Thursday, January 8, 2015

Peace And Love For 2015


Well, here we are in 2015 with the first week of the year already history.  The common thread of starting a New Year is that of cleaning, getting rid of “stuff” around the house, starting on a new leaf with health and setting goals of what to get done in the months to come.  Many bloggers are sharing just that and I have to tell you that we started off the year cleaning closets, drawers AND we are in the midst of redoing two bedrooms.  It has been bitter sweet to go through the collections of Legos, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars and Hot Wheels.  The toys that my boys would entertain themselves with in creative play for hours on end. Some Most of these are being organized and stored away, especially the sentimental ones.  Going are the abundance of stuffed animals and Happy Meal toys…and other bits.  And did I mention the boxes of fabric that seemed to have multiplied on their own?  Yea, along with my help.  Crazy how these things get put away and forgotten.  I got real with myself and donated a bunch of fabric, too.  Still to go through are the vintage sheets.  Those will get cut and sold on ETSY soon.

I have set some goals this year...and I am set on making this all happen.  

1.  Get back to creating.  I miss sewing and Lord knows I am not without the materials to make it happen.  Can someone please give me a swift kick in the butt and summons me with a stay away order from all fabric stores?


….and I would like to make more Union Jack pillows to sell online.  I have some fun ideas whirling around to make some other fun pillows using repurposed linens.  Waiting for me is a stack of vintage cutter tablecloths that would make delightful pillows.  


2.  Do more gardening.  My husband is redoing our side yard – another project we are focused on this year – and building a trellis to grow Wisteria on.  There are plans for an outdoor dining area there, too.  For now a vacant side yard waits for us, along with a few weeds.


3.  Make the time to spend with family and friends.  The past five years have been difficult – reallllly difficult – with the loss of my son and his wife,  my mother, my step father and my little Wheaten Scottie, Fiona.  Having my family over at Christmas really reminded me that tomorrow is never promised to anyone and it is important to spend quality time with the ones we love and cherish – both family AND friends.  I am also thankful for the mercy and love from our Holy Father.  Without Him, I don’t know how I would have been able to cope with everything. 


The next few weeks are going to be quite a buzz here at our little home.  But when we are done, I will dish the scoop as to what’s been happening under our roof.


Our family wishes you PEACE, LOVE and JOY this year and always.  God Bless you and your home, too.


  1. Happy New Year sweet Becky! We all need to realize how special every moment of every single day is so precious and we need to spend it with loved ones and be doing the things that are dear to us


  2. Great post and great attitude, friend. :)

  3. Happy New Year to you my friend. Time marches on and we can get so caught up that we forget to live life well. Can't wait to see what you're working on. Just left Stacey's blog and had to laugh at your oven removed comment. Never heard it put quite that way before. Peace and love to you as well.

  4. Peace and love to you as well. I hope 2015 brings you much joy.

  5. you've been on my mind lately so I thought I would swing by and see what you are up to.... Mostly because I lost my 29 year old son this Aug 2014 and as I try to get back to "normal life"now,or the "new normal"other people who have lost grown children started coming to my mind and you were one of them.... And I was thinking "if they could do it then I could do it too.....with the Lord's help of course... it's funny how now that this has happened I feel like I can only connect with Mothers who have been through this...Anyway, just wanted to say Hi. I'm also decluttering the whole house,Basement, closets, etc.. my house needs it anyway and it keeps my mind busy...
    xo Pattie

  6. Yes, the new year is certainly a time to reassess so many things. Our priorities, goals, even what we want to hang on to and what we no longer need. I would love to give you encouragement to get back to your sewing machine, I have always loved your sense of color and style! I look forward to seeing you get back to creating on a more regular basis. Happy New Year Becky, and may you find peace and blessings in 2015.

  7. I am happy to hear that you will be letting out the reigns on your creative side! I can't however, stop you from fabric purchases! I am no good at that. But I am trying to exercise control myself this year. I can't wait to see what is going on in your lovely home. I have a lot of going through things to tackle too. Especially my mother's things. Good luck... I love the idea of more gardening!!!

