Friday, June 13, 2014

I, Fiona… you adieu……

For my Fiona Jordyn….
my little buddy…
my best friend.
Our angel that gave us pure love, laughter and joy!
Many hours were spent chasing after your red ball.  Oh the anxiety you had when you could not find that red ball of yours!!And that orange rubber bone!  You would shake it so hard that you would smack Duhgall up side his head with it.  He got smart and learned quickly how to take it away from you.  :)
Your eyes could melt the hardest of hearts..though you never knew any.  You were so loved, cherished and admired.  You loved us back…thank you, thank you, dear sissy.
We will miss you, wee lassie….
Till we meet up again.  You are in loving arms in Heaven now….
fiona and I 1-16-09Me and Fiona 1-16-09IMG_0481P1010064P1010119IMG_1668 P1010115eIMG_1407IMG_1501IMG_1651IMG_1615IMG_1638IMG_1618Fee at WindowIMG_2062
P1010036IMG_3523 IMG_3538Doogie and Fee at Window
Fee and Doogs
fiona june 2010 againP1010082 sitting prettyFiona and yellow butterfly
Time has seemingly slipped through the vastness of oblivion since last posting six months ago.  (wow!)   Work has been super busy (thankful for that), however I’ve just not had the wherewithal to sit down and share my heart here on the blog.  So without further hesitation..
I sit.
I write.
And of course, again, I cry.
Last October, our dear friend Stan passed away from a sudden health crisis.  (Stan is pictured in the fourth photo down).  Our family quickly became friends with Stan and his wife after meeting them when we purchased Duhgall from them in 2006.  They bred the most gorgeous Scottish Terriers!   We have spent many holidays with Stan, his wife Dodie and their family – including many litters of Scottie puppies!  In December of 2008, we picked out our second Scottie, Miss Fiona Jordyn.  Ironically enough, she and our youngest son share the same birthday.  After we lost our oldest son Jordan on 2-4-09, I debated taking on a new puppy.  Dodie persuaded me to bring her home which I never regretted.  Fiona – Fee as we called her – hurdled me over the dark times and sadness just by being her silly self and keeping me occupied in taking care of all of her early puppy needs - i.e.:  potty training. 
Scotties love their families, but will have their “favorite” person.  Duhgall, though he was a mother’s day gift for ME, has chosen my husband as his favorite.  Fiona, on the other hand, was my little shadow and she and I were inseparable for five short years.
On January 14th, Fiona crossed the bridge.  It was a genetic liver disorder that robbed her of her youth and a long life.  She was brave and didn’t even act ill until, on the 12th, she became sick and in less than 48 hours, she was gone.  We made the decision to put her to rest so she would not suffer.
I miss our girl.  She could fill a room with her presence.  The house has been eerily quiet without her here.  Even the mailman mentioned to me that when he drops off a package at the door, he doesn’t hear barking anymore.  I explained to him that it was Fiona who was the “watch dog” of the house.  The one to always put her paws up on the window sill in the kitchen window to see who was on “her” porch (as captured in the 15th photo down from the top).
Duhgall misses his little sister, too.  He still goes into the room where she slept and barks up at the bed as if to wake her up.  It breaks my heart.  They were best friends and he allowed her to be the alpha dog, except when it came to food.  He would growl at her if she tried to make a much calculated attempt to near his dog food bowl.
I know that some of you can relate to the heartache of losing a pet.  They are family. Best friends, too.
Fiona made the “Angel” page in the Great Scots Magazine, which is a page devoted to honoring beloved Scotties who have passed on.  Thanks to Joseph Harvill (editor of GSM) for remembering Fee and to my friend, Waveney who submitted her picture to Joseph.  Waveney, my very precious and talented friend, could not sleep the night after Fiona journeyed on.  In the quiet and stillness of the early morning hours, she wrote this beautiful poem:
Fi…onn.a.   Fi……  What!!?  Be someone calling me name?
At first so softly, faintly, tenderly, so distant.  Now, I hear so clearly.  Fiona…. FIONA!
The MASTER, he calls my name!  I love my happy home, but I cannot remain.
I am wanted, needed….perhaps our boy?  I am eager, my soul pants to flee, but this earthly body so confineth me.
BLESS YOU, for releasing me.  I shall not forget our bed, nor your loving kiss upon my head.
Grieve short for ME.  Rather, cherish our warm days with Duhgall at the sea.
I, FIONA, will bide patiently, until across the misty moor, each familiar face I see.  My earthly family.
Adieu, In peace…
Your Fee.
I cannot write anymore right now. My eyes are filling with tears that blur the computer screen.   However, I will be back soon.  It’s time to blog again. 
Hugs and love to my blog friends,


  1. Oh Gosh, I am SO very, very sorry.....



  2. Hi Becky,

    I'm so very sorry to read about the loss of your dear Fiona. We lost our wheaten Scottie, MacDuff, last November, and it was really hard. He was such a good-natured chap. We now have our third Scottie, Duncan, who is five months old, and quite a handful. :) They are special dogs, aren't they?

