Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cottage Flowers

I am thankful for a mother who always had lovely flowers in her garden.  I remember her standing in her garden, hose in hand, and watering her flowers in the light of the moon.  Mom was an artist not only in painting on canvases, but she had an effortless way of knowing which flowers to plant in her yard.  We have two of her rose bushes now growing in our backyard and I think of her every spring when the first glorious pink blooms bud and stretch their petals in the face of the sun.

My father loves to garden, too.  This was a hobby learned later in life and his garden is full of bulbs and beautiful perennials and annuals.  I find it endearing to visit his yard that captures the essence of his love of gardening.

As an adult, I still love flowers.   One of my favorite things in our home are the amateur floral paintings and prints that are displayed in different spots of our home.  A wall of our family room have several of my favorites.  I also adore little boxes with flowers on them; books about birds and flowers and door stops that have little florals.  And lets not forget beautiful plates and pottery with delicate images of flowers and birds.  I'll share more of some new finds in another post.

Outside, the Snapdragons, Pansies and Allysum are thriving.  All in shades of coral, white, yellow and pinks.  Happy flowers make me smile......and they make me think of my sweet folks.

Happy Spring!


  1. I love flowers inside and out, too. My mother was also a gardener..and my dad was a farmer and loved growing things in the fields. I think you inherit that love of growing things. Beautiful post! xo Diana

  2. Your blooms are gorgeous! What a beautiful tribute to your parents.
    Happy spring to you.

  3. Sweet Becky - your flowers are beautiful ! Both inside and out!


  4. Hi Becky, I love your pictures and your real flowers. I like the picture of your mom, you painted in my head, watering her flowers. :):) When I was ten, I found a snap dragon in the street. I took it home to my mom. I told her it was an orchid. ....because I didn't know what it was. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. I just have one tulip that has bloomed and some pansies that have come back from last year. I love anything floral. Gardening is in my blood!

  6. Your flowers are beautiful Becky!!! I can't wait to get out in the garden again. I can't quite yet plant any annuals but I will sure enjoy seeing yours! Your pretty floral (painting and sweet little round floral box) mantle is food for the soul.
    With both a mother and a father with a green thumb, you must certainly have two of them :)))

  7. Gardening reminds me of my grandparents, because they still had a victory garden while I was growing up until they died about 5 years ago. It also reminds me of my mom that loves to garden. I only recently started really getting into it and my mom says it comes with age, because you appreciate things like that when you get older. I've always loved flowers though.

    I love everything with flowers and birds on it too :)


  8. Oh my gosh, your flowers are already so beautiful! We've only had a few crocus so far. Thanks for the taste of spring!

  9. Those snapdragons! That is my favorite color combination for that flower. We grew some for Victoria's wedding bouquet last year . Her colors were pink and coral and they were a perfect fit. I love flowers, I am positively pining for my garden right now.

  10. I love the amateur floral paintings, too. I just can't pass them up and have several myself!

  11. Beautiful. Sure could use a little of those around here.

  12. Beautiful flowers! I can hardly wait until the weather will allow me to get out and start playing in the dirt. Weather man is calling for a hard freeze this weekend here in NC. Enough already!!! Go home Old Man Winter. ;-) It's Spring!
    Going to try my luck with a small Zinnia garden this year. My grandmother loved them and had a backyard full of them. They would make such pretty bouquet's. She would let me pick my favorites to take home to my Mother. Sweet memories. :-)
    Happy Spring to you Becky!

  13. No flowers here in the Midwest yet, but your pictures and the pretty canvas paintings make me smile. How wonderful to have such creative parents!

    Jane x

  14. Love this post. I think your flowers are so beautiful. WE are getting snow tomorrow and Saturday, so those flowers are like a dream to me. I'm okay with our seasons, though. It is what it is. I feel guilty because I care for my mother and she loves flowers, but I don't do them much. So much I would do, but so little I accomplish. Feeling icky about my accomplishments today.

  15. Hi Becky!
    I love your floral paintings and your garden looks wonderful! I just looked thru some of your cottage photos (why did I never do this before?) They were just the pick me up I needed, can't wait to go thru the them all!
    Hugs! karen...

  16. Becky your flowers are beautiful. My mom and Dad both like to garden, only daddy grew the vegetables and mom the flowers. I'm trying to root my moms Magnolia tree which came from my grandmothers. This is the third time I have tried. My green thumb is apparently only green on one side, LOL.

  17. I am always gushing when I am on your blog. I can't help it. I just like the way you mix the past with the present in a fresh way. Your rooms are simple and serene, yet interesting.

  18. Oh my goodness! I can't believe those are THIS year's flowers already! Such pretty cottage flowers. And I always admire your floral paintings and books. I'm still wearing a winter coat and mittens for our daily walk. :o(

  19. How pretty your flowers look, Becky! You make me want to get out and plant some! Probably the pansies would survive right now, though. I am still dreaming of what I want to plant in the coming months.

    I love how the books you have displayed pick up the colors of the flowers in the painting behind them.


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