Sunday, March 1, 2015

Tiny Bibles

Pitter patter goes my heart when I find an antique Bible.  Not the large ones, but rather the small hand size ones and even smaller.  The size that could be tucked inside a woman's purse or a gentleman's coat pocket.  Covered in leather, softly worn around the edges and perhaps a note or two written inside - maybe marking a favorite verse or a thought written that may pertain to a passage.  Not all are in English, some I have are written in Danish, German and Swedish.  Some dating back to the mid 1800's.  Precious Catholic prayer books, a Lutheran song book (that belonged to my great, great Grandma) intermix with the other cherished books.  For now I have about 25, but am always adding to one of my favorite little collections.  They are nestled inside an old wood cabinet with antique transferware, a crucifix, rosaries and other tiny odds and ends.  My newest one traveled back from Germany in the suitcase of my friend, Waveney.  It was my gift from the antique club that just visited my home.  It is dated 1900, bound in leather and has the sweetest metal clasp closure.

If I could close my eyes and see the person who once held these gems.  If they could take me to church with them one time and we could read from the Bibles as the minister gave his sermon.  Take me back to the simple white church with the hard wood pews and listen to the choir sing.  Show me the hands that once cradled these precious books.  

For now I am the keeper of them.  And that makes me happy.



  1. So beautiful! Love them!
    Blessings, Patti

  2. God has trusted YOU to be the keeper of those books that harken back to earlier times. They are with someone that truly appreciates them. What a wonderful collection. xo Diana

  3. Such a beautiful sentiment for these sweet Bibles and the Believers of the past. And, you have a lovely collection, too.

  4. My husband always bought the bibles he'd see at auction - he couldn't bear to think that they'd be thrown out or disrespected. Over the years we were able to 're-home' the bibles to good homes! I love how you take care of these little treasures. I don't think we ever found a little one.

  5. Hi Becky! I'm sure God is smiling knowing you have taken in these little Bibles and are caring for them! I still have the little Bible given to me when I was a little girl.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Awesome you have your great great grandmothers. Wonderful collection!

  7. Oh how I LOVE this! I love little anything, but bibles? the best!! Now you got me wanting to start collecting them Becky!!

  8. What a precious thing to collect. I have one very old Bible that belonged to a dear friend. But I think I might keep an eye out for others.

    Have a blessed week!

  9. I am glad these Bibles have a safe haven with you. I like your mention of imagining attending church just once with the people who owned them.

  10. What a truly precious collection! I can't recall ever coming across an old bible like that in an antique store, where do you find yours?

  11. I have my mom's small bible that was given to her for attending Sunday School. I also have my dad's small pocket size bible that he was given when he was in WWII. Precious.

  12. What a beautiful way to display these old beauties. These are so precious and deserve the love you've given them.

  13. Becky, they are soooo neat and make the coolest statement!

    Do you also like those cute little leather mini prayer books too?

  14. I have a few of the big old Bibles from the 1800s, but I would love to have some of the little ones.

    A few years ago, I found an Episcopalian child's Bible for my mom and gave it to her for Christmas. She'd lost the one she had when she was a kid years ago. There were some happy tears involved when she saw it, because it was identical.

    What a precious collection, Becky :)


  15. I have one that belonged to my grandfather who died in the 1930's before I was born. It has his name stamped on it...I cherish it.Love your collection!

  16. Such a sweet collection of bibles Becky! You have some very endearing ones. I still have mine from when I was a child.

    You asked about my blog update. A friend of mine and myself put our heads together and did it, I don't think you need to change a thing about your blog! Yours is one of my favorites … ever!


  17. That is beautiful! My little boy has always liked them too. He has several. I know strange for a child but he does love them.

    Amy Jo

  18. What a lovely collection you've amassed, Becky! They look so pretty the way you've got them displayed in your cupboard. And the little dutch girl has my heart. Cute!!

  19. I have never seen a tiny bible - how sweet they are!

  20. I always keep my eyes peeled for these to. They are had to find though. Love them! :)

  21. Becky, I love these, too, and I have my grandfather's from his childhood in German. I love the gilt edged pages. I have, hanging from my bed posts, the rosaries of all my relatives that have passed on and I go to sleep feeling like I am surrounded by the 1000s of prayers they said during their lives. Your cabinet with these lovely old things is fabulous. I love what you do!


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