Even as an adult you always made friends easily. Laughter, joking, pulling some pretty amazing stunts (that of which I will refrain from mentioning) is what made you so special and so memorable. We are learning from your friends that you preferred to be only dressed in your boxers.
Firefighting was like the icing on the cake for you. Your dream job came true. Perseverance, long talks and prayers got you through Firefighting Tech School. Your reward to yourself was your fabulous and colorful tattoo that covered half of your arm! You made so many friends in the Air Force and each one has a special story to tell about you. We have the medal that was given to you for performing life saving skills on a Lt. Colonel while in England. See, you make us so darn proud!! And what about the 125 mitigating emergency circumstances that happened in a 24 hour amount of time while you were stationed in Qatar? Commendations were given to you and the fire department staff for dealing with all of the craziness when the sand storm hit the base.
Jordan, just know that you will always be in our thoughts and prayers. Not a day will go by that we won’t think of you. Every siren we hear, every fire truck we see, every sunset in the sky will always remind us of you.
Your life is a precious, precious gift to all of us. Such a blessing! Each of us will hold a special memory of you in our hearts and souls forever. Your impersonations will never be forgotton! Fire Marshall did that with such perfection.
Be at peace in Heaven, little Jordy Boy. God has your room there for you to rest and be happy. Till we see each again, we love you with all of our heart and soul.
always and forever,
Dad, Mom, Spencer, Duhgall and Socks
He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalms 91:4
We also found comfort by reading Psalms 144
Goodnight our angel face. May you sleep with the angels in the room that was made for you by a carpenter's hands. Goodnight my sweetheart.....I will sing the ABC's to you and say our prayers. Always.....Mom-pa-c