Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Stop, A Stool, A Squeeze and A Prayer

Hello to all who stopped by today for a visit. Today's post is more of a random post with a few pics from around my little place. Nothing theme oriented, just a glimpse of some more goodies to share.

I rearranged our mantle a few weeks ago and probably will be rearranging it AGAIN to add some fall goodies. There is also a new little piece in my collection that I had to have because it just is sweet as can be. It is an old, well - I think it is old - but nevertheless it is a charming door stop with some great flowers in all the colors I love. My friends, Jeannie and Karen, who sell their goodies at Remember When, were selling the door stop in their space. They always offer the cutest things in their space at the shop.

Another new addition is a wonderful stool that I bought from Marsha. She covered it in a great toile fabric and repainted the legs to a Navajo white. For now it rests in our entryway.

While at the grocery store, I found the cutest little pumpkins on a branch!! Have you ever seen anything like these? I had to take a second and third look and give them a little squeeze to be sure that they were the real deal!! They remind me of a little tomato dangling from a vine. So cute! I added a few sunflowers and some greenery. Of course, the little chickens had to hang out next to the Fall arrangement.

I also want to let you know that I may not be getting around to visiting and leaving comments for a day or two. My father was admitted to the hospital yesterday evening. He has been extremely tired these past few weeks and yesterday was his worse day yet. The doctors are treating him for an infection and pneumonia. He was just getting ready to move some Larkspur in his garden and plant his flowers for spring, too. For now, he will need to rest. If you would not mind, please say a little prayer for my dad. His name is Bobby. Thank you!!! xoxoxoxo. Hugs to more for now...I am getting choked up.


  1. Love your little goodies, and the pumpkins on a stick? How sweet!

    Prayers for your daddy. My mom has pneumonia, too, and even though they said her lungs were now clear, she coughs non-stop and is miserable. Makes us sad and worried to see our parents not in tip top shape.

    Hugs to you Becky,


  2. My sister has pneumonia right now also. So let's pray for these three that we love... Oh Father we know that you hold us dear so we ask that you heal Bobby, Melissa's Mom and Allison. We love them and hate to see them hurt. We know that you are the only One who can take their sickness away. Draw each of them to you and give them health. -amen- Blessings...Polly

  3. Hi Becky, I always love coming to see you. You post the sweetest things !So sorry about your Dad. I will certainly say a prayer that God will touch his body and compleatly heal him. Then he can get back to his business of planting his spring flowers.(smile) God bless you both.


  4. Oh Becky! I'll be thinking of you both and sending you my prayers. I hope your dad starts to feel better soon. Spider will also be sending you his love-he is feeling much better, and was delighted you were thinking of him.
    Take care Becky xxx

  5. Your mantle is really pretty. I have a woodstove and am bugging my DH to have a mantle built now too. I would maybe even like an old traditional Dutch mantle.

    I am so sorry to hear your father is in the hospital! Prayers and good thoughts are being sent your way Becky. I hope you will be sharing the good news about him recovering very soon!

    Take care as I know how worry can be for yourself too.

    ~~ Heidi ~~

  6. Dear Becky, I am so sorry to hear about your dear Dad's illness...I will certainly be praying for you both! {{{HUGS}}}

    Love your pictures, as usual. The mantle looks great! Love the star...I have a thing for stars!

  7. Oh, Becky... I am soooo sorry about your dad. You must do what you need to do to be there. Loving thoughts to you and your dad. Huggies too. As always, LOVE your stuff to pieces...

  8. Becky - your mantle is wonderful as is everything that you share - and please know that prayers are going up for your Dad and I'm sending big hugs from me to you too. Hang in there sweetie!

  9. Becky,
    I am loving the roosters and the star over your mantle. I love mine and I don't know how I went so long without it....

    I will definitely put your dad in my prayers. I love mine more than I can even put into words. So he'll have a special mention tonight for sure honey.


  10. Yes, I will put your dad on my prayer list, matter of fact my dh and I are going on a weekend retreat and it is all about prayers, although I wont't wait until then to pray for him I will do so today!!Thank-you for sharing your new fun things. I work at a grocery store and have never seen pumkins like that.

