Thursday, August 23, 2012


Yes, I love old mirrors - and not just any old mirrors – but those that have personality…
….the kind that the silvering on the back is worn and isn’t quite worthy to use to catch a good glimpse of yourself in. 
I love the details of the old pieces, like the mother of pearl inserts in the wood handle (above) the thick beveled edge on a plateau mirror (above left)….
…and the chunky old gesso frames that mirrors are often framed in (above).  And the chips and paint loss don’t bother me one bit!
Next time I will share how I am using these sweet pieces of the past.
Till then, XO.


  1. Just think of all that an old mirror has reflected....
    Looking forward to the next post!

  2. Love all your old mirrors. I have a hand mirror that belonged to my grandmother and has her monogram on it. A treasure for sure. Mimi

  3. I too love them! They are always following me home. I would love to know their history of how many "Glimpses they returned"...
    Have a fun week,

  4. Mirrors are the best. Looking forward to next post!

  5. I love mirrors too Becky! I've recently picked up a few beautiful old mirrors, but I'm just not sure how I want to display them. Maybe your next post will inspire me!!

  6. Mirror Mirror on the Wall... Becky's the fairest of them all!
    Can't believe you left us hanging; I simply can't wait to see what you have planned for all those gorgeous mirrors! jules

  7. Oh I'm looking forward to seeing how you use them. I have at least one. =D

    It just looks so darling in here!

  8. Can't wait to see what you do with all your mirrors!!


  9. Your collection of mirrors are beautiful. Have a blessed day!

  10. You have a wonderful collection of vintage mirrors. I love the one with the pearl inset..

  11. Beautiful mirrors!! Happy weekend to you! xo Heather

  12. You have a wonderful collection of pretty mirrors! I love all the detail! I have a large vintage mirror over my fireplace that I prize! Looking forward to seeing how you use yours in your decor.


  13. I love old mirrors too....I am particularly fond of old wooden hand mirrors - and that one with the MOP insets is absolutely delightful. Some day I hope to have a large enough collection to display in my bath. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve. :o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  14. I find old mirrors so beautiful too! I love the ironstone and transferware peeking through here too!

  15. What a beautiful and nostalgic collection you have. Looking forward to what you do with them. They really are pretty as is.

  16. I've always found vintage mirrors to be interesting. I like to use a group of them hanging together or mixed in among art work. The reflections of what is around them offers an artistic touch of their own. Looking forward to seeing what yo do with these.

  17. Becky I love old mirrors too. I have a round one just like your black wooden handle one. The mirroring is horrible on mine, such character. I have
    a lot of them, some in the bath and
    some in the bedroom. I have mom's
    from the early 30's on my dresser.
    It has the brush to go with it.
    My sis got mom's Lucite one. I can't wait to see how you display yours.

  18. Love your old pretty.
    Can't wait to see how you display them.

  19. I think a mirror, that you really can't see yourself that well in...would be a Good Mirror (ha ha)
    They do have so much personality.
    Probably a good story behind every one of them.

  20. You have such a knack for making the old, imperfect pieces look beautiful. I love how you've displayed them in this post and can hardly wait to see what the next post will bring.

  21. What gorgeous old mirrors. I like the old ones, too, but my hubby thinks they are kind of spooky- What does HE know?;>)xo Diana

  22. Hello my friend... it has been a long time since I stopped by here.. I have not done well the past two years but I feel that I am coming out of the darkness... I am trying my best to blog.. I so miss all the girls....... I love your old mirrors.... what beauty they beheld and what beauty till to behold......

  23. You are so talented. I can't wait to see what you do with all those beautiful mirrors.

  24. Lovely...imagine all the faces that have looked into them :) Blessings dear Becky

  25. Hi Becky,
    You have such a large collection of vintage mirrors!
    As I grow older, I can't help but think of the expression..."Mirror mirror on the wall, I am my Mother...afterall.
    Have a great weekend, my sweet friend!
    Carolynn. ;)

  26. Your blog is just beautiful and your taste is exquisite! I, too, love mirrors - the older the better. Can't wait to see what you've done with yours.

  27. Tres GORGEOUS my friend! I actually used to avoid having mirrors in my home (always scared myself when I walked by) ;o) - but then I fell in love with the old hand mirrors, and now have a small - but budding collection. Never really thought of layering them're genius, I tell ya - pure decorating genius! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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