    I'll be thinking of you and hoping you, your family, and Dughall will soon find comfort.

    Best Wishes,


  3. Oh Becky.
    May God wrap you up in His loving arms and give you peace. I hurt for you, because I've been there.
    And our oldest dog is 12 now....

    The only way for me to recover from the grief when this happens is to get a new puppy.

    When our first family dog died, we got a darling puppy and I remember saying to her, "You are cute, but you are not Rocky"

    Wouldn't you know, she became just as dear in little time...

    It is hard to say goodbye.

    But JOY will come in the morning!
    (it may take a few more mornings though....)

    Nice to see you back, I've missed you. HUGS hugs HUGS hugs!

    ~ Violet

  4. Becky, I am so sorry about Fiona! It is so heartbreaking to lose a beloved, devoted and loving part of the family! And yes, they are definitely family!

    Have missed you so much. Sorry I didn't write or call - not knowing all that you were going thru.

    Prayers for you during this time. Just know that Jordan is taking good care of her!


  5. Sweet Becky. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know your home just doesn't feel the same right now. Sending hugs.


  6. Oh Becky, I am so sorry, it breaks my heart. Boy, we get so attached to those furry creatures it hurts so bad when something happens to them. I cried many a tear when we lost or sweet cat, Oliver. I was surprised how emotional a loss like that could be.

  7. My tears are flowing now, too. I can only imagine your heartache. I was so glad to see you post only wish the reason wasn't so sad. I am so sorry for your loss, they really do become best friends. xo, Patty

  8. So very sorry for your loss. I don't cry often but I am now. We lost our girl 9years ago and I am thinking of her. It gets easier with time....but I will always love her. May you have an uplifting summer filled with happy times and great memories! Patty McDonald

  9. Oh dear Becky,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Our furry friends seem to plant themselves into our hearts, and stay there for good. I had a sweet Airedale for 10 years. It was such a sad day when she left us. Take care my friend. Sending you hugs and blessings.


  10. Awww...Becky, I'm so sorry to hear about Fiona, and also your friend Stan.
    You have some wonderful photos of your sweet Fee, and the poem written by your friend was simply beautiful. Such a lovely tribute to a well loved member of the family...Such lovely word pictures for you. Waveney (such a pretty name) is very talented indeed.
    Big hugs to you Becky!

  11. Becky
    I remember when you brought Fiona home..
    I'm so sorry she was taken home so young. I have to admit I was nearly crying myself as I read your post.
    Anyone who's lost an animal that they loved understands.
    God's Blessing-Kimberly

  12. No wonder you have been on my mind so much the last few days! I am so sorry for the loss of your little girl! That is the best kind o f shadow to have Becky! My heart aches for you!
    I just brought the headstone for my Hannah to our new house. I wanted to wait till I was alone... during the moving kayos. I found a moment to say my goodbyes again... but it just never gets any easier for that.
    hugs to you.

  13. So much can happen in six months...I am sorry for the loss of Fee and for the loss of your friend. 'Scuse gotta get a tissue...ahhh, that's better. So very good that you are ready to blog again. Your blogging buddies can help boost your spirits and cry with you, too. That poem...oh, oh, oh....

  14. I feel your pain. I had to put down my furry companion of 9 years last week. She was of the feline variety, but I loved her dearly. I wept for 3 straight days and am just now coming up for air and trying to figure out how to go on. The house is so quiet and I never had a pet that I loved so much before. I hope that your remaining dog is a great comfort to you. Blessings!

  15. Becky, I'm so sorry to hear you lost your sweet little lady. I remember so well when she made her debut here. What a charmer! We will all miss her with you.
    If I could I'ld give you a big hug.

  16. I was sad before I even got to the words. I always loved your pictures of your babies. So so sorry. Way too short of a time with Fee. We get so attached. They are so deserving of our love. But, I am glad to see you back blogging.

  17. Becky, I am so sorry to hear about your friend Stan and your sweet Fiona passing. I know will take comfort in the wonderful memories you have of both Stan and Fiona.

    Sending you hugs across the miles.