  11. Sure hope your Dad bounces back fast....he is in my prayers, as are you.

    The stool is my absolute favorite. It is perfect.

  12. Prayers to your Dad for sure!I was thinking of you when I visited Four Sisters in a Cottage and saw that Amy had a lil Scotty dog prettie sell recently...wondering if you were the buyer?? LOL
    Love your pics!

  13. Becky, so sorry to hear about your Dad. I will say a prayer for him. Love your little fall decor. I need to do some fall decorating. I have a little spot near the stairs in the entry that might work. Best wishes,


  14. Oh I forgot to mention that gold color in the clear canister is raw surgar I bought it just because I love the color and after you mention it I do have that accent color around my home.

  15. i always enjoy my visits toyour blog. I hope your dad feels better soon, I will say a prayer for him:>)

  16. First of all best wishes to your Dad, and I do hope he feels good as new very soon!

    What gorgeous pictures you have today - I love your little pumpkins on a vine and the crocheted chickens - the stool is lovely and the fabric fantastic - your mantle looks so pretty with the gorgeous candlestick and I see you have needlework - and your door stop is a beautiful find! I have one that is a basket of flowers that I found at a garage sale, and it's wonderful!

    Take care!

  17. Oh I love all of your stuff Becky! Especially all of your rooster stuff!! I need to crochet myself some of those adorable hen egg covers, I'm going to have to look for a pattern on the net, every time I see yours it reminds me that I still need to look for a pattern for them.:) I love the way you have them on the vintage pot holder or what ever it is, it looks like the perfect nest.
    I'll keep your dad in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Dearest Becky,

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. You take care of yourself girlfriend. I will be praying.

    Huge hugs,

  19. I am thinking about you and you Daddy...Positive thoughts!

    Love you goodies...very sweet.

  20. My prayers are with your Daddy, sweet Becky, as well as you and your family - thanks for sharing that with us. He is in God's very big and capable hands!

    And, I love the way you make something special and beautiful out of the simplest things - that is a real gift!

    Love and Hugs dearest,
    Becky S.

  21. Hi Becky,
    I'm so sorry to hear the news of your Dad and his sickness. I will definately keep you both in my prayers and may he gain strength through the Lord. Thank you for saying such wonderful things about our booth. Was so surprised to see the doorstop on your blog. I'm glad it went to your home! Take care, Karen

  22. Your dad is in my thoughts & prayers!

  23. Always love visiting you and seeing all your sweet treasures, the baby pumpkins are too cute.

    Both you and your Daddy are in my thoughts and prayers.....take care.


  24. Becky, I am saying a little prayer for your Dad.

  25. Hi Becky

    Good wishes to you and your father. Hoping he will soon be fully recovered.

    Sue x

  26. Becky, I will definitely be lifting up your dad in prayer to return to good health soon and be back in his garden. I know we will all be eager to hear how he is doing.

    I love all your new finds. Those pumpkins on a branch are really interesting. I was studying the enlarge picture trying to figure them out before I read what you said. LOL And I squealed when I saw those crocheted chickens. Oh my gosh are they cute!!!

  27. Becky, your treasures are so cute. What great finds.
    Also, hugs & prayers for you and your Dad. We're still fighting the coughs and congestion at my house. Just staying in and trying to get well. I hope he is on the mend.

  28. I'm adding your dad to my prayers. I hope he is better today!

  29. Hope your father is feeling better

  30. Nice to meet you Becky.
    Yes, I remember your home in COTM. It's beautiful!! Thanks so much for visiting me, and for your nice comments.
    I have bought those little pumpkins on a branch before, I love those.
    I will say a prayer for your Dad too!!
    You and he are in my thoughts!


  32. I am very sorry to here about your father Becky. Hugs and prayers from us here in OZ.

  33. Bless your hearts!!!
    I lost my daddy already and I know what it means to have one. Take care. I'll pray for you guys. Everything looks precious here as always!!!!

  34. Love your mantle and I haven't seen any pumpkins on a stick! They sound cute.

    Prayers said for you Daddy. I hope he will feel better soon and be back to planting!



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