Only in California will you find a "psychedelic" moose!!! This gargantuan is in the front yard of a home in Pacific Grove, CA. It is a mosaic moose! Penny, have you ever made one like this? ...after I looked again, it may not be mosaic...just painted, but either way, it is huge and colorful!!!

Being as I have the beach music playing, I thought I'd share some more photos with you. This is the same beach as my previous post, but these were taken last fall. The locals said they have never seen the waves so loud and so noisy as this day. It was amazing to see 14-16 foot waves there and it was a spectacular site!!!! Simply breathtaking and good for the soul!

Homes at the coast are very expensive. I told my honey I'd settle for a very small cottage and I found this one tucked behind a giant hedge. Can't you just picture this with an English garden and lots of Hollyhocks and Roses?

Rocky Shores is right!

shhhh....you can hear the waves crashing....listen closely!

Doogs loves the beach - lots of great sniffing going on whilst there! He also loves to eat seaweed that washes up on the beach. This makes him sicker than a dog - literally!

A path to beauty....

L-O-V-E this house! I want it!!

...and look where it is!!!... Just a hop, skip and a jump to the beach!!!
Below is another wonderful home - I'd hate to have to clean it though!

Below is a pillow that I made. I embroidered the red work piece and added strips of coordinating fabrics in fun sweet cottage prints and some red rick rack.

It has cherry print and gingham on the back side and a new 14" poly fill pillow form.

For sale for 32.00 plus shipping to the first person who is interested. You can email me at
www.sweetcottagedreams1@comcast.net or leave a comment if you are interested.
Sold ~ Thank you, Marta!!!! :) :) :)On another note, if you haven't visited Deena at Can I Be Pretty In Pink, please take a moment to stop by for a visit. This sweet and brave woman is fighting breast cancer and it was recently revealed to her that it is in stage 4. Deena's courage and spirit sends goose bumps down my back ! Please send prayers to Heaven for her....she is a lovely lady!