Friday, August 22, 2008

Little Doggy Treats

I have recently been blessed with little doggy treats!
And guess by who?
Yes, blogging friends! This little community of friends continues to literally amaze me!
Debbie (My Shabby Roses) gave me this wonderful old scotty dog print. She said she found it and new I would love it - and she is right! Doesn't he look like my Duhgall? She also made a sweet key chain she made with an old dog card, however I didn't get a picture of it.
The scotty picture will end up hanging out with the other scotties on the wall below.
Now there is another wonderful lady by the name of Jean who lives in Virginia. I am sure many of you have been hugged with comments from her as she loves to visit blogs. Jean has a little Maggie and also collects scotty things....a kindred spirit!! Jean sent me a lovely card and inside were these sweet treats ~ this darling vintage scotty towel and pin. I have since added the pin to a little pillow with the other small collection of pins I own.
Just check out this cute vintage scotty pull toy! I had spyed it on LeAnn's blog - before she made the switch from pink to blue. I even think I might have commented on how cute it was in her kitchen...yup, it is sooo cute! LeAnn surprised me be sending it to me and now he hangs out in my kitchen.
Thank you Debbie, Jean and LeAnn for blessing me with such sweet treats. My heart is so touched by your gracious kindness!


  1. Becky, you are so welcome for your little goodies from Virginia, and Thank you for the kind words. You are a special lady and it was my pleasure to thank you for the enjoyment I have gotten from your blog. Your treasures from the other sweet ladies are fantastic. What a great Scottie print to add to your collection. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.
    Jean in Virginia

  2. Ahhh how sweet! Your a lucky girl and so loved! LeAnn was the first person to welcome me to blogland and I was so excited when I got that first message, so I have a special place in my heart for her she is a sweet lady! We make such good friends through our blogs!

  3. I love your scottie wall of pictures. :-)


  4. Don't you just love the ladies in the blog!!!!!! Your little gifts are so cute and such a speacil treat! Enjoy..........

    Have a blessed weekend....

  5. Oh I've always loved "dog walls!" Yours is just wonderful!

  6. hello! I am happy to come across your blog especailly when I notcied john mccain has your vote, he has mine too! I love it! I don't know if you have ever heard of mark levin? I was on his show the other night!!Ilove all your pretty things too!

  7. I think your pull toy looks right at home. I am so happy you like it. Scotties are the cutest dogs, well and schnauzers too of course.


  8. oh yah, I am having a giveaway so please come by!

  9. Wonderful Scottie print. Love your displays.

  10. Oh my, that was so sweet. I know you feel loved.

  11. I think bloggie friends are the best! Darling treasures from the sweetest people...hugs, Linda

  12. Very sweet Becky.
    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  13. Becky,
    Yes, there are so many very kind blogging gals out there. It was very nice of them to send you such precious scotty dog treats !! Happy dance for you.
    Warmly, Deb

  14. Thanks Becky! You are fun to buy for!

  15. Love the Scotties! My dad is from Scotland (I am a full-fledged kilt wearing highland dancing gal), so he was always getting me little dresses and whatnot with Scotties on them when I was little!

  16. Sweet gifts for a sweet lady!!

    You are just so darn fun!! and a good friend..Deena

  17. Now let me get my confused self straight -- this is a second Jean with a maggie??? I was in a gift shop over the weekend and saw and ADORABLE scotty picture -- it was 5 or 6 scotties out in a field -- I think a black and white. I immediately thought of you and Miss Jean and if it hadn't been almost $200 I would have sent it to the two of you to share!

  18. Things are looking so pretty,but that McCain picture is the BEST! love it.

  19. I adore your display of scotties on the wall! Just perfect.

  20. oh my gooooodness, i love all your doggie stuff. i actually bought some scotties today... check them out on my blog. i wish i had all your pictures! so precious!

  21. What fun sweet little gifts.
    I love the wall of scotty dogs.
    Very cute.

  22. Becky, your blog is wonderful.
    Your dog Dougal is precious. I
    have 2 sweet scotties, and I am
    interested in any Scottie
    items that you make. Your
    house is beautiful.


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