  8. It sounds like you have a busy and wonderful year ahead. I'm with you on the purging, cleaning, and storing away; sometimes I don't even know where to start. Wishing you nothing but the very best in 2015.

  9. Happy New Year to you, my friend! New year, new ideas, new projects.

  10. Happy New year Becky...I pray that it's full of joy, and that a whole lot of buzzing goes on!

  11. Becky,
    I remember the first time I visited your blog, years ago, and the lump I had in my throat when I read your dedication to the son you lost. I can't imagine all you've gone through and I admire your faith that's gotten you through the most difficult of times. Thank you for the reminder of what's really important in life and to be thankful for each and every day we have with loved ones. I wish you a Happy New Year and I look forward to another year of visiting you here at your sweet cottage.
    xo, Vickie

  12. Well I think you should SEW and sew to your heart's content! I hope and pray that this year brings you wonderful things!
    xo Kris

  13. Peace and Joy to you too, love! Aren't we lucky to have such weather ? I do hear that some cold stuff is headed our way. The last cold snap we had for that few days, froze my plants..and one I had raised since ..well..babyhood!! :)
    You and I share a heartache..and the holidays can be melancholy, I know mine were. I think of you.

  14. I love taking stock and dreaming about the possibilities.

    I keep finding ways to use up my considerable fabric collection--pillowcases eat yardage nicely, so do aprons. Now I challenge myself to use something from my stash rather than go shopping--and I surprise myself by finding exactly what I need. Sounds like an idea for a blog post, doesn't it?!

  15. Oh how I miss and love you! We must talk soon and catch up!
    And thank you for all!

  16. Hi Becky! I came to visit after seeing your comment on Stacey's blog post about her hysterectomy. Not something I usually say to someone regarding that, but "we have something in common"! : )

    I just completed my goals for the new year and I'm sure you will meet yours. It sounds like you've got some doable ones. I also have a lot of fabric and need to try and concentrate on using what I've got. Unfortunately, those remnant bins always call my name!

  17. Best wishes for wonderful new year, Becky. You deserve only the best from this moment forward.


  18. God bless you too and Happy New Year, Becky :)


  19. Happy New Year to you! I cannot stay away from the fabric stores either so let's not even try! I do love those union jack pillows--I even have yards of burlap with the lace. I am hoping to stitch a few for my living room. They are beautiful! Happy sewing and best wished for the new year.

  20. Happy New Year to you, Becky.
    I wish you much happiness and joy in 2015.
    Your goals for the new year sound exciting!

  21. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting so that I could find you. I do not know how our paths have never crossed before since it seems that we have been blogging for about the same amount of years. I have added your lovely blog to my sidebar blog list.

    I have done a bit of peeking around your blog and I was in tears over the loss of your son. My heart breaks for you. There are just no words. I can only think of how much comfort you must find in the heart of Mary whom endured the agony of her Son's death (our Lord and savior Jesus). The piercing sorrow only a mother knows. Yet we endure because LOVE embraces our brokenness, and still overwhelms us, giving us the strength to bear all.

  22. Such a good time of year to declutter and start fresh - clears our space and our minds so we can concentrate on the things we enjoy doing. Wishing you peace and joy for 2015.

  23. Becky, I know you will complete your goals. It seems when Becky sets her mind to something she doesn't quit til it's done, thus "Sophie's Bloomers Bag" was born. Feb. is not a good month for you or me. That is when I lost my sister 3 years ago so unexpectedly and you loss Jordan the year before. It has to be harder when it's your child, no matter what age they are. God will not put on you more than you can bare although sometimes it's seems you can not go on. I wish for you peace and motivation to get everything you want to do, done. Also I wish for ME and YOU to stay away from fabric stores, I know that's impossible but I can wish, teehee.

  24. Here's to a new year filled with nothing bit sweetness for you. You have been through so much in the past few years.
    I just lost my mother 2 months ago and we have lost several deal friends and family members over the last 5 years as well. Not to mention losing our precious dog Kipper. My heart aches for you and your pain. But I also know you are strong and surrounded by love. You will keep moving forward and enjoying the life that God has blessed us with. Sending you hugs and love, Sue


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