  18. Oh Sweet Becky,
    I am so very sorry for your loss of your dear Fiona! Lots of love to you. {{{Hugs}}}

  19. I have missed you, Becky, and have thought of you each week as I've opened my laptop to post - and even when I wasn't able to post, but just read. I am sorry to learn that you've lost your sweet Fiona. What precious photos you've posted of her. When we lost Rosie I was pretty low - she was mine, really mine. Rory, another Cairn, came into our lives, and filled that gap. Every wonderful canine companion makes an indelible heart-shaped mark on our soul.

  20. So sorry about your friend Stan and about your little Fee. These animals...they so touch our hearts. Bless them, our little pets, our friends. Bless you Becky, love Pam xx

  21. My heart is breaking for you. I am so sorry . :(

  22. So sorry for your loss. I went through something similar when my girl passed. Give Dughall a soft hug from me.

    Sandy A

  23. Becky dear, we have drifted our different ways but I always remember. I remember the early morning hour that I read of Jordyn and wondered how you could bear it.
    Then just a few short years later I lost my daughter on February 22, 2013. We have both lost so much. My husbands, my precious daughter and of course Winnie, my little dog.
    We used to talk a lot from time to time. You knew I had known great loss..
    Then I remember when you got Fiona and I knew it would be such a comfort to you and would help. I got Mele when I had loss and it helped. It still does.
    I cry every day for my daughter. A year is not long enough and time is just not going to heal me. I wish I had her father here to help.
    I also wish I understood it all.
    I hear her voice in my head.
    I always will..
    How I wish I could help you make the hurt go away..

  24. I so get your post. I hope it helped a little to pay good tribute to your dear little shadow. What joy to think of that Rainbow Bridge... Pet lovers understand. The rest have missed something very special. Hugs.

  25. I was so happy to see your blog pop up with a new post but so sad to learn of your sweet Fiona's passing at such a young age. I can related as we lost our German Shepard, Dusty, suddenly at age 7 to bone cancer so many years ago. How we miss our fur babies! Fiona had a lovely home with you. She was so lucky.

  26. Tears are rolling down my cheeks. She was only with you for a short time but what a joy she was. May you find comfort in the wonderful memories of your sweet lassie.

  27. Dear Becky and family,
    I cannot tell you how sorry I was to see this post. When i first started blogging Fee was just a pup...I have so enjoyed each and every post she was in. I lost my Maya last November, and even though I have another little one to love, I will never forget my girl...I miss her every day. I have such a heavy heart at this moment...

  28. I'm so sorry. Pets can be such a big part of life. I always look forward coming home to mine. Take care.

  29. So sorry about Fiona. That was a beautiful poem.

  30. that poem! the most touching thing I've read in quite some time. something that you can read when times are sad. it's so hard to loose a friend- especially a furry one. May the happy memories of yours comfort you.

  31. My eyes are filled with tears too..what a sweet little puppy she was..I think I enjoyed her almost as much as you did...
    sending hugs and praying for you..

  32. Oh, Becky, when I commented that we've been missing Fiona and Duhgall's presence on your blog, I had no idea what had happened. My heart goes out to you because I know how much Fiona meant to you and your family. I know only time will ease the pain of losing him and I hope each day is getting easier for you. When you're ready to come back to the world of blogging we'll be here waiting to be enchanted by your charming posts.

    xo, Vickie

  33. There isn't a day goes by when I see Maggie playing that I don't think of your precious Fiona. It always brings a sadness to me but also happiness knowing how much she was truly loved.

  34. Becky, it breaks my heart to read your news. Your photo tribute is full of happy shots though. I'm truly sad about your loss. I've missed you! My heart goes out to you, dear friend.

  35. What a beautiful tribute to your precious 4 footed best friend. She left paw prints on all our hearts with that beautiful poem. Sending you virtual hugs, real prayers for comfort and the Scottie girls are sending up a sad arrrrooooo.
    Pam, keeper of Bonnie and Kenzie

  36. I was so happy to see a new post from you, Becky. However, I was unprepared to read about the loss of your faithful companion, Fiona. Words fail me, but I am so very sorry for your loss and the loss of your friend, Stan.
    The photos of Fiona are lovely and prove that she was a well-loved doggy. I feel for your family and also for Dughall in the loss of your beloved family member.
    I do look forward to your return to the blog world.

