Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Things and Frog A La Fresco!

Hello everyone! I hope this finds you all doing well and having a great week!

The other day I had a little surprise in my mailbox which really made my day!! When I saw the outside of the envelope, I knew that there was something terrific inside!! ~~ On September 25th, Heather had a post for a giveaway. Heather makes beautiful jewelry and was giving away SIX pairs of her handmade earrings. The rules were to pick which one you liked the most and your name would be entered in the drawing. I really did not believe I would stand a chance to win being as so many other ladies liked the same pair I did. But, VOILA! - I won! The earrings have beautiful details in copper & the stones are perfect for fall! Heather, thank you so very much! I am going to wear them today! Green is my favorite color, too! ~~ Please check our Heather's blog and the items she has for sale. Her work is spectacular!!!!! Miss Rosie also wrote about her wonderful pair that she won, too!!

During the summer I stopped by my friend Kerri's shop, Remember When, and found this wonderful vintage "Hot Pot." I had to have it because of the little birds on the front. There is even the cutest little bluebird on the lid!! It is the sweetest little piece and still has the electric cord! I remember the old silver electric coffee pots, but never have seen one like this. Do any of you have a Whistlin' Hot Pot? Do share!!

The photo of the salad came via an email from a friend. This is food for thought....another reason I refuse to buy bagged greens....ewww!!!


  1. Hi Becky,

    Note to bags of salad greens! Yay for you on the earrings, they are adorable and I just love your little pot :)


  2. Becky,
    OMG I didn't even see the frog at first. I had to go back and look at it. EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!


    Your earrings are adorable!


  3. Becky-what a great photo of the frog!! Now, I'm glad that wasn't in my bag of salad, but still, what a cute photo!! And I love the earings too!xx

  4. Hi, this is my first time at your blog and it's wonderful. Love it and I'll be back regularly. Very cute stuff!!

  5. OOOOOOOGAAAWWWWWWD! Excuse me... gotta run to the bathroom...I just ate bagged greens for lunch!!! PPPPUUUUUUKKKKKKKEEEE... excuse me, everyone.

  6. hehehehehehehehehehehehe....I didn't mean to make anybody's stomachs go hair-wire! I do believe I would have jumped out of my skin had it been my bag of greens....LOL Esther!! Hope you feel better!

  7. I got that email too! So funny.
    I remember when I went to college everyone had a hot pot. They weren't cute like that one though!
    Can I make you a banner? I'll steal some photos off of your blog if you don't whip me...

  8. OH GROSS!!! I thought now why did you write that and went back to look at that photo. I cannot belive it. Was the frog still alive?

    Congratulations on your give~away win. I won something just once and I really treasure it as it was handmade too. Enjoy yours earrings.

    ~~ Heidi ~~

  9. Love your my earrings....we are such lucky girls.

    I use bagged greens all the time.....OMGOSH!

  10. At first glance I was wondering what the heck was so special about those greens, but after reading...YUCK! That is so gross!

  11. That poor little frog. I wonder if it was still alive. I didn't see anything odd about the picture at first either.

    Love those earrings! Lucky you.

  12. OH I use to have a teapot just like yours. I lost the cord to it so I am not sure where the teapot is I may have sold it at a yard sale. Its funny because I have seen this teapot at the thirft store and almost bought it but it had no cord either. It is pretty just to sit out so next time I come across one I will snatch it up! have a wonderful day

  13. I love your hot pot - what a sweet treasure. Congrats on winning the earrings.

    I had to go back and look at the lettuce bag - so funny - thanks for sharing!

  14. Love the sweet little hot pot, the birdies are darling.

    Congratulations on your win, and enjoy your pretty earrings.

    No more bag greens for me!


  15. I love the Hot Pot...
    It is so darn cute!
    Eww...I saw that frog salad photo before...gross!

  16. Wow a free frog!! How lucky are you - that is gross. No more prepackaged greens for me.
    Love the ear rings and what a cute whistling hot pot.

  17. oh the music you whistling hot your is grand...blessings, rebecca

  18. The little hot pot is so cute!

    I had to go back and look at the package to see the frog. OMG - how could anyone wash greens and miss it.


  19. What a super cute hot pot! Love that tiny little bird on the lid - so adorable!

    So glad you like your prize! They are going to look lovely on you! :)

    Poor frog :( Definitely gross but it makes me sad for the little frog too.

    I so want to make that pumpkin recipe you posted. I only have one bread pan so I need to get another, but it just look sooo good!

  20. I had to look several times to get the salad pic and EWWWWWW! We once had a huge locust in a can of greens! It was so disgusting!

    I Love your whistling teapot!

    Love Kristen

  21. Hi Becky, Love your little whistling hot pot -- so cute! And, eeewww, no more bagged greens for this girl!

  22. Oh yuck! That's so nasty! Poor froggie!

    Very cute little pot and pretty earrings!


  23. Congratulations on winning your favorite pair of earrings. They are truly gorgeous! Love your teapot too - I just love birds.

  24. I had to go back to see the frog, yikes!! I love that first picture very pretty, I just love visitng your site.

  25. What gorgeous things you were lucky.

  26. I'm always going to check my package veggies very well in the future. It's awful but funny at the same time.

  27. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
    I had to look twice to see that frog LOL
    EWWWWW!!!! This it too good not to pass along.
    BEAUTIFUL earrings! : )



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