Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Baked Apples


With cooler temps of fall lingering in the air, my appetite for comfort foods is slowly setting in.  The other morning I decided to give my try at baking up some of the Granny Smith apples that were in the fridge.  A simple topping of some leftover turkey sausages mixed with grated cheddar cheese, a smidge of maple syrup and Dijon mustard and about 2 Tblsp of melted butter – mix it all up and place over the halved apples (seeds and core removed first).  Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for about an hour – or until the apples are nice and soft.  Allow to cool and enjoy.
I found these beautiful bowls at

and love them!  They are a perfect color for fall and the quality is very nice.  I think I need to add some more in different colors!


  1. Looks delicious! (And here I thought we had walnuts and a custard topping. ☺)

  2. Looks delicious! (And here I thought we had walnuts and a custard topping. ☺)

  3. Looks wonderful! I can almost smell them...the cool temps must be getting to me too...I'm making meat loaf tonight!! Have a great day!!

  4. They look lovely and the bowls do too!

  5. This recipe sounds delicious. It's finally cool enough to turn on the oven! Mimi

  6. I would have never thought of putting sausage on an apple. What made you think of that?

    Looks delish!


  7. Goodness, I never thought of baked apples with a savory filling! What a great idea:>)

  8. what a delicious and innovative use
    of apples. i'm going to try this.

  9. The bowls are gorgeous. Love the Fall colour.

  10. I will be right over.....
    Miss you!!!!

  11. Yummmm....
    In my family, we love GS apples, sausage, maple syrup, cheese and dijon mustard (not necessarily in that order).
    So, we may be trying this soon.

  12. Oh wow, those look so good!!!!
    : ) Kris

  13. I could almost smell those Becky.
    They look so good, uh good enough
    to gobble down a few. I love apples any way they are cooked.
    Your bowls are beautiful!

  14. Mmmmmm those sound yummy!
    Love those bowls!

  15. Yummmm...I know exactly what you mean! The cooler fall air is making me lust after comfort food too! We've been indulging in autumnal pursuits around our home, and cooking and eating has been a huge part of the joy of it! These apples look delicious, and those bowls are just as enticing! Warm hugs from the UK, Tania ♥

  16. Beautiful bowls....and beautiful photos....and wow...those apples sound uniquely yummy. Savory - not sweet, hey? Were they as good as they look? Robin

  17. What a fun blog you have - and a great recipe/photos!


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