  37. Becky. I am so sorry for your darling Fee, but am so happy that you have such wonderful memories of her to bring a smile to you. I also know the loss of a dear pet....they are family. I also know that hard decision to end their suffering. When our Maggie was too sick.....I held her and cried like a baby in the vet's office ..... prayers for you all including your sweet Dughall. I would love to see you blogging again. I enjoy your posts so much. Take Care! Andrea

  38. Becky
    I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Fee. I am thinking of you and sending prayers for you all....Dughall too. We ended our sweet Maggie's suffering 4 years ago in February. It was the most difficult thing ever, but I loved her so and couldn't bare to see her suffer. Hugs to you. I would love to see you posting again. I enjoy your posts so much. Andrea

  39. I am so sorry to hear about your tragic loss. I also have beloved pets, and I completely understand and sympathize with your sorry over sweet Fiona. My hugs and prayers go with you....

  40. My heart aches for you, Becky. Our dogs are such a huge part of our families and leave an immense hole when they journey onwards. I know you'll miss her sweet presence. Sending hugs and warm thoughts your way.

  41. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. It sounds like you know "loss" up front and personal. I too have had quite a bit. The only good side to it is it strengthens your faith. Bless you all and I hope you find peace and happiness once again.

  42. what a beautiful post and tribute! They have our hearts - always. Until we meet again..... on the Heavenly side. A doggie and owner (Phoebe and Fiona) saved our terrior. Dog blood donation saved our pup during serious surgery - Keep your memories close to your heart oxox

  43. Gone far too soon...I am so sorry Becky.

  44. So sorry Becky...I remember when you got her. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

  45. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved pet. They become such a part of our lives that when we lose them we are lost. We lost of sweet kitty Kasey in December after 15 wonderful years. There is a loneliness for her that never quite goes away but we learn to deal with it. She loved us unconditionally and she was loved so in return. Your Fiona will always be there in your heart.

  46. So sorry for the loss of your sweet dog.

  47. I understand now why you have been on my heart and mind. I have a little card waiting to be mailed to you, before even reading this post. The Holy Spirit was letting me know you were in need of prayer. So sorry for your loss my dear friend. Blessings

  48. Dear Becky,
    Oh my goodness, I am up late tonight and thought I would so some blog reading, and noticed you had posted. I know you have been really busy with the shops. I am so so sorry and sad to read about your sweet Fiona. I know how much your family loved her. It is so very hard to loose one of our fur family. We just went through loosing both of Bernadette's boxers, it is so very sad I know. Gary and I send you and the family all our love and big hugs, Elizabeth

  49. What a sweet tribute to your friend.
    I am sorry for your loss. I've missed you and I am glad you are back to blogging.

  50. Miss Fiona, So Beautiful, So Loved. Your Sweet Spirit touched so many Hearts. May the People you Love hold fast to your Memory. Tearful goodbyes, Small Fuzzy One.


  51. I feel sorry to hear about your friend Stan and your sweet Fiona passing.

  52. Oh Becky, I am so sorry for the loss of sweet Fiona. My heart breaks for you. I have balled throughout this post and know it was hard for you. Thanks bunches for sharing these precious photos and endearing thoughts & memories. Yes, out pets are family. I believe we shall see them all again.

    So good to see you back! I have missed you dearly sweet Becky. You just warm my heart.

    Love you,

  53. I am truly sorry for the loss of this sweet little girl... I cried for you it really breaks my heart.... May your heart heal in the days to come.

    Amy Jo

  54. My heart hurts for you, HUGS!!!!!

  55. The pain of loss seems too heavy to bear. I've lost a son, and many dogs over my lifetime - although the one special dog who owned ME the way Fiona owned you, is the one that brings tears after all these years. My heart grieves with you - may God bring calm and peace to your heart. You gave your precious pet a beautiful life, no more could be asked or expected. It's the way of things, but remember you are not alone...

  56. The pain of loss seems too heavy to bear. I've lost a son, and many dogs over my lifetime - although the one special dog who owned ME the way Fiona owned you, is the one that brings tears after all these years. My heart grieves with you - may God bring calm and peace to your heart. You gave your precious pet a beautiful life, no more could be asked or expected. It's the way of things, but remember you are not alone...

  57. Belated comment - so sorry for your loss, Becky. My little guy, Spanky Doodle Sunday, (dachshund/mini schnauzer) is now 13 and has been my devoted boy through tough times so I can imagine your heartache. Love to you and your family. Love, Esther Sunday

  58. Dear Becky... I missed this post. But finding out today I send you much love. These past six years have brought some very hard times for you. You are an amazing and strong woman, and I am so happy that though it be only virtually, I have gotten to know you.

    He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows]. Psalm 147:3


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!